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Quick Fire (3.5e Feat)

214 bytes added, 18:31, 19 June 2018
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<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Quick Fire
|types=Fighter, Tactical|summary=You shoot real fast, you reload real fast and you can shoot even faster like a retardall the arrows and ''maybe'' hit something.|prereqs=Bab +1, [[SRD:Point Blank Shot|point blank shotPoint Blank Shot]], [[SRD:Precise Shot|precise shotPrecise Shot]]
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit= The quick fire feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers: ''Quick Shot'': You may make a ranged attack as a swift action at your highest attack bonus -2. If you wield two ranged weapon you may make two attacks at normal two-weapon fighting penalties. This does not stack additional attacks granted by the [[SRD:Rapid Shot|Rapid Shot]] feat. ''Rapid Reload'': You can reload ranged weapons as a free action if reloading said weapon would take a full-round action or less. You can reload siege weapon or weapon that take longer as a move action. You may draw one-handed and light throwing weapons as a free action, but only after making a thrown attack. ''Spray and Pray'': During a full-attack action you may double the number of attacks (including with two-weapon fighting) you make, however those attacks are made with a -4 penalty as well as a 50% miss chance which cannot be bypassed.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|special= This feat can be used in place of [[counts as {{Property Link|Feat Replaces|SRD:rapid Rapid Shot|rapid shot]] Rapid Shot}} and [[{{Property Link|Feat Replaces|SRD:Rapid Reload|rapid reload]] Rapid Reload}} to qualify for a feat, prestige class, or other special ability. Any class that grants [[SRD:Rapid Shot|rapid shot]] may grant this feat instead.}}</onlyinclude>''Quick Shot'': You may make a ranged attack as a swift action at your highest attack bonus. If you wield two ranged weapon you may make two attacks at normal two-weapon fighting penalties.  ''Rapid Reload'': You can reload ranged weapons as a free action if reloading said weapon would take a full-round action or less, you can reload siege weapon or weapon that take longer as a move action.  ''Spray and Pray'': During a full-attack action you may double the number of attacks (including with two-weapon fighting) you make, however those attacks only hit on a natural 20. This maneuver is especially useful when attacking creatures with egregious AC you just can't hit normally.