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User:The bluez in the in the dungeon/Zarafah

30 bytes added, 07:51, 30 November 2023
Racial Traits
|subtype=Anthro, Psionic
|typefluff=They are giraffe-like humanoids, who developed psionic powers.
|specialtext1=Despite being giraffids, they lack the typical long neck (though they still have a longer neck than most creatures). Instead, they possess a mind that extends outside the confine of their physical bodiesbody, providing them with enhanced mental prowess. This feature gives them a +2 racial bonus on Will saves and allow allows them to act partially as if under the effect of the ''[[SRD:Schism|schism]]'' power. They may use a swift action to spend one power point to fully manifest their second mind for one minute. This gives them the ability to roll two times a Will save and choose the better result (though this immediately ends the effect). They also may make take an extra swift action to make a mental action when the elongated mind is manifested, in addition to their normal action routine, though they may not use it to manifest powers or cast spells.
|special1=Elongated Mind

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