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|reason=Nice job!
I like this weapon, since is the "bastard version" od the rapier. Your "Epee Rapier", as well as Beltarfirt's "Striscia, are basically the same weapon, and I think they can be classified as variants of the "Elven Thinblade". I would be logic that characters proficient with the "Epee Rapier" are also proficient with Characters proficient with the Elven Thinblade.
I missed one thing: why the epee rapier, while counting as a rapier or as longsword for the purpose of feats, can be used as a longsword and not as a rapier? Being both piercing and slashing and missing the 1/2 strenght when used two handed, it should be considered closer to a rapier than a longsword...
: It used as a longsword when used as a martial weapon, because they have the same damage die. It not an elven thinblade because elves have a special proficiency clauses. --[[User:Leziad|Leziad]] ([[User talk:Leziad|talk]]) 16:49, 11 August 2022 (UTC)
:: Hi there!
:: I'm thinking about the possibility of treating weapons as others in terms of purposes and feat such as Weapon Proficiency etc.
:: Im trying to create a 3.5 adventure with new weapons using odd dices, and I would be very curious about the best way to create a precise mix between a longsword (1d8) and a bastard sword (1d10).
:: The name of the weapon is "short bastard sword" and its damage dice is 1d9 (!). Please read the page I have created on this homebrew,.
:: I would classify the "short bastard sword" as a sub-category of the bastard sword, so that it requires a bonus strenght of 12 to be used without penalties with exotic weapon proficiency (Bastard Sword). I allow a martial weapon proficient wielder without exotic weapon proficiency to use it one-handed with a penalty of only -2.
:: But that's my question: for purposes like feats and abilities (for example weapon focus etc.), should I treat it as bastard sword only or as a BASTARD SWORD AND a LONGSWORD (not in a cumulative way, of course)? What do you thin about it?
:: I would really appreciate your point of view,
:: Thank you very much,
:: Zarathustra
::: The ability to qualify as another weapon is a quality of the weapon, and is typically reserved for higher-end exotic weapons. It can be added with certain martial weapons as well. As for your case, that could be a good idea, but I'd recommend a better name than short bastard sword. Also I would avoid using non-existent die for the damage type. The in-between between d8 and d10 is 2d4 effectively. --[[User:Leziad|Leziad]] ([[User talk:Leziad|talk]]) 17:46, 14 October 2022 (UTC)