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Erotomancy School (3.5e Magic School)

4 bytes added, 19:41, 14 January 2021
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The Eromancy Erotomancy Magic School is a minor discipline, often employed by bards, lustful sorcerers and clerics of deities of love. Erotomancy spells encompass multiple spells from traditional schools, especially [[SRD:Abjuration School|abjuration]], [[SRD:Enchantment School|enchantment]], [[SRD:Illusion School|illusion]] and [[SRD:Transmutation School|transmutation]]. They are used to induce pleasure and amicable sentiments into others, or to convince or force others in doing what the caster wants. Some spells work only on a consensual basis, other don't, and are often frowned upon and even legally prosecuted. Others are employed during lovemaking and romantic occasions.
This is, for any effect, a magic school, allowing to take feats that empower these spells or become specialists wizard in eromancy erotomancy (which are called eromancererotomancer).
Any spell from the [[Love (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Love domain]] is from the Eromancy Erotomancy School if cast as a domain spell.
===Homebrew Erotomancy Spells===
{{SMW Category Query|[[:+]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:Eromancy]]}}
===Official Spells in the Erotomancy Eromancy School===
This list may be used if homebrew spells aren't allowed or if you wish to expand the school's scope. Each spell has a reason for being here, but if you don't like it, you may drop it freely.

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