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Bone Puppet (5e Spell)

36 bytes added, 18:02, 23 February 2023
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|summary=A flavorful cantrip for a school of magic that is criminally underdeveloped at lower levels.
|fluff=<!-- nonplagerized fluff -->
|rules=Upon casting the spell, one corporeal, inanimate corpse of your choice that you can see within range is clumsily reanimated just long enough to serve you. This spell cannot reanimate the corpse of a creature that has been dead more than 24 hours, nor a corpse of Huge or larger size, and the corpse does not count as a creature while reanimated by this spell, nor does it possess any sentience or the ability to speak. The spell ends if you cast it again, or if another spellcaster reanimates the target corpse, be it with this spell or with another spell (Such as ''Danse Macabre'').
At the end of your turn while animated in this fashion, the corpse stands up, and acts as you verbally command it, moving up to 30ft (Without provoking opportunity attacks) to a location you specify, and then performing one action you designate. The corpse can:
'''''[[Z's Channeling (5e Variant Rule) | Channel: Action; Required; Range.]]''''' When channeled, you may command the corpse once more, causing the spell to last an additional round, up to the spell's full duration. Each time you channel this spell, you may issue a different command.
|higherlevels=At 5th level, the Necrotic damage on a successful hit increases to 1d4 + your spellcasting modifier. This damage die increases from 1d4 to 1d8 at 11th level, and to 1d12 at 17th level.
|casters= Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

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