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Biomancer (3.5e Class)

797 bytes added, 00:03, 2 February 2018
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[[Summary::Masters of the world unseen, good Biomancers heal and improve the body, and evil ones are masters of disease, decay, and suffering.]]
[[Minimum Level::1]]
[[Base Attack Bonus Progression::Poor]]
[[Fortitude Save Progression::Good]]
[[Reflex Save Progression::Poor]]
[[Will Save Progression::Good]]
[[Class Ability::Prepared Divine Spellcasting]]
[[Class Ability Progression::Full]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Lawful Good]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Lawful Neutral]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Lawful Evil]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Neutral Good]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Neutral]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Neutral Evil]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Chaotic Good]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Chaotic Neutral]]
[[Allowed Alignments::Chaotic Evil]]
{{3.5e Class Semantic
|description=Masters of the world unseen, good Biomancers heal and improve the body, and evil ones are masters of disease, decay, and suffering.
The Biomancer. Doctor, biologist, biohazard, and more. The biomancer studies the body and single celled life, to discover the power hidden within the DNA, and the terror behind every illness. They are thoughtful skilled druids who lack a connection with nature to turn into beasts, but instead understand nature to the point where they may command it at their whim.
[[file:Van_magic.jpg|thumb|right| A Half-Dusk Elf Biomancer + Snake Test Subject.]]
===Making a Biomancer===
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Biomancers are proficient in all simple weapons, and light armor, but not with shields.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' Biomancer spells are based on [[Intelligence]] for determining both spell DCs and spells per day, as well as the highest level spell available to cast. Biomancers may choose spells that appear on the [[druid]] spell list. Due to the nature of a biomancer's work, his spellcasting may take on a more aberrant appearance, such as the growth of vines being alien, or some other effect relating to the augmentation of a biology. A biomancer keeps a spellbook of spells known, learning all 0th level spells and 3 + [[Int]] first level spells on creation. Like a wizard they also gain 2 spells known per level. Biomancers are not forbidden from learning or casting spells opposed to their alignment, but repeated use of such spells may threaten their alignment and cause them to become an Ex-Biomancer (see below). All spells which affect [[SRD:Animal_Type|animals]] now instead affect [[SRD:Aberration_Type|aberration]]. In addition to all druidic spells, add the following spells to the biomancer's class list.
0&mdash;[[SRD:Acid Splash|Acid Splash]], [[SRD:Inflict Minor Wounds|Inflict Minor Wounds]], [[SRD:Touch of Fatigue|Touch of Fatigue]]
'''{{Anchor|Cell Form}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 5th level, a biomancer unlocks the secrets of single celled lifeforms and can discoperate into a cloud of microbes floating in the air. The effect is identical to the casting of a [[SRD:Gaseous Form|Gaseous Form]] spell, except it lasts for 10 minutes/class level, only effects the biomancer, has a fly speed of 20 ft. (perfect), and possesses a 20% miss chance as their form blurs (this does not stack with the blur spell). At levels 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19, the biomancer gains an additional use of this ability per day. Its power also increases as he levels. In this state, he may still use the power of microbe touch without issue.
At level 7, a biomancer learns how to communicate in this state, his voice ghostly and echoing in the wind, as if spoken by a billion tiny voices in chorus. He may once again use spells which have vocal components, but still requires [[SRD:Eschew Materials|eschew materials]] or [[SRD:Still Spell|still spell]] to cast his spells.
At 9th level a biomancer can pass into and transmit through bodies of water as if it were air, literally infecting it. His fly speed in this state also rises from 20 ft. (perfect) to 30 ft. (perfect). While underwater, his speed is cut in half, but is otherwise unaffected. His miss chance rises to 50% (and does not stack with spells like blur or displacement).
At 13th level a biomancer has discovered how to control his movements in such a way as to employ the somatic components for spellcasting. He still requires the use of [[SRD:Eschew Materials|eschew materials]] to cast spells with material components, but is otherwise free to cast, even in gaseous form.
At 15th level, his fly speed rises again, this time to 40 ft. (perfect), and he gains the special ability to infect the bodies of others. He enters the space of another creature, provoking attacks of opportunity as he does, and attempts to enter it. Unwilling targets get a Fortitude save, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + [[Int]]. A creature immune to supernatural diseases is immune to infection by a biomancer's cell form, and creatures immune to disease may also be immune to the infection (willing targets may still permit the biomancer into their bodies, immune or not). Once infected the biomancer may use the subject's eyes and ears, and can automatically hit with their micobe touch attack, while the host takes a -5 penalty to their saving throw against it, or have the microbe attack go off on another if his host makes a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural weapon attack on another. Inside a body, he is completely concealed and may continue to inhabit the body even after his host has died. He may also spread to another person by touch without becoming visible again, at the same saving throw. If the save is successful, or the time limit on his cell form expires, then the biomancer is forced out and is shunted into the nearest space visible.
''{{Anchor|Viral Carrier}} ([[Ex]]):'' A biomancer is immune to disease, but may choose to allow one to possess him to store it. From that point on, he may spread his disease as normal for that brand of sickness, such as by touch or fluids. The biomancer suffers no ill effects from the disease except for purely cosmetic ones, such as sores, pockmarked skins, or other symptoms of infection. He becomes a carrier of every disease he encounters, up to his class level. However, if subject to [[SRD:Remove Disease|remove disease]] while carrying diseases, he takes 1d6 damage per disease, and loses one disease he currently carries. Only very evil biomancers choose this ability.
'''{{Anchor|Youthful Body}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' The biomancer's body becomes able to endure the test of time. At 16th level, a biomancer no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and he cannot be magically aged. Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place, and the biomancer still dies when his time is up. If a biomancer later gains the epic feat [[SRD:Extended Life Span|Extended Life Span]], he instead becomes immortal as he discovers the means to constantly refresh his body.
'''{{Anchor|Biological Awakening}}:''' At 20th level a biomancer has played with the building blocks of complex life for so long than his studies have forever changed him. He becomes an aberration rather than a humanoid or his original creature, retaining all subtypes and still counting as an original member of his race for prestige classes and spells. Additionally the biomancer gains damage reduction 5 to either silver, adamantine, or cold iron (the biomancer's choice), and his cell form's damage reduction also becomes damage reduction of the appropriate type instead of DR/magic. The damage reduction stacks with any similar form of damage reduction the biomancer already possesses, but not the increase granted by cell form's DR 10. He gains darkvision 60 ft, or adds 60 ft. to his current darkvision, and his biology changes where he no longer needs to eat or sleep (but he must still breath). Finally the biomancer gains regeneration 1, which is bypassed by fire, cold, electricity, and acid damage.
'''{{Anchor| Bonus Feats }}:''' The epic Biomancer gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Biomancer bonus feats) every four levels after 20th.
''Epic Biomancer Bonus Feat List:'' [[SRD:Armor Skin|Armor Skin]], [[SRD:Augmented Alchemy|Augmented Alchemy]], [[SRD:Automatic Quicken Spell|Automatic Quicken Spell]], [[SRD:Automatic Still Spell|Automatic Still Spell]], [[SRD:Automatic Silent Spell|Automatic Silent Spell]], [[SRD:Blinding Speed|Blinding Speed]], [[SRD:Damage Reduction|Damage Reduction]], [[SRD:Energy Resistance|Energy Resistance]], [[SRD:Enhance Spell|Enhance Spell]], [[SRD:Epic Endurance|Epic Endurance]], [[SRD:Epic Fortitude|Epic Fortitude]], [[SRD:Epic Reflexes|Epic Reflexes]], [[SRD:Epic Speed|Epic Speed]], [[SRD:Epic Spell Focus|Epic Spell Focus]], [[SRD:Epic Spell Penetration|Epic Spell Penetration]], [[SRD:Epic Spellcasting|Epic Spellcasting]], [[SRD:Epic Toughness|Epic Toughness]], [[SRD:Epic Will|Epic Will]], [[SRD:Extended Life Span|Extended Life Span]], [[SRD:Fast Healing|Fast Healing]], [[SRD:Great Charisma|Great Charisma]], [[SRD:Great Constitution|Great Constitution]], [[SRD:Great Dexterity|Great Dexterity]], [[SRD:Great Intelligence|Great Intelligence]], [[SRD:Great Strength|Great Strength]], [[SRD:Great Wisdom|Great Wisdom]], [[SRD:Improved Darkvision|Improved Darkvision]], [[SRD:Improved Heightened Heighten Spell|Improved Heightened Heighten Spell]], [[SRD:Improved Metamagic|Improved Metamagic]], [[SRD:Improved Spell Capacity|Improved Spell Capacity]], [[SRD:Multispell|Multispell]], [[SRD:Penetrate Damage Reduction|Penetrate Damage Reduction]], [[SRD:Permanent Emanation|Permanent Emanation]], [[SRD:Spell Knowledge|Spell Knowledge]], and [[SRD:Spell Opportunity|Spell Opportunity]].
====Elf Biomancer Starting Package====
[[Category:Divine Spellcasting]]
[[Category:Prepared Spellcasting]]
[[Category:User Eiji-kun]]{{Navboxes}}