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Capped Skill Bonus (3.5e Variant Rule)

26 bytes added, 21:40, 2 January 2022
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== Capped skill Bonus ==
Skills were alway a problematic part of D&D, from Incantatrix spellcraft abuse to the diplomancer, abusing skills can effectively created create massive power creep and bring result in many balance issue, issues such as completely breaking skills like bluff and diplomacy.
This variant cap capped skill bonus is at HD + 133. A 1st level character skill cap would be +14 3 (ranks, ability bonus and items included). Racial bonus actually ignore this rule (make them more useful).
If you somehow exceed your maximum skill bonus, instead of getting additional bonus increasing the result of your roll you simply gain the ability to reroll the a particular skill once (immediate action) once per day per skill point bonus above your capped bonus (player may choose between the 2). So By example, a 13th level character with a +28 bonus (max +263) would still only add +26 3 to his skill check, but gain the ability to reroll a skill check (involving this particular skill ) 25 times per day (you can never reroll the same check twice per day).
[[Category:Supplemental Variant Rule]]
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