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Derro Savant (5e)

382 bytes added, 01:16, 4 June 2019
features & notes
{{5epointer|Out of the Abyss}}
{{5e Monster Pointer
|name=Derro Savant <!--Creature Name-->|sorttext=
|pub=Out of the Abyss <!--Publication name-->
|size=Small <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|subtype=Derro <!--Elf, Goblinoid, etc.-->
|align=Chaotic Evil <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil-->
|cr=3 <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp=700 <!--Experience points for destroying-->
|desc=Derro are small {{srd5lc|Humanoid}}s that are vaguely Dwarf-like.
|feature2=Magic Resistance
|feature4=Sunlight Sensitivity
===Notes===Also published in {{pub|Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes}}, but the Insanity trait is replaced by an Oddity table.----{{5e Monster Breadcrumb}}[[Category:5e Derro|Savant Derro 5e]]

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