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Thunder Step (5e)

215 bytes added, 18:58, 3 December 2023
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{{5epointer|Xanathar's Guide to Everythingsources=XGtE, PotA}}{{5e Spell Pointer|pub=Xanathar's Guide to Everything <!--Publication-->
|name=Thunder Step <!-- name of spell-->
|refs=<ref name="xgte">{{Cite Pub|Xanathar's Guide to Everything|pages=147-149, 168}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref> <ref name="pota">{{Cite Pub|Princes of the Apocalypse|pages=230-232, 240}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref>
|level=3 <!-- level of spell, 0-9. please use 0 for cantrips. -->
|school=Conjuration <!-- spell school name only; ex: Transmutation -->
|scales=y <!-- blank if false, "true" if scalable -->
|summary=You {{srd5lc|Teleport}} within range, causing {{srd5lc|Thunder}} damage to creatures near where you left. <!--unofficial description of spell effects-->
|fluff= <!-- if spell has fluff-text -->
|casters=Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
==Sources and Notes==
:* {{Cite Pub|Xanathar's Guide to Everything|pages=168}}
<references />
{{5e Canon Footer|Spell}}