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Talk:Hothead (3.5e Feat)

1,219 bytes added, 07:32, 10 July 2019
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|reason=This is a nice high level boost to one's rage. Worth the feat slot, I approve.
{{Rating |rater=LeziadSecondDeath777|rating=like|reason=Fair enough. Adds some options to raging, checks out nicely. No particularly strong feelings about it, but it's worth a like for being fairly made.}}{{Rating |blockrater=NewVersionLeziad
|reason=Well the Int damage is still there, which coupled with the AC penalty is This used to be short and a very harsh nice little feat that just improved rage. Maybe it was too good for high, and a powerful but frankly not THAT impressive of a boostpenalty was probably warranted or increasing it balance range. It take two days of rest to recover from Now it a single use different type of this feat. If you rage multiple times per day that compound quickly, which remove your durability for more damage. That make you not want to use I feel like the simplicity of the old feat you took. Honestly is gone and I'd be fine with the AC penalty and maybe like, add a rage duration reductionam not super keen on this version. }}
Alternatively, for a very small investment in gold for a wand of lesser restoration, you can use this all day long without any worries. For a shift on the RNG on top of what you normally gain from Strength, I think it's deserved. --[[User:Ghostwheel|Ghostwheel]] ([[User talk:Ghostwheel|talk]]) 13:49, 14 May 2019 (MDT)
{{Rating |rater=Ghostwheel
|rating=opposedislike|reason=The big part of rage is the bonus to Strength. Reducing the bonus to Constitution , even to 0, is not a huge deal at all. Regardless, this is a straight up vertical enhancement to power, which is the laziest of bonuses to give from a feat, especially when the drawback is largely immaterial.
:::::3rd level wizard uses ''[[SRD:Glitterdust|glitterdust]]'' and ends fight instantly. Barbarian who took this feat cries himself to sleep. 5th level wizard uses ''[[SRD: Deep Slumber|deep slumber]]'', barbarian starts questioning his choices in life. Fear/PhantKill at 7, Hold Monster at 9, flesh to stone at 11, finger of death at 13. Point is the wizard can end an encounter instantly at virtually any level without even going beyond what's in the SRD. This is not new, so unless your solution is to gut half the SRD then yes, there is a fair likelihood that combat only lasts 2-3 rounds. - [[User:ThunderGod Cid|TG Cid]] ([[User talk:ThunderGod Cid|talk]]) 20:20, 21 May 2019 (MDT)
Wizard is by nature powerful. And even that power can be countered in your above examples by blind opponents (or those immune to vision related attacks), those immune to sleep (and mind-affecting affects), those immune or resistant to fear (and mindless), and those immune to polymorph. Thus for every powerful aspect of a wizard there is a counter that a GM can use. In fact most boss fights and those against armies of foes will have some creatures immune, especially to mind-effects.
That all being said, this is not a Wizard-level feat. This is High Balance, thus balanced to be like rogue. Thus in larger fights this is rated with similar capabilities as other High level feats.--Franken Kesey 20:34, 21 May 2019 (MDT)
== Balance ==
:::Removed intimidate boost completely. It was not the crux of the feat.--Franken Kesey 12:26, 21 May 2019 (MDT)
== Salvage ==
I've begun the salvage operation. Actually I think I've used this one before. Except for the bit where the decrease in Con and rage duration (I don't think that actually applies in the first place), nothing wrong here. If it needs adoption, I can. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] ([[User talk:Eiji-kun|talk]]) 01:32, 10 July 2019 (MDT)