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Holy, Revised (3.5e Equipment)

456 bytes removed, 18:31, 5 July 2021
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|date_created=8th October 2016
[[Summary:: A holy weapon possess innate power which is baneful to evil creatures and undead.]] A holy weapon deal deals an extra 2d6 damage against evil-aligned creature creatures as well as undead of all alignment (which stacks), outsider with the [Evil] subtype also take 4d6 damage. An A holy weapon is permanently under the effect of [[SRD:Bless Weapon|''bless weapon'']] (, which apply applies even if the weapon critical hit has been modified). If a natural 20 is delivered against a evil creature, it must make a [[Will]] save (DC 10 + 1/2 wielder's Bab + wielder's [[Charisma]]) or become [[SRD:Dazed|dazed]] for 1 round as the weapon explode into punishing light.
A holy weapon is menacing, causing evil creature creatures and undead with 4 HD or less to be [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from the weapon when readied and drawn.
A holy weapon do does not function in the hand hands of a non-good aligned character. If held by a creature of an evil creatures, in fact upon being seized or otherwise touched (such -alignment it start burning as attempting to sunder it with an unarmed attack or natural weapon) the creature must make a DC 20 per [[WillSRD:Heat Metal|''heat metal'']] save or drop , which deals half fire and half divine damage, until the weapon is discarded and become [[SRD:Dazed|Dazed]] for 1 round. In the hand of an evil outsider or undead it cause them to [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burn]] as long as they hold it in addition to the normal effectafter.
Moderate evocation [good]; CL 7th; [[SRD:Craft Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Magical Arms and Armor]], ''[[SRD:Holy Smite|holy smite]], '', creator must be good; Price [[Cost::+2]].</onlyinclude>