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Condition (3.5e Spell)

180 bytes added, 14:17, 3 September 2018
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So for example you could cast any [[SRD:Cure_Light_Wounds|Cure]] or [[SRD:Heal|heal]] spells, [[SRD:Regenerate|regenerate]], [[SRD:Neutralize Poison|neutralize poison]], [[SRD:Remove Disease|remove disease]], [[SRD:Remove Curse|remove curse]], [[SRD:Remove_Blindness/Deafness|remove blindness/deafness]], [[SRD:Restoration|restoration]], [[SRD:Resistance|resistance]], [[SRD:Protection from Spells|protection from spells]], [[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]], etc. However this would not allow you to cast [[SRD:Remove Fear|remove fear]], [[SRD:Remove Paralysis|remove paralysis]], [[SRD:Sanctuary|sanctuary]], [[SRD:Shield Other|shield other]], [[SRD:Sequester|sequester]], [[SRD:Teleport|teleport]], [[SRD:Shadow Walk|shadow walk]], [[SRD:Poison_(Spell)|poison]], [[SRD:Slay Living|slay living]], etc.
Targets must initially be within 10 feet per caster level to establish the link. Once ''Condition'' has been cast upon the subjects, the distance between them and the caster does not affect the spell as long as they are on the same plane of existence. If a subject leaves the plane, or if it dies, the spell ceases to function for it. ''Condition'' sees through any spell or ability that allows creatures to feign death. Spells can only be casts on targets through the link if they are within 25 feet per caster level.

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