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A pollaxe is a type of two handed polearm. It that has an axe front, spike top and a reach of 5 feet. The pollaxe may at the wielders choice do slashing damage with its blade, piercing with the spike on top or bludgeoning with the bottom of the haft and a hammer on the back but not all three at once or two at once. Characters with the appropriate exotic weapon feat gain access to new talents when wielding the pollaxe.
A pollaxe has reach. You can strike opponents 5 feet away with it, but you can’t use it against an adjacent foe. The pollaxe may at the wielders choice do slashing damage with its blade, piercing with the spike on top or bludgeoning with the hammer on the back but not all three at once or two at once.Characters with the appropriate exotic weapon feat gain access to new talents when wielding the pollaxe. *'''Strong Grip''' The wielder of the pollaxe gets a +2 on saves to avoid being disarmeddue to the haft design.
*'''Trip''' A pollaxe can be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the pollaxe to avoid being tripped.
*'''Disarming Expertise''' You gain a +1 on disarm attempts, additionally you do not provoke an attack of opportunity when using a pollaxe to disarm.
*'''Defensive''' If fighting defensively you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from foes and the attack penalty is -2 instead of -4.
*'''Unseat'' You when ' When fighting a mounted foe gain a +3 on attempts to unseat the foe*'''Whirlwind''' You may use the whirlwind feat when wielding the pollaxe even if you do not meet the prerequisites. *'''Double''' A pollaxe may be used as a double weapon as well as the usual way, you can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. When using the other end that end does piercing damage only.
{{3.5e Mundane Weapons Breadcrumb}}