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Aurora Assault (3.5e Spell)

36 bytes removed, 23:59, 18 April 2019
Sandboxing of Viewtiful Monarch.
|desc=Electricity, Light
|lvl=Druid 9, Shugenja (Air) 9, Sorcerer/Wizard 9, Viewtiful Monarch 9
|comp=V, S, M
|casttime=1 full-round action
''Tossing the dust into the air, you make a brilliant aurora appear.''
This spell conjures an aurora borealis<ref name="fros">[[Publication:Frostburn|Frostburn]]</ref> anywhere you please in range - &mdash; including on the ground. The aurora borealis has its normal dimensions, except that it can't extend beyond the spell's range. All creatures within the aurora take 20d6 electricity damage per round, with a Fortitude save allowed to halve the damage.
The light of the aurora is painfully bright up-close. A creature that succeeds or fails on its save against this spell by 5 or less is [[SRD:Dazzled|dazzled ]] for 1 round. A creature that fails its save against this spell by 5 or more is [[SRD:Dazed|dazed ]] for 1 round. Sightless or blind creatures do not suffer any of these effects.
''Material Component:'' Multicolored dust. (This spell uses the same material component as [[SRD:Color Spray|''color spray'']], plus dust of the other colors of the rainbow.)
{{3.5e Shugenja Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>
{{3.5e Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>
{{3.5e Viewtiful Monarch Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>[[Category:3.5e]]

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