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|date_created=12 2 2022
|status=In ProgressComplete
|melee2=''Standard attack:'' dagger+2 +21 1d3+3
<!-- 21 = 11 (bab) + 8 (Dex, Finesse) + 2 (weapon enh.) -->
|atkop=[[Scoundrel (3.5e Class)#Eager Strike|Eager Strike]] (+15 dmg), [[Scoundrel (3.5e Class)#Sneak Attack|Sneak Attack]] (+6d6+15 dmg), [[Scoundrel (3.5e Class)#Analyze Surroundings|Analyze Surroundings]] (+3 dmgto-hit/AC), [[Scoundrel (3.5e Class)#Delay Maneuver|Delay Maneuver]], Staggering Strike<sup>[[Complete Adventurer|CAdv]]</sup>, [[Maximize Strike (3.5e Feat)|Maximize Strike]], [[True Maximize Strike (3.5e Feat)|True Maximize Strike]]
|space=5 ft. |reach=5 ft.
|sa=[[Scoundrel (3.5e Class)#Death Attack|death attack]]
=== Tactics ===
'''Assassinate the Ambassador:'''
The Painstalker infiltrates the ambassador's chamber during the night and studies it (analyze surrounding, death attack). As they are fast asleep, she hits them with the full force of a delayed (delay maneuver), boosted (focus strike, +15dmg) true maximized death in the dark strike. Ten days later when the ambassador meets with the king in a foreign land you can activate the effect to apply a death effect (Fort DC 17) and deal 156 171 damage (Fort DC 20 for 96 111 damage instead), possibly causing a huge diplomatic conflict.
'''Shoot the Sheriff:'''
She activates her ring of invisibility and sneaks her way close to the sheriff when they step outside their station with her unassuming ogre walk stance. After studying them for some time while hidden (Death Attack) she hits them with a Stalker in the Night strike for a sneak attack (1d3+3 weapon damage + 5d6+15 sneak attack damage+ 15 eager strike) that triggers the Death Attack effect (Death effect, Fort DC 17), after which she is still hidden. She can run away through the shadows (shadow blink) before other agents find her, and finish the victim off (if they survived) with a shadow noose (8d6 dmg) from the distance as she gets away.
'''Kill the Caster:'''
The Painstalker infiltrates the caster's favorite park in the sandshuffle step stance and studies the area intently (Analyze Surrounding), then hides close to it (Crane Catches Fish). As the mage approaches, she activates her headband to prevent blur effects with true sight, boosts herself with Focus Strike (+15 dmg) and strikes them with a knife slits the troat (+7d8dmg, Fort DC25 to prevent being silenced) sneak attack (+5d6+15 dmg) with her dagger (1d3+3 dmg+ 15 eager strike). If the mage didn't die she will still have an easy time finishing them off, since they'll most likely be unable to cast their magics, being unable to speak.
'''Murder the Merchant:'''
She disguises herself as the merchant's service to get close to them (Hidden Chameleon's stance). In an opportune moment, she boosts herself with Focus Strike (+15 dmg) and strikes them with a turncoat takedown (+8d8 dmg) sneak attack (+5d6+15 dmg) with her dagger (1d3+3 dmg+ 15 eager strike) using her Staggering Strike feat (Fort DC equal to damage dealt to prevent stagger).
'''Hunt the Hero:'''
The Painstalker studies the hero (analyze surroundings, death attack) while hidden in the Assassin Stance. In an opportune moment, she activates the invisibility ring, sneaks up to the hero and delivers a death in the dark (15d6 dmg, 5d6 on successful Fort DC20 save) sneak attack (1d3+3 weapon + 15 eager strike + 7d6+15sneak attack), with a chance to stagger them (staggering strike, Fort DC equal damage dealt). She then follows up on the probably staggered opponent with a full round of sneak attacks for up to 4 attacks of 1d3+3 (weapon) + 7d6+15 (sneak attack) damage each.