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{{Help Wanted|Looking for feedback on these feats. Any suggestions for new Aspect of the Vermin feats would be cool, too.}}
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===Hivemaster Feats===
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The Hivemaster}}</div>
Hit Die: d8
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|1st|| class="left" | +0 || +2 || +0 || +2
| class="left" | [[#Swarm|Swarm]], [[#Vermin Companion|Vermin Companion]], [[#Verminfriend|Verminfriend]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|2nd|| class="left" | +1 || +3 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Exoskeleton|Exoskeleton]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|3rd|| class="left" | +2 || +3 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | [[#Aspect of the Vermin|Aspect of the Vermin]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|4th||class="left" | +3 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|5th||class="left" | +3 || +4 || +2 || +4
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|6th||class="left" | +4 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Swarm Armor|Swarm Armor]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|7th||class="left" | +5 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | [[#Aspect of the Vermin|Aspect of the Vermin]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|8th||class="left" | +6/+1 || +6 || +3 || +6
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|9th||class="left" | +6/+1 || +6 || +3 || +6
| class="left" | [[#Spew Vermin|Spew Vermin]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|10th||class="left" | +7/+2 || +7 || +3 || +7
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|11th||class="left" | +8/+3 || +7 || +3 || +7
| class="left" | [[#Aspect of the Vermin|Aspect of the Vermin]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|12th||class="left" | +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || +8
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|13th||class="left" | +9/+4 || +8 || +4 || +8
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|14th||class="left" | +10/+5 || +9 || +4 || +9
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|15th||class="left" | +11/+6/+1 || +9 || +5 || +9
| class="left" | [[#Aspect of the Vermin|Aspect of the Vermin]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|16th||class="left" | +12/+7/+2 || +10 || +5 || +10
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|17th||class="left" | +12/+7/+2 || +10 || +5 || +10
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|18th||class="left" | +13/+8/+3 || +11 || +6 || +11
| class="left" |
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|19th||class="left" | +14/+9/+4 || +11 || +6 || +11
| class="left" | [[#Aspect of the Vermin|Aspect of the Vermin]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
|20th||class="left" | +15/+10/+5 || +12 || +6 || +12
| class="left" | [[#Lord of the Flies|Lord of the Flies]]
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills (4 + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level, &times;4 at 1st level)'''<br/>
[[Balance]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]), [[Bluff]] ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), [[Climb]] ([[SRD:Strength|Str]]), [[Concentration]] ([[SRD:Constitution|Con]]), [[Escape Artist]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]), [[Hide]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]), [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge (dungeoneering)]] ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), [[Listen]] ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]), [[Move Silently]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]), [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), [[Spellcraft]] ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), [[Spot]] ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]), [[Tumble]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]).
Summon Swarm/Insect Plague/Giant Vermin
'''Weapon & Armor Proficiency:''' A hivemaster is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor, but will usually neglect both as he gains levels.
'''Swarm (Ex):''' deal 1d6 damage per level and distraction, takes up five-foot square. Range = 30 feet + 5 feet per level, then comes back to hivemaster and settles in square around him (does not deal damage except when sent to attack. Sending the swarm is a standard action. The swarm strikes as a magical weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and is invulnerable to attack.
'''Verminfriend:''' gains BoVD feat as a bonus feat
'''Vermin Companion:''' Like druid's animal companion, but must be a vermin
'''Exoskeleton (Ex):''' Like most of the bugs that grow on and around his body, the hivemaster develops a layer of extraordinarily tough chitin. Starting at second level, he gains a natural armor bonus to AC equal to one half his class level (round down). This bonus stacks with any other source of natural armor.
Swarm Form (Distraction, Plague/Scourge/Swollen Swarm/Super Swarm = increased swarm damage, size and DC)
'''Swarm Armor (Ex):''' The hivemaster is constantly covered by a swarm of creeping, crawling critters that shield him from harm. These bugs die off as they take hits, but are replenished daily by the colonies growing on the hivemaster's body. The hivemaster's swarm armor negates up to 10 points of damage from any source, but can only nullify a maximum amount of damage per day equal to five points per hivemaster level.
'''Spew Vermin:''' Swarm attack in cone
Hive Mind
'''Lord of the Flies (Ex):''' level 20 capstone, increases bonuses offered by hive mind
'''Aspect of the Vermin (Ex):''' Hivemaster takes on traits of bugs by taking a Hivemaster feat, which grants him additional benefits according to his base attack bonus.
*Scorpion (tail with stinger and poison, pincers)
*'''Cockroach:''' Cockroaches are persistent little bastards, extremely resilient and hard to kill (they can even survive for days after their head is cut off).
:'''+3:''' You gain an additional +4 bonus to natural armor as his exoskeleton strengthens dramatically.
:'''+7:''' Your body resists elemental damage, granting him resistance 10 to all sources of elemental damage.
:'''+11:''' You gain immunity to death effects and death from massive damage.
:'''+15:''' You are now immune to critical hits.
*'''Mantis:''' The mantis is the ultimate predator, a master of remaining perfectly still and blending in with its surroundings.
:'''+3:''' You gain a competence bonus to Hide checks equal to your hivemaster level.
:'''+7:''' You can now mimic the colors of your natural surroundings and use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain.
:'''+11:''' You acquire the uncanny ability to rotate your head up to 300 degrees, allowing you to literally watch your own back. You can no longer be flanked or surprised.
:'''3:''' As a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]], you may unleash a [[SRD:Touch Attack|ranged touch attack]] in which you spit a vile froth secreted from your insectoid digestive tract. The range of this attack is 50 feet + 5 feet per hivemaster level. This froth saps moisture from living creatures that it strikes, dealing 1d6 damage per two hivemaster levels you possess. Particularly deadly to [[SRD:Plant Type|plants]] and [[SRD:Elemental Type|elementals]], the froth deals double damage to any creature with those types. It is, however, ineffectual against [[SRD:Undead Type|undead]] or [[SRD:Construct Type|constructs]] (which do not depend on moisture for their continued existence), dealing only half damage to them.  
:'''+15:''' You can now use the Hide skill even while observed.
:'''7:''' Your froth can now be secreted from almost every pore of your body. Any creature that successfully hits you with a natural weapon must succeed at a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Reflex]] save (DC 10 + ½ your hivemaster level + your [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] modifier) or take damage from the froth.
*Beetle (horn, burrow speed, antennae for tremorsense, chemical spray for acid damage)
:'''11:''' You can now release a massive gout of froth, which attacks in a line equal to the range of the touch attack. Each creature within the area of effect is entitled to a Reflex save for half damage. In addition, your froth damage dice are increased to d8’s.
:'''+3:''' Your nose warps into a large, chitinous horn. You now have a gore attack that deals damage appropriate for your size (see Table: Hivemaster Natural Attacks) as a natural weapon.
:'''15:''' Your froth now lines every inch of your maw, and is automatically transferred without a save whenever you hit with a bite attack (if you possess one).  
:'''+7:''' You sprout antennae from just above your eyes, granting you the effects of the [[SRD:Blind-Fight|Blind-Fight]] feat. You also gain a burrow speed equal to your base speed.
*'''Earwig:''' The night predator known as the earwig is renowned for its large and intimidating pincers, which it uses to catch and kill its prey.
:'''+11:''' Like a bombardier beetle, you have the ability to release a cone of acid to damage foes. You may now unleash a 30-foot cone of acid that deals 1d6 points of acid damage per level. When you use this ability, you must wait 1d4+1 rounds before you may use it again.
:'''3:''' Your vision is augmented to suit the earwig’s nocturnal tendencies. You can now see perfectly even in total darkness, including magical darkness. This does not make you immune to being blinded. You also gain small pincers that increase the effectiveness of your grapples, giving you [[SRD:Improved Grapple|Improved Grapple]] as a bonus feat.  
:'''+15:''' The sensitivity of your antennae is heightened, giving you blindsight out to a distance of 5 feet per hivemaster level.
:'''7:''' You gain an additional pair of larger pincers that sprout from your torso. These pincers are ineffective in normal combat, but deals 1d6 damage per class level when you successfully win a [[SRD:Grapple|grapple]] check against an opponent. Using this ability is a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]] after you win the grapple check.
*Spider (web, spider climb, unlimited jumping distance)
:'''11:''' You beset large foes with a terrible wrath, allowing you to grapple giants with ease. You never auto-fail when grappling a creature larger than you, and all size modifiers to grapple checks are reduced by half.
:'''15:''' Your pincers are significantly more deadly now. When you successfully pin an opponent, they must succeed on a [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fortitude]] save (DC 10 + ½ hivemaster level + Constitution modifier) or be chopped in twain by your pincers, instantly killing the target. Even on a successful save, the target still takes normal pincer damage. If a construct or undead fails their save, they take triple normal pincer damage instead of dying instantly.
*Queen Bee (larvae grow inside hivemaster, seal wounds and can be spat at opponents, eventually spit fully grown bees)
*'''Antlion:''' The antlion is a predator that creates a deadly pit trap to ensnare enemies and reduce harm to itself.
:'''3:''' You root yourself to your current position as a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]], rendering yourself unable to move from that spot. This does not affect your Armor Class or any mechanic other than movement speed, but you can only use this ability when you are in contact with ground. In return, all the ground within 30 feet of you sinks to create a pit centered on you. Any creature in the newly created hole must make a [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] check when you use this ability and at the beginning of every turn the remain in the pit. This check opposes a Strength check that you make when you first use the ability and at the beginning of every round thereafter.
*'''Ant:''' Ants are tremendously strong for their size, and their single-minded determination is almost machine-like. (increased carrying capacity, increased Strength score)
Of the opponent succeeds, they are treated as [[SRD:Entangled|entangled]] and can attempt to exit the pit if they wish. If you win, your opponent is rendered unable to move in addition to the other effects of entanglement. They are also pulled 5 feet towards you plus an additional 5 feet for every 5 points by which you beat them on the Strength check. If they reach a space adjacent to you and still have space to be dragged or start their turn next to you, they automatically [[SRD:Trip|trip]] on a failed Strength check.
:'''+3:''' Your carrying capacity is equal to a creature one size category larger than you, and you are immune to fear effects.  
:'''7:''' When you create a sand pit, you sink even further into the ground, shielding yourself from harm. You gain [[SRD:Cover|cover]] against the attacks of any creature that is not within the boundaries of your sand pit.
:'''+7:''' You gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Strength score.
:'''11:''' As an [[SRD:Immediate Actions|immediate action]], you may unleash a blast of sand against any opponent within the pit you have created. If used on a creature that has won their most recent Strength check, it forces them to make a [[SRD:Saving Throw|Fortitude]] save (DC 10 + ½ your class level + your Constitution modifier) or be rendered immobile (but otherwise able to act normally) for the duration of the current round. If they are already unable to move, then the sand deals 1d6 points of untyped damage per two hivemaster levels.
:'''+11:''' You gain immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
:'''15:''' If an opponent fails trips while next to you as a result of this feat's benefits, you may expend an [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]] to make a full attack against that opponent.
:'''+15:''' You gain an additional +4 bonus to Strength.
*'''Termite:''' Termites are amazingly methodical builders, made all the more efficient by your commands.
:'''3:''' You have acquired the termite’s penchant for breaking through even the toughest materials. Your natural attacks and swarm ability now ignore [[SRD:Hardness|hardness]] when attacking objects or inorganic creatures.
:'''+3:''' You gain a sickening proboscis that emerges from your mouth. You may make a melee touch attack up to a distance of 10 feet. If you hit with this attack, your opponent is automatically considered grappled, and in addition to the damage dealt by the proboscis they also take 1d4 points on Constitution damage per round that they are grappled in this manner. A grappled creature may escape normally with a successful Strength check.
:'''7:''' By using the termites at your beck and call, you are able to change the terrain around you to your advantage. This ability functions like the ''[[SRD:Soften Earth and Stone|soften earth and stone]]'' spell as a [[SRD:Druid|druid]] of your hivemaster level and is usable at will as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action.  
:'''+7:''' You gain gossamer, transparent wings that allow you to fly at your base speed, with good manueverability.
:'''11:''' Normally, it takes a great deal of time for termites to construct anything; then again, those under your command are no ordinary termites. As an [[SRD:Immediate Actions|immediate action]], you may summon a wall of termite-built earth that shields you from a single attack or effect at will. This ability may only shield you from an amount of damage per use equal to 5 points of damage per hivemaster level.
:'''+11:''' Your proboscis attack carries a particularly virulent strain of[[SRD:Disease|red ache]] that has a save DC equal to 10 + one half your hivemaster level. You suffer no ill effects from this disease.
:'''15:''' Your termites are masters of construction, the envy of master engineers everywhere for their peerless precision. As a standard action that is usable at will, you may replicate the effects of a ''[[SRD:Wall of Stone|wall of stone]]'' spell as a druid of your hivemaster level, except that the shape you make is crafted from earth and does not need to begin from stone.
:'''+15:''' The range of your proboscis attack is greatly lengthened to 30 feet and deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage.
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| Proboscis || — || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6
| Proboscis || — || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6
| Pincers || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6  
| Pincers/Claw || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6  
| Gore || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6
| Gore || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6
| Bite || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6
| Bite || 1 || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6
| Stinger || 1d2 || 1d3 || 1d4 || 1d6 || 1d8 || 2d6 || 3d6 || 4d6 || 6d6

Latest revision as of 14:46, 14 July 2010

Help Wanted
Someone thinks this page needs a bit of help...

Looking for feedback on these feats. Any suggestions for new Aspect of the Vermin feats would be cool, too.

This template was placed here to direct user suggestions to the page. It may be removed at any time.

Hivemaster Feats[edit]

  • Cicada:
  • Spittlebug:
3: As a standard action, you may unleash a ranged touch attack in which you spit a vile froth secreted from your insectoid digestive tract. The range of this attack is 50 feet + 5 feet per hivemaster level. This froth saps moisture from living creatures that it strikes, dealing 1d6 damage per two hivemaster levels you possess. Particularly deadly to plants and elementals, the froth deals double damage to any creature with those types. It is, however, ineffectual against undead or constructs (which do not depend on moisture for their continued existence), dealing only half damage to them.
7: Your froth can now be secreted from almost every pore of your body. Any creature that successfully hits you with a natural weapon must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your hivemaster level + your Constitution modifier) or take damage from the froth.
11: You can now release a massive gout of froth, which attacks in a line equal to the range of the touch attack. Each creature within the area of effect is entitled to a Reflex save for half damage. In addition, your froth damage dice are increased to d8’s.
15: Your froth now lines every inch of your maw, and is automatically transferred without a save whenever you hit with a bite attack (if you possess one).
  • Earwig: The night predator known as the earwig is renowned for its large and intimidating pincers, which it uses to catch and kill its prey.
3: Your vision is augmented to suit the earwig’s nocturnal tendencies. You can now see perfectly even in total darkness, including magical darkness. This does not make you immune to being blinded. You also gain small pincers that increase the effectiveness of your grapples, giving you Improved Grapple as a bonus feat.
7: You gain an additional pair of larger pincers that sprout from your torso. These pincers are ineffective in normal combat, but deals 1d6 damage per class level when you successfully win a grapple check against an opponent. Using this ability is a full-round action after you win the grapple check.
11: You beset large foes with a terrible wrath, allowing you to grapple giants with ease. You never auto-fail when grappling a creature larger than you, and all size modifiers to grapple checks are reduced by half.
15: Your pincers are significantly more deadly now. When you successfully pin an opponent, they must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ hivemaster level + Constitution modifier) or be chopped in twain by your pincers, instantly killing the target. Even on a successful save, the target still takes normal pincer damage. If a construct or undead fails their save, they take triple normal pincer damage instead of dying instantly.
  • Caddisfly:
  • Dragonfly:
  • Antlion: The antlion is a predator that creates a deadly pit trap to ensnare enemies and reduce harm to itself.
3: You root yourself to your current position as a move action, rendering yourself unable to move from that spot. This does not affect your Armor Class or any mechanic other than movement speed, but you can only use this ability when you are in contact with ground. In return, all the ground within 30 feet of you sinks to create a pit centered on you. Any creature in the newly created hole must make a Strength check when you use this ability and at the beginning of every turn the remain in the pit. This check opposes a Strength check that you make when you first use the ability and at the beginning of every round thereafter.

Of the opponent succeeds, they are treated as entangled and can attempt to exit the pit if they wish. If you win, your opponent is rendered unable to move in addition to the other effects of entanglement. They are also pulled 5 feet towards you plus an additional 5 feet for every 5 points by which you beat them on the Strength check. If they reach a space adjacent to you and still have space to be dragged or start their turn next to you, they automatically trip on a failed Strength check.

7: When you create a sand pit, you sink even further into the ground, shielding yourself from harm. You gain cover against the attacks of any creature that is not within the boundaries of your sand pit.
11: As an immediate action, you may unleash a blast of sand against any opponent within the pit you have created. If used on a creature that has won their most recent Strength check, it forces them to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your class level + your Constitution modifier) or be rendered immobile (but otherwise able to act normally) for the duration of the current round. If they are already unable to move, then the sand deals 1d6 points of untyped damage per two hivemaster levels.
15: If an opponent fails trips while next to you as a result of this feat's benefits, you may expend an attack of opportunity to make a full attack against that opponent.
  • Termite: Termites are amazingly methodical builders, made all the more efficient by your commands.
3: You have acquired the termite’s penchant for breaking through even the toughest materials. Your natural attacks and swarm ability now ignore hardness when attacking objects or inorganic creatures.
7: By using the termites at your beck and call, you are able to change the terrain around you to your advantage. This ability functions like the soften earth and stone spell as a druid of your hivemaster level and is usable at will as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action.
11: Normally, it takes a great deal of time for termites to construct anything; then again, those under your command are no ordinary termites. As an immediate action, you may summon a wall of termite-built earth that shields you from a single attack or effect at will. This ability may only shield you from an amount of damage per use equal to 5 points of damage per hivemaster level.
15: Your termites are masters of construction, the envy of master engineers everywhere for their peerless precision. As a standard action that is usable at will, you may replicate the effects of a wall of stone spell as a druid of your hivemaster level, except that the shape you make is crafted from earth and does not need to begin from stone.
Table: Hivemaster Natural Attacks
Type Size
Fine Diminutive Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal
Proboscis 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6
Pincers/Claw 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6
Gore 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6
Bite 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6
Stinger 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6