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Bullywug Common (5e)

1,023 bytes added, 14 January
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{{5epointer|Monster Manual (5e)}}
{{5e Monster Pointer
|name=Bullywug <!--Creature Name-->
|sorttext=Bullywug AAA Common 5e <!--usually blank. text to sort by-->|refs=<ref name="mm5">{{Cite Pub||Monster Manual (5e)|pages=32}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="dmg5hab">habitat - {{pub|Dungeon Master's Guide (5e)}} p.302-305</ref>|monsterref= <!--name refered to in text-->
|size=Medium <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|type=Humanoid <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->
|subtype=Bullywug <!--Elf, Goblinoid, etc.-->
|align=Neutral Evil <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil-->
|ac=15 <!--armor class-->|acfluff=hide armor, shield|hp=11<!--number of hit points-->|crhd=|speed=20 ft., {{srd5lc|Swim}} 40 ft. |saves=|skills={{SRD5|Stealth}}|damagevulnerabilities=|damageresistances=|damageimmunity=|conditionimmunity=|senses=|perception=1/4 11 <!--Challenge RatingPassive-->|languages={{5elang|Bullywug}}|habitat=Swamp|cr=1/4|xp= <!--Experience points for destroyingblank unless less than CR 1/8 or greater than CR 30-->|descpointer=true|summary='''Bullywugs''' are frog-like humanoids. They tend to live near swamps and are often encountered as henchmen (ex. [[Venger]] from the animated 1980's TV series). <!--UNOFFICIAL/UNPLAGIARIZED description of the monster--> 
|fdesc1={{SRD5ref}} The bullywug can breathe air and water.
|feature2=Speak with Frogs and Toads
|feature3=Swamp Camouflage
|fdesc3={{SRD5trait}} The bullywug has {{srd5lc|Advantage}} on {{SRD5|Dexterity}} ({{SRD5|Stealth}}) {{srd5lc|Check}}s made to {{srd5lc|Hide}} in swampy terrain.
|feature4=Standing Leap
|fdesc4={{SRD5trait}} The bullywug's {{srd5lc|Long Jump}} is up to 20 feet and its {{srd5lc|High Jump}} is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
|adesc2=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}''
|adesc3=''Melee or {{SRD5|Ranged Weapon Attack}}''
==Sources and Notes==
<references />
{{5e Footer|Bullywug}}