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True Immortal (3.5e Template)

502 bytes added, 21:10, 27 January 2021
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'''Ability Scores:''' A true immortal gain a +6 bonus on [[Constitution]]. A true immortal creature also receives a +4 bonus on any one of it mental ability scores.
'''Feat:''' A true immortal creature receives [[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]], and [[SRD:Diehard|Diehard]] and as bonus feats even if she does not meet the prerequisites. Alternatively instead of [[Why Won't You Die (3.5e Feat)|Why Won't You Die]] feat, the True Immortal may choose [[Last to Fall (3.5e Feat)|Last to Fall]] as a bonus feats even if feat, she does still do not need to meet the prerequisites.
'''Saving Throw''': A true immortal creature gains a +8 bonus on saving throws against disease, poison, and [death] effects.
'''Special Qualities:''' A true immortal gains the following special qualities.
''Ageless ([[Ex]]):'' A true immortal either stops aging when he acquires the template or in his early 30s (or racial equivalent) if the template is inherited. A true immortal cannot have ist his age magically changed.
''Immortality ([[Ex]]):'' A true immortal creature cannot truly die; they survive indefinitely under 0 hit points (but it may take them a while to regenerate). Any effect that would leave them polymorphed or petrified is reverted after one day/caster level, leaving them at −10 hit points. If a true immortal fails its save against a death-effect, instead of slaying him outright, it immediately drops him at −10 hit points. They do not die from having 0 constitution or having as many or more negative level than their current hit dice; however, both situations leave them helpless until they can properly regenerate. The only way to get rid of them is often imprisonment or leaving them in situations they cannot escape. This immortality does not bypass any specific way of getting killed granted by other templates (such as beheading a [[Highlander (3.5e Template)|highlander]]).  There is however a limit to the True Immortal's immortality, effect which utterly wipe her out down to the last atom (such as a [[SRD:Sphere of Annihilation|Sphere of Annihilation]]) still kill her, as there is nothing to regrow from.
''Redundant Biology ([[Ex]]):'' A true immortal automatically stabilizes from dying, never takes bleeding damage, and has 25% fortification. If a true immortal loses his head to a vorpal weapon or similar effect, he does not die. His intelligence drops to 1 and he is blind and deaf, but he may continue fighting in such a state. Finally, they never need to make massive damage saves.
''Pseudo-Regeneration ([[Ex]]):'' A true immortal possesses a powerful form of regeneration. Each round, a true immortal creature heals hit point damage and nonlethal damage equal to half her HD+1; this may even heal hit point damage caused by starvation, suffocation, vile damage, and whatnot. A true immortal creature will regrow lost limbs and cure status effects within 1d6+1 hours; this ability cures anything that can be repaired by either the [[SRD:Regenerate|''regenerate'']] spell or [[SRD:Greater Restoration|''greater restoration'']] spell. Even if the body is totally destroyed, it will regrow from nothing molecules within 1d4 weeks. The true immortal do not regrow from discarded flesh, only from the remain of her both upon death.
'''CR:''' +[[CR::3]]