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Templar (3.5e Class)

2,018 bytes added, 22:03, 30 September 2010
Evil Vows
====Evil Vows====
'''Vow of Destruction:''' You raze every village you see to the ground, and leave none alive. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
'''Vow of Sloth:''' You exert the minimum effort possible to uphold your ideals and achieve your goals. If there's an easy way to do something, you must do it in that way.
Vow of TaintReduced actions required for all options
Vow of WrathFull round -> standard
'''Vow of PrideTaint:''' You are a sick bastard.
Vow of Greedcontagion
cause things to rust '''Vow of Wrath:''' You are a very id-dominated person, prone to kicking ass before taking names. It makes you even better at your job. immunity to calm emotions '''Vow of Pride:''' You are better than everyone else, and you know it. You know it so well that you reject their reality and replace it with your own. Once per round, you may force your an opponent within close range to reroll a die roll. This roll must be somehow related to you (such as an attack on you, a caster level check against you, etc.), but the opponent is forced to take the worst result of the two rolls. Alternatively, you may allow yourself to reroll one of your die rolls and automatically take the superior result. '''Vow of Greed:''' Everything in the world that you desire is rightfully yours. Period. You are much less scrupulous than other paladins, willing to hustle and steal to get your way. As a full-round action, you may drain the life of those around you, dealing 1 point of damage per class level to everyone within 5 feet per class level. All of these drained hit points are then used to heal you, and any extra hit points are bestowed as temporary hit points. '''Vow of Gluttony:''' If you do it, you do it BIG. You gain Powerful Build. You are permanently under the effect of an ''[[SRD:Enlarge Person|enlarge person]]'' spell; this is an extraordinary ability that cannot be suppressed or expelled by outside sources, but if you wish you may suppress it at will. Normally, this effect supercedes your powerful build and does not stack with it, but if you revert to your normal size you still retain the benefits of powerful build. Changing sizes is a swift action.
====Non-Aligned Vows====