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User:Leziad/Awakened Witch

2,679 bytes added, 25 June
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* ''Patron'Class Skill:'' In addition ' A witch adds both Perception and Sense Motive to having access to the normal her list of patrons, a witch has access to the witching patron (see below)class skills.\* '''Patron Spells:''' A witch no longer gain access to her patron spells at a set level, instead she always counts as knowing any patron spells of any levels she can cast. She may convert prepared spell into her a patron spell of an equal level or lower spontaneously. If a witch becomes a spontaneous caster, she merely adds her patron spells to her list of spell known whenever she gain access to a new spell level.* '''Cackle:''' The cackle hex becomes a class feature gained at 3rd level.
'''Witching Patron:''' Instead of relying on otherworldly beings, some witches gain their power through the teaching passed down by ancient witches. These witches do not gain a patron from a list of patron. Instead she chooses a single 1st level spell on the witch list to be her 1st level patron spell, repeating the process whenever she gain access to a new spell level. This prevents the witch from accessing spells outside of her spell list with her patron, but grants her more flexibility with her patron spells.
===New & Revised Hexes===
====Bewitching Charm {{Su}}====
''Prerequisites:'' Grand Hex
The witch may use this powerful hex to place a potent and everlasting charm on a touched target. The target is allowed a [[Will]] save, and if successful it is simply left [[SRD:Staggered|staggered]] for 1 round. If the hex is delivered through a gentle gesture or kiss, accepted willingly, then they take a –2 penalty on their [[Will]] save to resist. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
If the target fails their [[Will]] save they fall under the effect behaving as the [[SRD:Charm Monster|''charm monster'']] spell, except for the following:
* The hex is quite difficult to remove, requiring a [[SRD:Remove Curse|''remove curse'']] or [[SRD:Break Enchantment|''break enchantment'']] spell with a successful opposed caster level check to break.
* The effect of this hex does not automatically break if your allies threaten, but if you threaten the target or refuse to defend them they are allowed another [[Will]] save to end the effect.t
* The target also develops an extremely strong love and loyalty toward the witch, either in a platonic or romantic sense. They will seek to please the witch and gain their favor, often going above and beyond. As a result the target is always helpful toward the witch, and takes a –4 bonus on their opposed [[Charisma]] checks made to resist obeying an order. The restriction against obviously harmful or suicidal order remains.
* The target is also unable to willingly lie to the witch.
The loyalty and love manifested by this hex lingers even if it is removed, the target remains helpful toward the witch even after the spell is removed. Although the target is now able to change their mind, especially if the deception is pointed out to them.
====Charm {{Su}}====
''This is a revision of the [ charm] hex.''
A witch can charm an animal or humanoid creature within 30 feet by beckoning and speaking soothing words. This will cause the creature to become unable to attack the witch or her allies as per the [[SRD:Sanctuary|''sanctuary'']] spell for a number of rounds equal to the witch's [[Intelligence]] modifier. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
If useed outside of combat, this hex improves the attitude of an animal or humanoid creature by 1 step, as if the witch had successfully used the [[SRD:Diplomacy|diplomacy]] skill. At 8th level, this effect improves the attitude of the target creature by 2 steps. The effects of multiple charms does not stack. This is a mind-affecting charm effect.
====Deep Hypnotism {{Su}}====
''This is a revision of the [ combat hypnosis] hex.''
The witch can lull her enemies into a trance, even in the chaos of combat. This hex functions as [ ''hypnotism''], except it can affect only one creature at a time without a HD limit, and the target creature does not receive the usual +2 bonus on its saving throw while in combat. If Whether or not the target successfully savessave is successful, then it a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. At 5th 3rd level, a creature made fascinated by this hex only break of its fascination if directly harmed.
====Disguise {{Su}}====
''This is a revision of the [ disguise] hex.''
A witch with this hex gain [[SRD:Disguise Skill|disguise]] as a class skills. Additionally she can change her appearance for a number of hours per day equal to her class level, as if using [ ''disguise self'']. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments. Unlike the spell, this disguises touch and sound, and it doesn’t allow a saving throw to disbelieve). If the witch consume a minor portion of the body of a creature (such as blood or an hair) while using this hex, she gain a +8 on [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] check to impersonate that creature for as long as the hex is maintained. At 8th level, while under the effect of this hex, the witch is under a constant [ ''nondetection''] effect. This does not apply to the 5th level ability. ====Hexing Talisman {{Ex}}====
At 5th level, while under the effect of A witch with this hex, gains the witch is under a constant [https[SRD://wwwCraft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]] feat as a bonus any creature currently wearing an item crafted by the witch takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against the witch's hexes or spells/n/nondetection/ ''nondetection''] effect.
====Green Thumb {{Su}}====
As a standard action, a witch may affect a single plants she can touch with either [[SRD:Plant Growth|''plant growth'']] spell or the [[SRD:Diminish Plants|''diminish plant'']]. At 5th level she adds both [[SRD:Plant Growth|''plant growth'']] and [[SRD:Diminish Plants|''diminish plant'']] to her list of patron spells.
===New Feat: Schooled Witch=Twilight Sage {{Ex}}====''Prerequisites:'' Advanced Hex, Shadow Patron
{{3.5e Feat|name=Schooled Witch|types=|summary=Irrelevant|prereqs=[[SRD:Spell Focus|Spell Focus]]When a witch with this hex casts shades, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, witching patron class feature|fluff=You and similar illusion spells that have a better understanding listed fraction of arcane magic than many the strength of your peers.|benefit=When choosing spells for your witching patronreal effects, you may select spells from she increases the percentage of damage caused by the spell’s effect or summoned creatures by one-fifth (+20%) against creatures that make their saving throw against the sorcerer/wizard list whose school match a school you chosen with [[SRD:Spell Focus|Spell Focus]]effect, in addition up to the witch list. |example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example maximum of 100% of how it worksthe strength. -->|normal=|special=}}

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