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Z's Ancestral Magic (5e Sourcebook)/Mechanics

85 bytes added, 17:54, 13 April 2022
Additional Eidolon Rules
*Your Eidolon is proficient with two skills of your choice, and when it must make a saving throw, it can use your Charisma saving throw bonus instead of its own bonus.
*Your Eidolon does not need to eat, drink , breathe or sleep (Though it may still eat or drink if it chooses to), and it possesses Resistance to Poison damage, advantage on saving throws against the Poisoned condition, and immunity to disease, as its physiology differs greatly from creatures of the material plane. Your Eidolon cannot be forced to sleep by magical means.
*Your Eidolon cannot be Possessed by any creature, as its connection to the Shaman is too great to be overridden.
*'''''Bathing:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot bathe.
*'''''HairColor:''''' To fulfill Cannot wear a certain color. Upon gaining this Taboo, you choose a section of the color wheel such as "red" or "blue" that breaks your Taboo. You cannot cut your hairchoose a specific shade of color, like "vermilion" or "ultramarine".
*'''''VegetarianComponent:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot eat meatmust use a certain common, mundane object (A type of flower, a pinch of dirt, a piece of bark, a vial of water, a rock) as a consumed material component with every spell you cast. Upon gaining this Taboo, you choose the type of item you must use.
*'''''IntoxicantsCorpse:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot indulge in intoxicants, such as alcoholtouch a dead body.
*'''''MirthCracks:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot smile step on a pre-existing crack, fissure or laughseam.
*'''''FlameCrossroads:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot light must go a firerandom direction at a crossroads, unless someone else gives you directions.
*'''''Light TravelsDeeds:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot own more than take credit for any deed you can carryhave done, good or bad, no matter how minor. This includes simple questions, such as "Did you make that sound?" or "Did you finish repairing my shirt?".
*'''''CorpseDirection:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot touch sit facing a dead bodycertain cardinal direction*'''''Obedience:''''' To fulfill Upon gaining this Taboo, you cannot speak unless spoken to, and even then, only in responsechoose the cardinal direction that breaks your Taboo.
*'''''ReflectionEyes:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot view look a person with a certain color of eyes in the face. Upon gaining this Taboo, you must choose an ordinary color of eyes, such as "blue" or "brown", that breaks your own reflectionTaboo.
*'''''Face:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot reveal your face to anyone other than your Eidolon.
*'''''ProfanitiesFlame:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot utter profanitieslight a fire.
*'''''MetalHair:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot wear metal armor or use a metal shieldcut your hair.
*'''''Sacred GroundIntoxicants:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot set foot on sacred groundindulge in intoxicants, such as alcohol.
*'''''NameInvitation:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot reveal your name to anyone other than your Eidolonenter a building without invitation.
*'''''WhistleLight Travels:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot whistleown more than you can carry.
*'''''CracksMetal:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot step on wear metal armor or use a pre-existing crack, fissure or seammetal shield.
*'''''TechnologyMirth:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot utilize technology invented in the last 50 yearssmile or laugh.
*'''''Moon:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot view the full moon.
*'''''InvitationName:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot enter a building without invitationreveal your name to anyone other than your Eidolon. *'''''Obedience:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot speak unless spoken to, and even then, only in response.
*'''''DirectionOffering:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot sit facing a certain cardinal directionmust make daily offerings (Of flowers, incense, food, etc. Upon gaining this Taboo), worth at least 1cp, you choose the cardinal direction that breaks your Tabooto one or more spirit powers.
*'''''DeedsProfanities:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot take credit for any deed you have done, good or bad, no matter how minor. This includes simple questions, such as "Did you make that sound?" or "Did you finish repairing my shirt?"utter profanities.
*'''''EyesReflection:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you cannot look a person with a certain color of eyes in the face. Upon gaining this Taboo, you must choose an ordinary color of eyes, such as "blue" or "brown", that breaks view your Tabooown reflection.
*'''''ColorRhyme:''''' Cannot wear a certain color. Upon gaining To fulfill this Taboo, you choose a section of the color wheel such as "red" or "blue" that breaks your Taboo. You cannot choose a specific shade of color, like "vermilion" or "ultramarine"must speak exclusively in rhyme.
*'''''ComponentSacred Ground:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you must use a certain common, mundane object (A type of flower, a pinch of dirt, a piece of bark, a vial of water, a rock) as a consumed material component with every spell you cast. Upon gaining this Taboo, you choose the type of item you must usecannot set foot on sacred ground.
*'''''OfferingTechnology:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you must make daily offerings (Of flowers, incense, food, etc.), worth at least 1cp, to one or more spirit powerscannot utilize technology invented in the last 50 years.
*'''''CrossroadsVegetarian:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you must go a random direction at a crossroads, unless someone else gives you directionscannot eat meat.
*'''''RhymeWhistle:''''' To fulfill this Taboo, you must speak exclusively in rhymecannot whistle.
===Breaking Taboos===
===Taboo Restriction===
Each time you learn a Spell Secret, you also gain an additional [[Z%27s_Ancestral_Magic_(5e_Sourcebook)/Mechanics#Taboos | Taboo]]. Replacing your knowledge of the Spell Secret does not change the chosen Taboo attached to it. When you break any of your Taboos, choose the Plead Forgiveness option, and fail your saving throw, you lose access to all of your Spell Secretsuntil you finish a Long Rest.