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(Created page with '{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=11-29-09 |adopter= |date_adopted= |status=Working |editing=Mechanical changes on Talk please. |balance=Wizard }} {{#set:Summary=One…')
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<-fluff about this prestige class->
The power of a warlock channels raw magical energy via the forces of fiendish, fey, or other supernatural bloods.  While a warlock knows many tricks, all know the power of the eldritch blast.  Some choose to focus on this primal base power and craft it from a simple direct weapon, and transform it into a weapon of mass destruction.
===Becoming a Eldritch Weaver===
===Becoming a Eldritch Weaver===
<-why characters persue this class, what other classes they typically have, and what abilities are important->
Eldritch Weavers have realized the mechanics behind their eldritch beam, the release of power from their internal endless flows of energy within themselves and within the very frabric of the universe.  No longer limited to firing beams from their own body, they can tear energy out of the air at many points, carving base mathmatical geometery into the universe's natural magical fault lines, allowing magic to bleed forth.  They give up their damage reduction, fiendish resilence, and other powers in sake for more control over their eldritch beams.  By preparing "spell cards" with pre-engraved symbols, they can cause their eldritch beams to spread in shapes stronger their any eldritch shape or essence.  While they cannot spam such abilities continously, they can refresh its energy rapidly given time.
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'''{{Anchor|Spellcasting}}:''' At each level, you gain new invocations and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level.  You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.  If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming an eldritch weaver, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level, and invocations known.
'''{{Anchor|Spellcasting}}:''' At each level, you gain new invocations and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level.  You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.  If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming an eldritch weaver, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level, and invocations known.
'''{{Anchor|Spell Cards and Spell Cards Prepared}}:''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
'''{{Anchor|Spell Cards and Spell Cards Prepared}}:''' Eldritch Weavers continue to gain eldritch blast damage and invocations as normal, but they also can prepare specific magical effects, typically on small strips of paper called 'spell cards', allowing for incredible curtains of energetic magic bullets that fill the skies with sparkling bolts.  At each level, the eldritch weaver gains a new spell card known, either from the least, lesser, greater, or final choices presented below.  Preparing which spell cards are being used takes 15 minutes of meditation.  At 1st level you may prepare up to 3 spell cards at once (they may be the same spell card) before he must refresh their energy to use them again.  Refreshing your spell cards is a full-round action which provokes attacks of opportunity.  Using spell cards are part of the typical somatic components of a warlock's invocations.  Many spell cards duplicate the effects of shapes or essences, and do not stack with them.  At level 5 and every 5 levels afterward, the eldritch weaver gains an additional spell card they can prepare at once.
'''''{{Anchor|Least Spell Cards}}'' ([[Sp]]):''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
'''''{{Anchor|Least Spell Cards}}'' ([[Sp]]):''' At 1st level and beyond you may select from the least spell card lists.
''{{Anchor|Million Shot}} ([[Sp]]):'' Machine Gun
''{{Anchor|Rainstorm}} ([[Sp]]):'' You fire rapid shots of energy at high speed, offering the chance of of greater damage, or potential misfire from the resulting scatter.  Roll a d6, if between 1, 2, or 3 your eldritch blast damage is reduced by 3d6, 2d6, or 1d6 respectively.  If the result is a 4, 5, or 6, you instead gain 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6 additional damage.  This is an 2nd level eldritch essence.
''{{Anchor|Eruption}} ([[Sp]]):'' Fireball burst
''{{Anchor|Eruption}} ([[Sp]]):'' You focus your eldritch blast into a ball of energy and throw it, blossoming into a flurry of energy spraying in all directions on impact.  You can aim your eldritch blast anywhere within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft. per caster level), exploding in a 20 ft. radius burst, with a Reflex save for half damage DC 13 + [[Charisma]] modifier.  This is an 3rd level eldritch shape.
''{{Anchor|Blood Eater}} ([[Sp]]):'' Seeker shot
''{{Anchor|Blood Seeker}} ([[Sp]]):'' No amount of hiding prevents your eldritch blasts from finding their target, curving around corners if needed to hit.  This ability is attracted to life energy, and does not work on creatures without a constitution score (undead and most constructs).  You ignore the miss chance from all concealment and from any cover short of total cover, making the touch attack as normal.  This is an 2nd level eldritch shape.
''{{Anchor|Raptor Punch}} ([[Sp]]):'' Shotgun punch
''{{Anchor|Raptor Punch}} ([[Sp]]):'' By building up pressure on your eldritch blast, you release it in a powerful short range burst able to knock people away.  As a full attack action you make a melee touch attack, dealing twice your eldritch blast damage, and performing a special bull rush using your [[Charisma]] instead of your Strength modifier.  Unlike a normal bull rush you do not travel with your opponent.  This is a 2nd level eldritch shape.
''{{Anchor|Curtain Fire}} ([[Sp]]):'' Magic Missile spread
''{{Anchor|Curtain Fire}} ([[Sp]]):'' You release so many bullets in such a wide area, your opponents have no chance to escape.  However, it dilutes the power of your eldritch blast.  You may deal half of your normal eldritch blast damage in a 15 ft. cone area, with no saving throw for half.  This is a 2nd level eldritch shape.
'''''{{Anchor|Lesser Spell Cards}}'' ([[Sp]]):''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
'''''{{Anchor|Lesser Spell Cards}}'' ([[Sp]]):''' At 4th level and beyond you may select from the lesser spell card lists.  You may also choose to select a least spell card if you desire.
''{{Anchor|Heaven Driller}} ([[Sp]]):'' Drillshot
''{{Anchor|Heaven Driller}} ([[Sp]]):'' Rotating your eldritch blast at high speed, you drill through your opponents defenses.  You make a normal touch attack, but ignore up to half your class level of AC which stems from magical sources, such as the effects of mage armor, a shield spell,a deflection bonus, or sacred and profane bonuses.  The enemy retains any bonuses related to their body moving out of the way however, such as dexterity bonuses and a monk's bonuses to AC.  This is a 5th level eldritch essence.
''{{Anchor|Bright Fall}} ([[Sp]]):'' Cylinder
''{{Anchor|Bright Fall}} ([[Sp]]):'' Instead of firing your beam from your hands you draw it out of the air itself, letting it rain like meteors upon your enemies.  You transform your eldritch blast into a cylinder shaped area 20 ft. radius wide and 40 ft. tall, with a Reflex save for half damage DC 16 + [[Charisma]] modifier.  This is a 6th level eldritch shape.
''{{Anchor|Jormungand}} ([[Sp]]):'' Snake
''{{Anchor|Jormungand}} ([[Sp]]):'' Your eldritch blast coils at a thought, allowing you to dance it across the skies and strike at your enemies.  You may make a ranged touch attack against all enemies you can reach in 60 ft. of movement (with a fly speed of good).  By concentrating as a standard action, your eldritch blast continues to persist, and you may move it like a snake across the battlefield, hitting all you can in 60 ft. of movement each round.  You may only strike each enemy only once per round and you much succeed on the ranged touch attack for each as normal  This is a 5th level eldritch shape.
''{{Anchor|Glow Barrier}} ([[Sp]]):'' Energy wall
''{{Anchor|Glow Barrier}} ([[Sp]]):'' You release your eldritch blast into an orbiting ring of destruction around your body.  Anyone within 5 ft. of you must succeed on a DC 16 + [[Charisma]] modifier Reflex save, or take your eldritch blast damage, save negates.  An opponent only takes this damage once per round.  The shield lasts for 5 rounds, and you may only half one such shield up at a time.  This is a 6th level eldritch shape.
''{{Anchor|Bolt Hornet}} ([[Sp]]):'' Ranged Pin
''{{Anchor|Bolt Hornet}} ([[Sp]]):'' You transform your eldritch blast into a javelin of energy, which not only injures your opponents but may pin them to the ground.
'''''{{Anchor|Greater Spell Cards}}'' ([[Sp]]):''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->
'''''{{Anchor|Greater Spell Cards}}'' ([[Sp]]):''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Revision as of 17:26, 30 November 2009

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-29-09
Status: Working
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk please.
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Eldritch Weaver

Laser is not difficult.
—Marisa Kirisame, Human Eldritch Weaver, Marisa's lesson of how to "Spark"

The power of a warlock channels raw magical energy via the forces of fiendish, fey, or other supernatural bloods. While a warlock knows many tricks, all know the power of the eldritch blast. Some choose to focus on this primal base power and craft it from a simple direct weapon, and transform it into a weapon of mass destruction.

Becoming a Eldritch Weaver

Eldritch Weavers have realized the mechanics behind their eldritch beam, the release of power from their internal endless flows of energy within themselves and within the very frabric of the universe. No longer limited to firing beams from their own body, they can tear energy out of the air at many points, carving base mathmatical geometery into the universe's natural magical fault lines, allowing magic to bleed forth. They give up their damage reduction, fiendish resilence, and other powers in sake for more control over their eldritch beams. By preparing "spell cards" with pre-engraved symbols, they can cause their eldritch beams to spread in shapes stronger their any eldritch shape or essence. While they cannot spam such abilities continously, they can refresh its energy rapidly given time.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Knowledge Arcana 8, Spellcraft 8.
Feats: Scribe Scroll.
Spellcasting: Arcane caster level 5th.
Special: 3d6 eldritch blast, two blast shapes.

Table: The Eldritch Weaver

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Least Spell Card, Spell Cards Prepared 3 +1 arcane spellcaster level
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Least Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Evasion, Least Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Lesser Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Bonus Option (+1d6), Focusing Shot, Lesser Spell Card, Spell Cards Prepared 4 +1 arcane spellcaster level
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Homing Shot, Lesser Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Greater Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
8th +6 +2 +6 +6 Improved Evasion, Greater Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
9th +6 +3 +6 +6 Greater Spell Card +1 arcane spellcaster level
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Bonus Option (+2d6), Final Card, Spell Cards Prepared 5 +1 arcane spellcaster level

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level.
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha),

Table: The Epic Eldritch Weaver
Level Special
11th +1 arcane spellcaster level
12th Final Card, +1 arcane spellcaster level
13th +1 arcane spellcaster level
14th Final Card, +1 arcane spellcaster level
15th Spell Cards Prepared 6, +1 arcane spellcaster level
16th Final Card, +1 arcane spellcaster level
17th +1 arcane spellcaster level
18th Final Card, +1 arcane spellcaster level
19th +1 arcane spellcaster level
20th Final Card, Spell Cards Prepared 7, +1 arcane spellcaster level

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the <-class name->.

Spellcasting: At each level, you gain new invocations and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming an eldritch weaver, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level, and invocations known.

Spell Cards and Spell Cards Prepared: Eldritch Weavers continue to gain eldritch blast damage and invocations as normal, but they also can prepare specific magical effects, typically on small strips of paper called 'spell cards', allowing for incredible curtains of energetic magic bullets that fill the skies with sparkling bolts. At each level, the eldritch weaver gains a new spell card known, either from the least, lesser, greater, or final choices presented below. Preparing which spell cards are being used takes 15 minutes of meditation. At 1st level you may prepare up to 3 spell cards at once (they may be the same spell card) before he must refresh their energy to use them again. Refreshing your spell cards is a full-round action which provokes attacks of opportunity. Using spell cards are part of the typical somatic components of a warlock's invocations. Many spell cards duplicate the effects of shapes or essences, and do not stack with them. At level 5 and every 5 levels afterward, the eldritch weaver gains an additional spell card they can prepare at once.

Least Spell Cards (Sp): At 1st level and beyond you may select from the least spell card lists.

Rainstorm (Sp): You fire rapid shots of energy at high speed, offering the chance of of greater damage, or potential misfire from the resulting scatter. Roll a d6, if between 1, 2, or 3 your eldritch blast damage is reduced by 3d6, 2d6, or 1d6 respectively. If the result is a 4, 5, or 6, you instead gain 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6 additional damage. This is an 2nd level eldritch essence.

Eruption (Sp): You focus your eldritch blast into a ball of energy and throw it, blossoming into a flurry of energy spraying in all directions on impact. You can aim your eldritch blast anywhere within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft. per caster level), exploding in a 20 ft. radius burst, with a Reflex save for half damage DC 13 + Charisma modifier. This is an 3rd level eldritch shape.

Blood Seeker (Sp): No amount of hiding prevents your eldritch blasts from finding their target, curving around corners if needed to hit. This ability is attracted to life energy, and does not work on creatures without a constitution score (undead and most constructs). You ignore the miss chance from all concealment and from any cover short of total cover, making the touch attack as normal. This is an 2nd level eldritch shape.

Raptor Punch (Sp): By building up pressure on your eldritch blast, you release it in a powerful short range burst able to knock people away. As a full attack action you make a melee touch attack, dealing twice your eldritch blast damage, and performing a special bull rush using your Charisma instead of your Strength modifier. Unlike a normal bull rush you do not travel with your opponent. This is a 2nd level eldritch shape.

Curtain Fire (Sp): You release so many bullets in such a wide area, your opponents have no chance to escape. However, it dilutes the power of your eldritch blast. You may deal half of your normal eldritch blast damage in a 15 ft. cone area, with no saving throw for half. This is a 2nd level eldritch shape.

Lesser Spell Cards (Sp): At 4th level and beyond you may select from the lesser spell card lists. You may also choose to select a least spell card if you desire.

Heaven Driller (Sp): Rotating your eldritch blast at high speed, you drill through your opponents defenses. You make a normal touch attack, but ignore up to half your class level of AC which stems from magical sources, such as the effects of mage armor, a shield spell,a deflection bonus, or sacred and profane bonuses. The enemy retains any bonuses related to their body moving out of the way however, such as dexterity bonuses and a monk's bonuses to AC. This is a 5th level eldritch essence.

Bright Fall (Sp): Instead of firing your beam from your hands you draw it out of the air itself, letting it rain like meteors upon your enemies. You transform your eldritch blast into a cylinder shaped area 20 ft. radius wide and 40 ft. tall, with a Reflex save for half damage DC 16 + Charisma modifier. This is a 6th level eldritch shape.

Jormungand (Sp): Your eldritch blast coils at a thought, allowing you to dance it across the skies and strike at your enemies. You may make a ranged touch attack against all enemies you can reach in 60 ft. of movement (with a fly speed of good). By concentrating as a standard action, your eldritch blast continues to persist, and you may move it like a snake across the battlefield, hitting all you can in 60 ft. of movement each round. You may only strike each enemy only once per round and you much succeed on the ranged touch attack for each as normal This is a 5th level eldritch shape.

Glow Barrier (Sp): You release your eldritch blast into an orbiting ring of destruction around your body. Anyone within 5 ft. of you must succeed on a DC 16 + Charisma modifier Reflex save, or take your eldritch blast damage, save negates. An opponent only takes this damage once per round. The shield lasts for 5 rounds, and you may only half one such shield up at a time. This is a 6th level eldritch shape.

Bolt Hornet (Sp): You transform your eldritch blast into a javelin of energy, which not only injures your opponents but may pin them to the ground.

Greater Spell Cards (Sp): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Mana Buster (Sp): Charging Beam

Starburst (Sp): BFG Burst

Holy Tree (Sp): Line with splash

Ring Shell (Sp): Rotating EB Shield

W-Cannon (Sp): Repeat shot

Final Spell Cards (Sp): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Master Spark (Sp): Big Laser

Starstorm (Sp): Meteor Storm/Orbital Strike

Dividing Driver (Sp): Big dividing line

Lumina (Sp): Self-boom

Electrosphere (Sp): Whirlwind attack

Evasion (Ex): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Bonus Options (Su): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Focused Shot: <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Homing Shot: <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Improved Evasion (Ex): <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels->

Campaign Information


Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClassesPrestige Classes

Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityInvocations +
Class Ability ProgressionFull +
Fortitude Save ProgressionPoor +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length10 +
Minimum Level5 +
Rated ByGhostwheel + and Luigifan18 +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillConcentration +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Escape Artist +, Intimidate +, Knowledge +, Profession +, Spellcraft +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points2 +
SummaryOne eldritch blast a round? No. Welcome to Bullet Hell. +
TitleEldritch Weaver +
Will Save ProgressionGood +