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Talk:Epee Rapier (3.5e Equipment)

671 bytes added, 13:57, 11 August 2022
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|reason=Nice job!
I like this weapon, since is the "bastard version" od the rapier. Your "Epee Rapier", as well as Beltarfirt's "Striscia, are basically the same weapon, and I think they can be classified as variants of the "Elven Thinblade". I would be logic that characters proficient with the "Epee Rapier" are also proficient with Characters proficient with the Elven Thinblade.
I missed one thing: why the epee rapier, while counting as a rapier or as longsword for the purpose of feats, can be used as a longsword and not as a rapier? Being both piercing and slashing and missing the 1/2 strenght when used two handed, it should be considered closer to a rapier than a longsword...