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|prereqs=[[SRD:Precise Shot|Precise Shot]], proficiency with kunai and shuriken
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=You treat [https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/weapon-descriptions/kunai/ kunai] and shurikens you wield to have a critical threat range to 19-20, which stacks with other effects which improve critical threat. You treat kunai as shurikens shuriken for the purpose of feats and class features. You Additionally, you gain the following tactical maneuvers:
''Defensive ThrowStance:'' When fighting defensively you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from throwing a shuriken or kunai.
''Leaping Throw:'' As part of a a full-attack action made used to only throw shuriken or kunai you may make a [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] check to jump as a free action. You just at the start of the full-attack and land at the end of the full attack, making each attack at any point in the jump. If the result of your [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] would exceed your speed you only move up to your speed. This movement provokes an attack of opportunity as normal.
''Multithrow:'' Whenever Once per round, whenever you make a thrown attack with a kunai or shuriken you may expend throw up to two kunai or shuriken per attackadditional weapons of the same kind. If you do, you make an extra attack against another creature within 15-ft of the original target for each extra kunai or shuriken usedweapon thrown. You take a -2 –2 penalty on any attacks made as part of multithrowand take an additional –2 penalty on the attack rolls against the secondary targets.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->