no edit summary
|dur=1 round; see text
|summary=Change your favored enemy bonus to another kind of creatures.
|text=Choose one kind of creatures, as per the ''favored enemy'' feature: you may apply one of your favored enemies' bonuses to that type of creatures.
After using this maneuver you may activate, in the same round, a maneuver that increases your damage against your favored enemy[[Hunter's Strike (3.5e Maneuver)|Hunter's Strike]], [[Expert Hunter's Strike (3.5e Maneuver)|Expert Hunter's Strike]], [[Master Hunter's Strike (3.5e Maneuver)|Master Hunter's Strike]], [[Headhunter's Strike (3.5e Maneuver)|Headhunter's Strike]] or [[Perfect Hunter's Strike (3.5e Maneuver)|Perfect Hunter's Strike]], to benefit from that extra damage against the new type of creatures you selected for this round. Outside of combat you may change, once per day, one of your favorite enemies to another kind of creatures for the purpose of tracking that kind of creatures. This effect lasts until you keep tracking without interruptions.</onlyinclude>