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Heal, Rebuilt (3.5e Skill)

9 bytes added, 03:59, 11 June 2021
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! DC || Examples
| class="left" | 5 || Check Vital SignSigns.
| class="left" | 10 || Identify Common Type.
'''Check Vital SignSigns:''' As a move action you check the vital sign of a living creature, determining if it is alive, dying or dead. If a creature has an ability or feature which allow allows it to fake death, if it specify specifies a DC it override overrides this one.
'''Staunch Bleeding:''' As a standard action you may You can stop or reduce 1 point of bleed (or [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleedout]]) for every 5 points of your heal check. The version granted by [[Heal - Advanced Medical (3.5e Skill)|Advanced Medical]] has a lower DC and can be accelerated.
'''Fist First Aid:''' You usually use first aid to save a dying character. If a character has negative hit points and is losing hit points (at the rate of 1 per round, 1 per hour, or 1 per day), you can make him or her stable. A stable character regains no hit points but stops losing them.
'''Long-Term care:''' You treat a patient for a day or more, spending at least of light activity 1 hour each day per patient you care for. If the check is successful the patient recover recovers double the amount of hit point and ability damage through resting. You may care for more than one patient, each time increasing the DC of the heal check by 2. The items require to heal a creature this way such as bandages, clean water and others are included in a [[SRD:Healer's Kit|Healer's Kit]] but using a charge is unnecessary.
'''Identify Symptoms:''' This check allow allows the healer to determine if the target is under a negative effect, such as a poison, disease or even a spell affect effect which is undermining their physiognomy. If successful it will identify that the target is under such an effect and what is the nature of the effect, such as determining the character has ability damage or drain. If the DC is beaten by 5 or more, the healer identify identifies the exact effect, such as determining exactly which poison was on the target. If the effect was caused by a spell add it effective spell level to the DC of the effect.
'''Identify Type:''' As a move action you may identify a creature's type, this is done by touch but can be done within line of sight by taking a -10 penalty. The DC is 10 for common type types such as animal, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze and giant while it is 20 for other typetypes. If you beat the DC by 10 or more you may even identify a subtype. If a creature is [[SRD:Disguise Skill|Disguised]] as another type you may only determine it type by touch.
'''Improve Magical Healing:''' As a standard action you may observe the wounds of a creature, learning how to maximize your healing abilities. During the next minute or until they next take damage, any magical healing effect used on them heal an additional 5 hit points. For each 5 you beat the DC increase the healing by 5 as well. If the magical healing effect apply applies to fast healing or long duration effect this only apply applies for the 1st round.
'''Identify Cause of Death:''' You attempt to identify the cause of death of a creature by studying a corpse for 1 minute, obvious causes such as sword wounds have a DC of 5, while more complex cause such poison and drowning will have a DC of 15. If a cause is truly exotic, such as negative level it may be necessary to have ranks in the appropriated [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] skill before being able to identify the cause of death. If a creature attempted to mask the cause of death, a [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] check opposed by your own check is necessary to discover the true cause of death, to a minimum DC of 15 (even if the bluff would be lower). A mutilated or rotten corpse increase increases the DC by 10, obviously a destroyed or completely rotten corpse make makes it impossible to determine. You may rush this from 1 minute to 1 round by taking a -10 penalty or to one standard action by taking a -20 penalty. Alternatively may take 1d4 hours to study a corpse, gaining a +10 on your check instead.
'''Treat Disease:''' While giving long-term care to a character you may also treat his or her diseases. If your long-term care heal check exceed exceeds the DC +10 of the disease, the patient receive receives a +8 bonus on it their next saving throw against it.
'''Treat Poison:''' As a full-round action, the healer suck sucks venom out of a wound, washes the affected membranes and other treatment. If the poison's DC +10 is met this end ends the poison early. This uses consume a single use of a single charge on a [[SRD:Healer's Kit|Healer's Kit]].