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'''{{Anchor|Musically Gifted}} {{Ex}}:''' A Minstrel receive has class level +3 ranks in a single [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] skill of her choice, the [[Versatile Performer (3.5e Feat)|Versatile Performer]] feat for that skill and half her class level as a competence bonus to all [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] checks. This ability count as Bardic Knowledge for the purpose of prerequisites.
'''{{Anchor|Musically Gifted}} {{Ex}}:''' A Minstrel receives her class level +3 ranks in a single [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] skill of her choice in addition to the skills she purchases with her skill points. She also gains the [[Versatile Performer (3.5e Feat)|Versatile Performer]] feat for that skill and half her class level as a competence bonus to all [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] checks. This ability counts as [[SRD:Bard#Bardic Knowledge|Bardic Knowledge]] for the purpose of prerequisites.
'''{{Anchor|Stylistic Path}}:''' A 1st level Minstrel must choose a single Stylistic Path for her to take from the list below:  
'''{{Anchor|Stylistic Path}}:''' A 1st level Minstrel must choose a single Stylistic Path for her to take from the list below:  
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''{{Anchor|Swashbuckler}}:'' You gain the [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] feat as well as either the [[#Disarmer|Disarmer]] or [[#Cunning Fighter|Cunning Fighter]] [[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discoveries]] at 1st level.
''{{Anchor|Swashbuckler}}:'' You gain the [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] feat as well as either the [[#Disarmer|Disarmer]] or [[#Cunning Fighter|Cunning Fighter]] [[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discoveries]] at 1st level.
''{{Anchor|Virtuoso}}:''You gain an extra virtuous performance known and the [[#Stardom|Stardom]] [[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] at 1st level.
''{{Anchor|Virtuoso}}:'' You gain an extra virtuous performance known and the [[#Stardom|Stardom]] [[#Talented Discovery|Talented Discovery]] at 1st level.
'''{{Anchor|Virtuous Performance}} {{Ex}} or {{Su}}:''' A Minstrel is able to produce a wide array of extraordinary and magical performance that enhance allies and negatively impact enemies. In order to start a virtuous performance the Minstrel must make a DC 15 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check, she may take 10 when she is not in combat even if the situation is stressful. If she fail to start her performance it does not waste any round or daily uses of the ability. A minstrel can cast spell while performing, but must succeed a [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check equal to 15 + spell level otherwise the spell fail and she waste the action, although not the spell slot or any resources that the spell would have used .
'''{{Anchor|Virtuous Performance}} {{Ex}} or {{Su}}:''' A Minstrel is able to produce a wide array of extraordinary and magical performances that enhance allies and negatively impact enemies. In order to start a virtuous performance, the Minstrel must make a DC 15 [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check; she may take 10 when she is not in combat, even if the situation is stressful. If she fails to start her performance, it does not waste any round or daily uses of the ability. A minstrel can cast spells while performing, but must succeed on a [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check, DC equal to 15 + spell level, or the spell fails and she wastes the action, although not the spell slot or any resources that the spell would have used.
Starting a virtuous performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained every round as a free action. Once a virtuous performance is start the Minstrel may switch between different performance as a free action once per round at the start of her turn. She maintain her Virtuous Performances for a total number of round each day equal to 5 + twice her class level + her [[Charisma]] modifier, which she can spread as she wish through the use of all of her virtuous performances.   
Starting a virtuous performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained every round as a free action. Once a virtuous performance is started, the Minstrel may switch between different performances as a free action once per round at the start of her turn. She may maintain her Virtuous Performances for a total number of rounds each day equal to 5 + twice her class level + her [[Charisma]] modifier, which she can spread as she wishes through the use of all of her virtuous performances.   
A virtuous performance has either audible or visual component based on it type. In order to be affected by a virtuous performance a creature must either be able to hear or see her. If the Minstrel use dancing creature must be able to see her in order to be affected, but if she use an instrument or her voice they only need to hear her. A Minstrel know her performance well enough that she it is not negatively affected by being deafened. A Minstrel always affect herself with her virtuous performance if it affect allies, unless specifically mentioned otherwise, she also do not count in any creature limit the performance may have.  
A virtuous performance has either audible or visual component based on its type. In order to be affected by a virtuous performance, a creature must either be able to hear or see her. If the Minstrel use dancing creature must be able to see her in order to be affected, but if she use an instrument or her voice they only need to hear her. A Minstrel know her performance well enough that she it is not negatively affected by being deafened. A Minstrel always affect herself with her virtuous performance if it affect allies, unless specifically mentioned otherwise, she also do not count in any creature limit the performance may have.  
Virtuous Performance count as Bardic Music for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and abilities interacting with Bardic Music. An item or spell which increase the potency of Bardic Music also does so for Virtuous Performance. Similarly an effect or spell which weaken bardic music also affect virtuous performance likewise. The only exception is if an ability specifically target virtuous performance it does not affect bardic music, or if virtuous performance is specifically excluded from the text of an ability which interact with bardic music.
Virtuous Performance count as Bardic Music for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and abilities interacting with Bardic Music. An item or spell which increase the potency of Bardic Music also does so for Virtuous Performance. Similarly an effect or spell which weaken bardic music also affect virtuous performance likewise. The only exception is if an ability specifically target virtuous performance it does not affect bardic music, or if virtuous performance is specifically excluded from the text of an ability which interact with bardic music.
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A Minstrel start knowing two performance of her choice and gain new performance known as she level. She choose her performance from the the following list: [[Minstrel (3.5e Class)/Virtuous Performance List]]
A Minstrel start knowing two performance of her choice and gain new performance known as she level. She choose her performance from the the following list: [[Minstrel (3.5e Class)/Virtuous Performance List]]
'''{{Anchor|Disguise in Plain Sight}}:''' A 2nd level Minstrel gain [[Disguise in Plain Sight (3.5e Feat)|Disguise in Plain Sight]] as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If you already possess the feat you gain another feat from the Minstrel's Bonus Feat list you meet the prerequisites of.  
'''{{Anchor|Disguise in Plain Sight}}:''' A 2nd level Minstrel gains [[Disguise in Plain Sight (3.5e Feat)|Disguise in Plain Sight]] as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If you already possess the feat you gain another feat from the Minstrel's Bonus Feat list you meet the prerequisites of.  
'''{{Anchor|Talented Discovery}}:''' At 2nd level and each even level thereafter, the minstrel learn a special skill called a Talented Discovery. Once learned a Talented Discovery cannot be changed short or rebuilding. The DC of her Talented Discoveries if any is DC 10 +1/2 Class + her [[Charisma]] modifier. She select her Talented Discoveries from the list below:
'''{{Anchor|Talented Discovery}}:''' At 2nd level and each even level thereafter, the minstrel learns a special skill called a Talented Discovery. Once learned, a Talented Discovery cannot be changed short or rebuilding. The DC of her Talented Discoveries, if any. is DC 10 +1/2 Class + her [[Charisma]] modifier. She selects her Talented Discoveries from the list below:
''{{Anchor|Acquire Skill}}:'' A minstrel choose a skill she has no ranks in, she gain a number of free rank in the skill equal to her class level +3.  
''{{Anchor|Acquire Skill}}:'' A minstrel chooses a skill she has no ranks in, she gains a number of free ranks in the skill equal to her class level +3.  
''{{Anchor|Charmer}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel is capable of quick wit and charm and quickly catch the heart of anyone who fancy her even with a simple wink or suggestive smile. You gain the [[Pretty Eyes (3.5e Skill Trick)|Pretty Eyes]] skill trick.  Additionally, if it made friendly by this ability it must make a [[Will]] or become [[SRD:Charm Person|charmed]] (as the spell) for 1 hour.  
''{{Anchor|Charmer}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel is capable of quick wit and charm and quickly catch the heart of anyone who fancy her even with a simple wink or suggestive smile. You gain the [[Pretty Eyes (3.5e Skill Trick)|Pretty Eyes]] skill trick.  Additionally, if it made friendly by this ability it must make a [[Will]] or become [[SRD:Charm Person|charmed]] (as the spell) for 1 hour.  
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''{{Anchor|Costume Proficiency}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel wore enough extra and burdensome costume to gain proficiency in medium armor and the ability to cast in medium armor without spell failure. She can also disguise an as another sex or race without penalties and gain the ability to move at half her speed while using [[SRD:Disguise|Disguise]] skill.
''{{Anchor|Costume Proficiency}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel wore enough extra and burdensome costume to gain proficiency in medium armor and the ability to cast in medium armor without spell failure. She can also disguise an as another sex or race without penalties and gain the ability to move at half her speed while using [[SRD:Disguise|Disguise]] skill.
''{{Anchor|Cunning Fighter}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gain [[SRD:Improved Feint|Improved Feint]] and [[Flanking Feint (3.5e Feat)|Flanking Feint]] as bonus feats even if she do not meet the prerequisites. If you successfully feint a creature it is flat-footed until the start of it next turn.
''{{Anchor|Cunning Fighter}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gains [[SRD:Improved Feint|Improved Feint]] and [[Flanking Feint (3.5e Feat)|Flanking Feint]] as bonus feats even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If you successfully feint a creature, it is flat-footed until the start of its next turn.
''{{Anchor|Disarmer}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gain [[SRD:Improved Disarm|Improved Disarm]] and [[Improved Rearm (3.5e Feat)|Improved Rearm]] as bonus feats even if you do not meet the prerequisites. You may also now disarm armors at a -4 penalty, counting light armor as a light weapon, medium armor as a one-handed weapon and heavy armor as a two-handed weapon.  
''{{Anchor|Disarmer}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gains [[SRD:Improved Disarm|Improved Disarm]] and [[Improved Rearm (3.5e Feat)|Improved Rearm]] as bonus feats, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. You may also now disarm armors at a −4 penalty, counting light armor as a light weapon, medium armor as a one-handed weapon, and heavy armor as a two-handed weapon.  
''{{Anchor|Ear for Music}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gain a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] checks and automatically identify any tune or song she has previously heard.
''{{Anchor|Ear for Music}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gains a +4 bonus on [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] checks and automatically identifies any tune or song she has previously heard.
''{{Anchor|Eye for Treasure}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gain a +8 bonus on [[SRD:Appraise Skill|Appraise]] checks. She may identify an item as per the [[SRD:Identify|''spell'']] if she make an [[SRD:Appraise Skill|Appraise]] check with a DC 20 + caster level of the item, doing so require an hour. If she actually cast the spell the casting time is automatically reduced to 1 round and she may identify a number of items equal to her caster level.  
''{{Anchor|Eye for Treasure}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gains a +8 bonus on [[SRD:Appraise Skill|Appraise]] checks. She may identify an item as per the [[SRD:Identify|''identify'' spell]] if she makes an [[SRD:Appraise Skill|Appraise]] check with a DC 20 + caster level of the item: doing so requires an hour. If she actually casts the spell, the casting time is automatically reduced to 1 round and she may identify a number of items equal to her caster level.  
''{{Anchor|Incognito Magic}} {{Su}}:'' The minstrel know how to be extremely subtle when she need to. Any creature that succeed a [[Will]] save against any of her abilities (including spells) must make a second [[Will]] save with the same DC at a -2 penalty, if it fail this save it does not realized it succeeded a [[Will]] save.
''{{Anchor|Incognito Magic}} {{Su}}:'' The minstrel knows how to be extremely subtle when she needs to. Any creature that succeeds on a [[Will]] save against any of her abilities (including spells) must make a second [[Will]] save with the same DC at a −2 penalty; if it fails this save it does not realize it has succeeded on a [[Will]] save.
''{{Anchor|Forked Tongue}} {{Ex}}:'' The Minstrel gain the [[Goad (3.5e Feat)|Goad]] feat as a bonus feat. You may use your class level as your Base Attack Bonus, but only for tyhe feat special clause. The penalty from your use of the [[Goad (3.5e Feat)|Goad]] feat now also apply to all skill checks not made against you. In non-combat situation the penalty double on social check and last 1 minute unless they make a melee attack against you.  
''{{Anchor|Forked Tongue}} {{Ex}}:'' The Minstrel gains the [[Goad (3.5e Feat)|Goad]] feat as a bonus feat. You may use your class level as your Base Attack Bonus, but only for the feat special clause. The penalty from your use of the [[Goad (3.5e Feat)|Goad]] feat now also applies to all skill checks not made against you. In non-combat situations, the penalty doubles on social check and lasts for 1 minute unless they make a melee attack against you.  
: ''{{Anchor|Forked Tongue, Improved}} {{Ex}}:''  If you goad a creature in melee and it fail to deal damage against you until the end of it turn, it is flat-footed until the start of it next turn. This Talented Discovery require the Forked Tongue Discovery.
: ''{{Anchor|Forked Tongue, Improved}} {{Ex}}:''  If you goad a creature in melee and it fails to deal damage against you, it is flat-footed until the start of its next turn. This Talented Discovery requires the Forked Tongue Discovery.
''{{Anchor|Master Mesmer}} {{Su}}:'' A minstrel can use her magic to even affect the dead with her performance. She now bypass immunities to mind-affecting effect (including compulsion and charm) with her minstrel's spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities and virtuous performance. However creature with such immunities gain a +4 bonus on their saving throws and are allowed a [[Will]] save to negate the effect if the effect as no save.
''{{Anchor|Master Mesmer}} {{Su}}:'' A minstrel can use her magic to even affect the dead with her performance. She now bypasses immunities to mind-affecting effects (including compulsion and charm) with her minstrel's spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and virtuous performance. However, creatures with such immunities gain a +4 bonus on their saving throws and are allowed a [[Will]] save to negate the effect if the effect has no save.
''{{Anchor|Mobile Stealth}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel no longer take any penalty to [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] for moving at full speed. The penalty for use [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] while running are halved as well.  
''{{Anchor|Mobile Stealth}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel no longer takes any penalty to [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] for moving at full speed. The penalty for using [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] while running is halved as well.  
: ''{{Anchor|Mobile Stealth, Improved}} {{Ex}}: The penalty for use [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] while running are now removed as well.  
: ''{{Anchor|Mobile Stealth, Improved}} {{Ex}}: The penalty for using [[SRD:Move Silently|Move Silently]] while running is now removed as well.  
''{{Anchor|Outrageous Display}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel can cause an opening in her foes's defense by opening her own. As a move action she may strike a pose, say a snappy line, open her shirt or similar show off. If she does she provoke an attack of opportunity from which she take a -4 penalty. If she is not struck she cause every creature who attacked and missed to become flat-footed until the start of their next turn.
''{{Anchor|Outrageous Display}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel can cause an opening in her foes's defense by opening her own. As a move action, she may strike a pose, say a snappy line, open her shirt, or similarly show off. If she does, she provokes an attack of opportunity, for which she take a -4 penalty to her AC. If she is not struck, she causes every creature who attacked and missed to become flat-footed until the start of their next turn.
Outside of combat you draw a spectacular amount of attention on yourself, allowing any allies to make a [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] check without having concealment for 1 round. Your allies need to hide in concealment before the distraction end as normal.  
Outside of combat, you draw a spectacular amount of attention on yourself, allowing any allies to make a [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] check without having concealment for 1 round. Your allies need to hide in concealment before the distraction ends as normal.  
: ''{{Anchor|Outrageous Display, Improved}} {{Ex}}:'' While using her Outrageous Display ability you may instead of it normal effect as it is resolved, make an attack against every creature who missed their attack of opportunity against you. This Talented Discovery require the Outrageous Display Discovery.
: ''{{Anchor|Outrageous Display, Improved}} {{Ex}}:'' While using her Outrageous Display ability. you may. instead of its normal effect as it is resolved, make an attack against every creature who missed their attack of opportunity against you. This Talented Discovery requires the Outrageous Display Discovery.
''{{Anchor|Poison Mastery}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel can now apply poison to her weapons as a swift action and longer risk poisoning yourself when applying poison. She may also turn any ingested poison into a poisonous lipstick, allowing to poison others with a kiss, she must consume a dose of antitoxin made for that poison right before applying the 'lipstick' otherwise she will also poison herself.
''{{Anchor|Poison Mastery}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel can now apply poison to her weapons as a swift action and no longer risks poisoning herself when applying poison. She may also turn any ingested poison into a poisonous lipstick, allowing her to poison others with a kiss. She must consume a dose of antitoxin made for that poison right before applying the 'lipstick', otherwise she will also poison herself.
''{{Anchor|Seduction}} {{Ex}}:'' The Minstrel gain [[Seduce to Deceive (3.5e Other)|Seduce to Deceive]] and a +2 a bonus on [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]], [[SRD:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]], [[SRD:Gather Information|Gather Information]] and [[SRD:Sense Motive|Sense Motive]] checks against creature physically attracted to her.  
''{{Anchor|Seduction}} {{Ex}}:'' The Minstrel gains [[Seduce to Deceive (3.5e Other)|Seduce to Deceive]] and a +2 a bonus on [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]], [[SRD:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]], [[SRD:Gather Information|Gather Information]], and [[SRD:Sense Motive|Sense Motive]] checks against creatures physically attracted to her.  
: ''{{Anchor|Seduction, Improved}} {{Ex}}:'' If she successfully use the [[#Seduction|Seduction]] discovery on a creature she may employ a extraordinary [[SRD:Suggestion|suggestion]] after 'business' is concluded. A [[Will]] is allowed as normal to negate the effect. This Talented Discovery require the Seduction Discovery.     
: ''{{Anchor|Seduction, Improved}} {{Ex}}:'' If she successfully uses the [[#Seduction|Seduction]] discovery on a creature, she may employ a extraordinary [[SRD:Suggestion|suggestion]] after 'business' is concluded. A [[Will]] is allowed as normal to negate the effect. This Talented Discovery requires the Seduction Discovery.     
''{{Anchor|Shake Morale}} {{Ex}}:'' As a standard action the minstrel attempt to [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|''demoralize opponent'']] using her [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy]] instead of her [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] skill, the affected creature take one [[Daunt (3.5e Creature Ability)|daunt]] level. A creature can clear all but one daunt level gained through this ability as a full-round action.
''{{Anchor|Shake Morale}} {{Ex}}:'' As a standard action, the minstrel attempts to [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|''demoralize opponent'']] using her [[SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy]] instead of her [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] skill; the affected creature takes one [[Daunt (3.5e Creature Ability)|daunt]] level. A creature can clear all but one daunt level gained through this ability as a full-round action.
''{{Anchor|Stardom}} {{Ex}}:'' the minstrel gain a +3 bonus on [[SRD:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] and [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] but take a -10 penalty on [[SRD:Disguise Skill|disguise check]] as long as the creature in the area would conceivably be able to recognize her. Any creature who recognize her are one step friendlier towards her than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' - if she take any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately. The minstrel can spread her fame into another area by performing there for 1d4+1 week.  
''{{Anchor|Stardom}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gains a +3 bonus on [[SRD:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] and [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] checks, but takes a −10 penalty on [[SRD:Disguise Skill|Disguise]] checks as long as a creature in the area would conceivably be able to recognize her. Any creature who recognizes her is one step friendlier towards her than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' — if she takes any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately. The minstrel can spread her fame into another area by performing there for 1d4+1 week.  
''{{Anchor|Subtle Performance}} {{Ex}}:'' Using shadow, humming and other subtle means the minstrel is able to deliver her performance ton her audience without anyone else being the none the wiser. When she start a performance the minstrel may accept an halved number of targets or range, whichever is applicable (including both). If she does only the ones directly affected by the performance notice she is performing, although a [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] or [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] check opposed by your [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check notice the performance being delivered.
''{{Anchor|Subtle Performance}} {{Ex}}:'' Using shadows, humming, and other subtle means, the minstrel is able to deliver her performance to her audience without anyone else being aware of it. When she starts a performance the minstrel may accept an halved number of targets or range, whichever is applicable (including both). If she does, only the ones directly affected by the performance notice she is performing, although a [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] or [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] check opposed by your [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] check notices the performance being delivered.
''{{Anchor|Uncanny Dodge}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gain Uncanny Dodge as the [[SRD:Barbarian|Barbarian]] ability. She may take this talent an additional time to gain Improved Uncanny Dodge.  
''{{Anchor|Uncanny Dodge}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gains Uncanny Dodge as the [[SRD:Barbarian|Barbarian]] ability. She may take this talent an additional time to gain Improved Uncanny Dodge.  
''{{Anchor|Well Read}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel gain 2 additional skill points per level for all class she has (applies retroactively), she may only use those skill points to purchases ranks in [[SRD:Decipher Script Skill|Decipher Script]] or [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]]. The minstrel gain half her class levels in all [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] checks.
''{{Anchor|Well Read}} {{Ex}}:'' The minstrel sgain 2 additional skill points per level for all classes she has (applies retroactively), but she may only use those skill points to purchase ranks in [[SRD:Decipher Script Skill|Decipher Script]] or [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]]. The minstrel gains half her class levels in all [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] checks.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 3rd level, 5th and each 5 level thereafter the minstrel gain a bonus feat she meet the prerequisites for from the following list: [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]], [[Broad Practice (3.5e Feat)|Broad Practice]] [[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]], [[SRD:Persuasive|Persuasive]], [[SRD:Skill Focus|Skill Focus]] (Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather Information or Perform), [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] and any feat which affect her virtuous performance (such as [[Exalted Bardsong (3.5e Feat)|Exalted Bardsong]] or [[Music of the Gods-CE (3.5e Feat)|Music of the Gods]]).  
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 3rd level, 5th level, and each 5 levels thereafter, the minstrel gains a bonus feat she meets the prerequisites for from the following list: [[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]], [[Broad Practice (3.5e Feat)|Broad Practice]] [[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]], [[SRD:Persuasive|Persuasive]], [[SRD:Skill Focus|Skill Focus]] (Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather Information or Perform), [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]]. and any feat which affects her virtuous performance (such as [[Exalted Bardsong (3.5e Feat)|Exalted Bardsong]] or [[Music of the Gods-CE (3.5e Feat)|Music of the Gods]]).  
'''{{Anchor|Gather Crowd}} {{Ex}}:''' The 3rd level minstrel can amass a crowd with a 10 minutes speech or performance. The size of the crowd depends on the local population but is usually dense enough to be considered difficult terrain. The crowd usually disperse 1d4 rounds after any interesting events have stopped happening or after violence has started.  
'''{{Anchor|Gather Crowd}} {{Ex}}:''' The 3rd level minstrel can amass a crowd with a 10-minute speech or performance. The size of the crowd depends on the local population. but is usually dense enough to be considered difficult terrain. The crowd usually disperses 1d4 rounds after any interesting events have stopped happening or after violence has started.  
'''{{Anchor|Skill Improvisation}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Minstrel is capable of improvising just about any skills. She may replace any skill check with a half class level + her [[Intelligence]] modifier check. This do not allow her to use trained-only skill without ranks.  
'''{{Anchor|Skill Improvisation}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level Minstrel is capable of improvising just about any skills. She may replace any skill check with a half class level + her [[Intelligence]] modifier check. This does not allow her to use trained-only skill without ranks.  
At 6th level she may use Skill Improvisation to gain full use of trained-only skills.  
At 6th level, she may use Skill Improvisation to gain full use of trained-only skills.  
'''{{Anchor|The Troupe}} {{Ex}}:''' A 7th level minstrel gain [[Variant Leadership (3.5e Feat)|Variant Leadership]] as a bonus feat. If she do not want the responsibility of leading then she may gain [[Broad Practice (3.5e Feat)|Broad Practice]] as a bonus feat instead.  
'''{{Anchor|The Troupe}} {{Ex}}:''' A 7th level minstrel gains [[Variant Leadership (3.5e Feat)|Variant Leadership]] as a bonus feat. If she does not want the responsibility of leading, then she may gain [[Broad Practice (3.5e Feat)|Broad Practice]] as a bonus feat instead.  
'''{{Anchor|Inspiration}} {{Su}}:''' A 9th level minstrel can spend one round of her virtuous performance to make any willing creature within 30 feet of herself reroll a single d20 roll, accepting the second result even if it worse.  
'''{{Anchor|Inspiration}} {{Su}}:''' A 9th level minstrel can spend one round of her virtuous performance to make any willing creature within 30 feet of herself reroll a single d20 roll, accepting the second result even if it's worse.  
'''{{Anchor|Arcane Mastery}} {{Ex}}:''' 13th level ability gain a single [[SRD:Archmage|Archmage]]'s High Arcana, she must sacrifice a spell slot as normal but the spell slot cost is reduced by 2 (so ''Arcane Reach'' would cost a 5th level spell slot). Whenever she gain a new Talented Discovery she may select another High Arcana as well.  
'''{{Anchor|Arcane Mastery}} {{Ex}}:''' At 13th level, a minstrel can gain a single [[SRD:Archmage|Archmage]]'s High Arcana; she must sacrifice a spell slot as normal, but the spell slot cost is reduced by 2 (so ''Arcane Reach'' would cost a 5th level spell slot). Whenever she gains a new Talented Discovery, she may select another High Arcana as well.  
'''{{Anchor|Generational Legacy}} {{Su}}:''' A 17th level minstrel can make herself immortal through her work. With a full year of work she may create a play, song or another form of art. As long as this piece of art or a copy of it exist she cease to age and may be brought back to life with no level loss.   
'''{{Anchor|Generational Legacy}} {{Su}}:''' A 17th level minstrel can make herself immortal through her work. With a full year of work, she may create a play, song, or another form of art. As long as this piece of art or a copy of it exists, she ceases to age and may be brought back to life with no level loss.   
'''{{Anchor|Move the Stars}} {{Su}}:''' A 19th minstrel can once per make a DC 40 [[SRD:Perform Skill|perform]] check as a 1 round action. If she fail or the action is interrupted the ability wasted. If she succeed however she replicate the effect of the [[SRD:Miracle|''miracle'']] spell. She must still pay any material or XP component of the miracle or any spell it replicate.
'''{{Anchor|Move the Stars}} {{Su}}:''' A 19th minstrel can once per (???) make a DC 40 [[SRD:Perform Skill|perform]] check as a 1 round action. If she fails or the action is interrupted, the ability is wasted. If she succeeds, however, she replicates the effect of the [[SRD:Miracle|''miracle'']] spell. She must still pay any material or XP component of the miracle or any spell it replicates.
'''{{Anchor|The Legend}}:''' A 20th level minstrel gain a a supreme virtuous performance, she must choose from the following list:
'''{{Anchor|The Legend}}:''' A 20th level minstrel gains a a supreme virtuous performance. She must choose from the following list:
''{{Anchor|Call of the Falling Star}} {{Su}}:'' As you start this performance you replicate the effect of [[Call Lightning Shower (3.5e Spell)|''call lightning shower'']] except calling small meteors instead of bolt of lightning. The meteors deal 5d6 bludgeoning and 5d6 fire damage and cause a creature directly to fall [[SRD:Prone|Prone]]. A successful [[Reflex]] save halves the fire damage and prevent the creature from going prone. The effect last for as long as the performance is maintained.
''{{Anchor|Call of the Falling Star}} {{Su}}:'' As you start this performance, you replicate the effect of [[Call Lightning Shower (3.5e Spell)|''call lightning shower'']], except calling small meteors instead of bolt of lightning. The meteors deal 5d6 bludgeoning and 5d6 fire damage and cause a creature directly struck to fall [[SRD:Prone|Prone]]. A successful [[Reflex]] save halves the fire damage and prevents the creature from going prone. The effect lasts for as long as the performance is maintained.
''{{Anchor|Till Valhalla}} {{Su}}:'' With a powerful call to the otherworld you bring back every fallen allies who died no more than a minute ago within 120 feet back to life as per [[SRD:True Resurrection|''true resurrection'']]. Unless you maintain the performance for 25 consecutive rounds they die again once the performance ends. A creature can only be at most once per day by Till Valhalla.
''{{Anchor|Timeless Melody}} {{Su}}:'' As you start this performance you immediately replicate the effect of [[SRD:Time Stop|''time stop'']] which last for as long as you maintain your performance. Unlike the spell you may bring a single additional creature alongside you and you can affect each others normally.
''{{Anchor|Till Valhalla}} {{Su}}:'' With a powerful call to the otherworld, you bring every fallen ally who died no more than a minute ago within 120 feet back to life as per [[SRD:True Resurrection|''true resurrection'']]. Unless you maintain the performance for 25 consecutive rounds, they die again once the performance ends. A creature can only be resurrected at most once per day by Till Valhalla.
''{{Anchor|Timeless Melody}} {{Su}}:'' As you start this performance. you immediately replicate the effect of [[SRD:Time Stop|''time stop'']], which lasts for as long as you maintain your performance. Unlike the spell, you may bring a single additional creature alongside you and you can affect each others normally.

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A remake of the bard that grant access to more roguish talent and fixes some of the problems with the class. {{{length}}} 1

Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Bardic Music Other


The wonders of magical bloodlines never cease to astonish. While the most common manifestation of one's magical bloodline is the Sorcerer, some use their power to conjure their magic in a different way. No ordinary artist, the minstrels use their innate magic to create supernatural performances and cast a wide array of arcane spells. The Minstrel also has a knack for picking up random skills and tricks over the course of her career, some extraordinary and some magical.

The Minstrel is more or less a remake the Bard and thus using both classes in the same campaign is unadvised.

Making a Minstrel

Abilities: A Minstrel's primary ability score is Charisma, it what determine the DCs of her abilities as well as any important social skill check she has to make. Otherwise Intelligence is prime for skillfulness and some class features. The rest depend on the Minstrel's fighting style.

Races: Any races can be Minstrel, although those with a higher natural Charisma tend to take to the path of the magical art easier.

Alignment: Any. Although Minstrel tend to be non-lawful.

Starting Gold: As the Rogue.

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Minstrel

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells Virtuous Performance
Fort Ref Will 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Cantrips, Musically Gifted, Stylistic Path, Virtuous Performance 1 2
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Disguise in Plain Sight, Skill Improvisation, Talented Discovery 2 3
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Bonus Feat, Gather Crowd 3 3
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Talented Discovery 3 1 3
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Accelerated Performance, Bonus Feat 4 2 4
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Talented Discovery, Trained Skill Improvisation 4 3 4
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 The Troupe 4 3 1 4
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Talented Discovery 4 4 2 5
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Inspiration 5 4 3 5
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Bonus Feat, Talented Discovery 5 4 3 1 5
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Swift Performance 5 4 4 2 5
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Talented Discovery 5 5 4 3 6
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Arcane Mastery 5 5 4 3 1 6
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Talented Discovery 5 5 4 4 2 6
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Bonus Feat 5 5 5 4 3 6
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Talented Discovery 5 5 5 4 3 1 7
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Generational Legacy 5 5 5 4 4 2 7
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Talented Discovery 5 5 5 5 4 3 7
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Move the Stars 5 5 5 5 5 4 7
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Bonus Feat, Talented Discovery, The Legend 5 5 5 5 5 5 8

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

Prestige Class, Archetype and Alternate Class Feature
A Minstrel should qualify for most if not all of the Bard's alternate class feature, pathfinder archetype and prestige classes. If any prestige class advance her virtuous performance she gain additional Virtuous Performance known as if she had taken levels in Minstrel.

For Pathfinder Archetype or Alternate Class Features, if the Minstrel is to trade a class feature it does not have (such as versatile performance) she instead lose one the talented Discovery she would have gained at the same level. She count Musically Gifted as Bardic Knowledge and Skill Improvisation as Versatile Performance (the trained version being the equivalent of the improved version). If she has to trade a specific performance she instead lose one of her Virtuous Performance known.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A minstrel is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword and longbow. Minstrel are proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A minstrel can cast her spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. However, like any other arcane spellcaster, a minstrel wearing medium or heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component (most do). A multiclass minstrel still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spells: A minstrel casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the bard spell list. Every minstrel spell has a verbal component (singing, reciting, or music). To learn or cast a spell, a minstrel must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a bard’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the minstrel’s Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a minstrel can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Minstrel. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score.

A Minstrel cast her spell spontaneously much like a Sorcerer, however unlike the Sorcerer she do not have a list of spell known. Instead after she rested at least eight hours, she may ready an amount of spell of each level (see Minstrel Spells Readied table below) which behave like her list of spell known for the day. The process of readying new spell take an hour of recitation and practice, but she may keep her old spell readied without any work.

Table: Minstrel Spells Readied
Level Spells Known
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 4
2nd 5 2
3rd 6 3
4th 6 3 2
5th 6 4 3
6th 6 4 3
7th 6 4 4 2
8th 6 4 4 3
9th 6 4 4 3
10th 6 4 4 4 2
11th 6 4 4 4 3
12th 6 4 4 4 3
13th 6 4 4 4 4 2
14th 6 4 4 4 4 3
15th 6 4 4 4 4 3
16th 6 5 4 4 4 4 2
17th 6 5 5 4 4 4 3
18th 6 5 5 5 4 4 3
19th 6 5 5 5 5 4 4
20th 6 5 5 5 5 5 4

Musically Gifted (Ex): A Minstrel receives her class level +3 ranks in a single Perform skill of her choice in addition to the skills she purchases with her skill points. She also gains the Versatile Performer feat for that skill and half her class level as a competence bonus to all Perform checks. This ability counts as Bardic Knowledge for the purpose of prerequisites.

Stylistic Path: A 1st level Minstrel must choose a single Stylistic Path for her to take from the list below:

Classic Bard: You gain the Well Read and another Talented Discovery at 1st level.

Dragonborn: You may pick spells from the Sorcerer spell list in addition to the Bard when readying spell. You gain the Dragonblooded subtype.

Swashbuckler: You gain the Weapon Finesse feat as well as either the Disarmer or Cunning Fighter Talented Discoveries at 1st level.

Virtuoso: You gain an extra virtuous performance known and the Stardom Talented Discovery at 1st level.

Virtuous Performance (Ex) or (Su): A Minstrel is able to produce a wide array of extraordinary and magical performances that enhance allies and negatively impact enemies. In order to start a virtuous performance, the Minstrel must make a DC 15 Perform check; she may take 10 when she is not in combat, even if the situation is stressful. If she fails to start her performance, it does not waste any round or daily uses of the ability. A minstrel can cast spells while performing, but must succeed on a Perform check, DC equal to 15 + spell level, or the spell fails and she wastes the action, although not the spell slot or any resources that the spell would have used.

Starting a virtuous performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained every round as a free action. Once a virtuous performance is started, the Minstrel may switch between different performances as a free action once per round at the start of her turn. She may maintain her Virtuous Performances for a total number of rounds each day equal to 5 + twice her class level + her Charisma modifier, which she can spread as she wishes through the use of all of her virtuous performances.

A virtuous performance has either audible or visual component based on its type. In order to be affected by a virtuous performance, a creature must either be able to hear or see her. If the Minstrel use dancing creature must be able to see her in order to be affected, but if she use an instrument or her voice they only need to hear her. A Minstrel know her performance well enough that she it is not negatively affected by being deafened. A Minstrel always affect herself with her virtuous performance if it affect allies, unless specifically mentioned otherwise, she also do not count in any creature limit the performance may have.

Virtuous Performance count as Bardic Music for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and abilities interacting with Bardic Music. An item or spell which increase the potency of Bardic Music also does so for Virtuous Performance. Similarly an effect or spell which weaken bardic music also affect virtuous performance likewise. The only exception is if an ability specifically target virtuous performance it does not affect bardic music, or if virtuous performance is specifically excluded from the text of an ability which interact with bardic music.

At 5th level she may attempt a DC 25 Perform to start her performance as a move action. At 11th level she may attempt a DC 35 Perform to do so as a swift action.

A Minstrel start knowing two performance of her choice and gain new performance known as she level. She choose her performance from the the following list: Minstrel (3.5e Class)/Virtuous Performance List

Disguise in Plain Sight: A 2nd level Minstrel gains Disguise in Plain Sight as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If you already possess the feat you gain another feat from the Minstrel's Bonus Feat list you meet the prerequisites of.

Talented Discovery: At 2nd level and each even level thereafter, the minstrel learns a special skill called a Talented Discovery. Once learned, a Talented Discovery cannot be changed short or rebuilding. The DC of her Talented Discoveries, if any. is DC 10 +1/2 Class + her Charisma modifier. She selects her Talented Discoveries from the list below:

Acquire Skill: A minstrel chooses a skill she has no ranks in, she gains a number of free ranks in the skill equal to her class level +3.

Charmer (Ex): The minstrel is capable of quick wit and charm and quickly catch the heart of anyone who fancy her even with a simple wink or suggestive smile. You gain the Pretty Eyes skill trick. Additionally, if it made friendly by this ability it must make a Will or become charmed (as the spell) for 1 hour.

Costume Proficiency (Ex): The minstrel wore enough extra and burdensome costume to gain proficiency in medium armor and the ability to cast in medium armor without spell failure. She can also disguise an as another sex or race without penalties and gain the ability to move at half her speed while using Disguise skill.

Cunning Fighter (Ex): The minstrel gains Improved Feint and Flanking Feint as bonus feats even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If you successfully feint a creature, it is flat-footed until the start of its next turn.

Disarmer (Ex): The minstrel gains Improved Disarm and Improved Rearm as bonus feats, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. You may also now disarm armors at a −4 penalty, counting light armor as a light weapon, medium armor as a one-handed weapon, and heavy armor as a two-handed weapon.

Ear for Music (Ex): The minstrel gains a +4 bonus on Listen checks and automatically identifies any tune or song she has previously heard.

Eye for Treasure (Ex): The minstrel gains a +8 bonus on Appraise checks. She may identify an item as per the identify spell if she makes an Appraise check with a DC 20 + caster level of the item: doing so requires an hour. If she actually casts the spell, the casting time is automatically reduced to 1 round and she may identify a number of items equal to her caster level.

Incognito Magic (Su): The minstrel knows how to be extremely subtle when she needs to. Any creature that succeeds on a Will save against any of her abilities (including spells) must make a second Will save with the same DC at a −2 penalty; if it fails this save it does not realize it has succeeded on a Will save.

Forked Tongue (Ex): The Minstrel gains the Goad feat as a bonus feat. You may use your class level as your Base Attack Bonus, but only for the feat special clause. The penalty from your use of the Goad feat now also applies to all skill checks not made against you. In non-combat situations, the penalty doubles on social check and lasts for 1 minute unless they make a melee attack against you.

Forked Tongue, Improved (Ex): If you goad a creature in melee and it fails to deal damage against you, it is flat-footed until the start of its next turn. This Talented Discovery requires the Forked Tongue Discovery.

Master Mesmer (Su): A minstrel can use her magic to even affect the dead with her performance. She now bypasses immunities to mind-affecting effects (including compulsion and charm) with her minstrel's spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and virtuous performance. However, creatures with such immunities gain a +4 bonus on their saving throws and are allowed a Will save to negate the effect if the effect has no save.

Mobile Stealth (Ex): The minstrel no longer takes any penalty to Move Silently for moving at full speed. The penalty for using Move Silently while running is halved as well.

Mobile Stealth, Improved (Ex): The penalty for using Move Silently while running is now removed as well.

Outrageous Display (Ex): The minstrel can cause an opening in her foes's defense by opening her own. As a move action, she may strike a pose, say a snappy line, open her shirt, or similarly show off. If she does, she provokes an attack of opportunity, for which she take a -4 penalty to her AC. If she is not struck, she causes every creature who attacked and missed to become flat-footed until the start of their next turn.

Outside of combat, you draw a spectacular amount of attention on yourself, allowing any allies to make a Hide check without having concealment for 1 round. Your allies need to hide in concealment before the distraction ends as normal.

Outrageous Display, Improved (Ex): While using her Outrageous Display ability. you may. instead of its normal effect as it is resolved, make an attack against every creature who missed their attack of opportunity against you. This Talented Discovery requires the Outrageous Display Discovery.

Poison Mastery (Ex): The minstrel can now apply poison to her weapons as a swift action and no longer risks poisoning herself when applying poison. She may also turn any ingested poison into a poisonous lipstick, allowing her to poison others with a kiss. She must consume a dose of antitoxin made for that poison right before applying the 'lipstick', otherwise she will also poison herself.

Seduction (Ex): The Minstrel gains Seduce to Deceive and a +2 a bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks against creatures physically attracted to her.

Seduction, Improved (Ex): If she successfully uses the Seduction discovery on a creature, she may employ a extraordinary suggestion after 'business' is concluded. A Will is allowed as normal to negate the effect. This Talented Discovery requires the Seduction Discovery.

Shake Morale (Ex): As a standard action, the minstrel attempts to demoralize opponent using her Diplomacy instead of her Intimidate skill; the affected creature takes one daunt level. A creature can clear all but one daunt level gained through this ability as a full-round action.

Stardom (Ex): The minstrel gains a +3 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks, but takes a −10 penalty on Disguise checks as long as a creature in the area would conceivably be able to recognize her. Any creature who recognizes her is one step friendlier towards her than normal (to a maximum of Friendly). This is only an 'initial attitude' — if she takes any actions that harm or offend them, their attitude will adjust appropriately. The minstrel can spread her fame into another area by performing there for 1d4+1 week.

Subtle Performance (Ex): Using shadows, humming, and other subtle means, the minstrel is able to deliver her performance to her audience without anyone else being aware of it. When she starts a performance the minstrel may accept an halved number of targets or range, whichever is applicable (including both). If she does, only the ones directly affected by the performance notice she is performing, although a Listen or Spot check opposed by your Perform check notices the performance being delivered.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The minstrel gains Uncanny Dodge as the Barbarian ability. She may take this talent an additional time to gain Improved Uncanny Dodge.

Well Read (Ex): The minstrel sgain 2 additional skill points per level for all classes she has (applies retroactively), but she may only use those skill points to purchase ranks in Decipher Script or Knowledge. The minstrel gains half her class levels in all Knowledge checks.

Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, 5th level, and each 5 levels thereafter, the minstrel gains a bonus feat she meets the prerequisites for from the following list: Combat Reflexes, Broad Practice Endurance, Persuasive, Skill Focus (Diplomacy, Bluff, Gather Information or Perform), Weapon Finesse. and any feat which affects her virtuous performance (such as Exalted Bardsong or Music of the Gods).

Gather Crowd (Ex): The 3rd level minstrel can amass a crowd with a 10-minute speech or performance. The size of the crowd depends on the local population. but is usually dense enough to be considered difficult terrain. The crowd usually disperses 1d4 rounds after any interesting events have stopped happening or after violence has started.

Skill Improvisation (Ex): A 2nd level Minstrel is capable of improvising just about any skills. She may replace any skill check with a half class level + her Intelligence modifier check. This does not allow her to use trained-only skill without ranks.

At 6th level, she may use Skill Improvisation to gain full use of trained-only skills.

The Troupe (Ex): A 7th level minstrel gains Variant Leadership as a bonus feat. If she does not want the responsibility of leading, then she may gain Broad Practice as a bonus feat instead.

Inspiration (Su): A 9th level minstrel can spend one round of her virtuous performance to make any willing creature within 30 feet of herself reroll a single d20 roll, accepting the second result even if it's worse.

Arcane Mastery (Ex): At 13th level, a minstrel can gain a single Archmage's High Arcana; she must sacrifice a spell slot as normal, but the spell slot cost is reduced by 2 (so Arcane Reach would cost a 5th level spell slot). Whenever she gains a new Talented Discovery, she may select another High Arcana as well.

Generational Legacy (Su): A 17th level minstrel can make herself immortal through her work. With a full year of work, she may create a play, song, or another form of art. As long as this piece of art or a copy of it exists, she ceases to age and may be brought back to life with no level loss.

Move the Stars (Su): A 19th minstrel can once per (???) make a DC 40 perform check as a 1 round action. If she fails or the action is interrupted, the ability is wasted. If she succeeds, however, she replicates the effect of the miracle spell. She must still pay any material or XP component of the miracle or any spell it replicates.

The Legend: A 20th level minstrel gains a a supreme virtuous performance. She must choose from the following list:

Call of the Falling Star (Su): As you start this performance, you replicate the effect of call lightning shower, except calling small meteors instead of bolt of lightning. The meteors deal 5d6 bludgeoning and 5d6 fire damage and cause a creature directly struck to fall Prone. A successful Reflex save halves the fire damage and prevents the creature from going prone. The effect lasts for as long as the performance is maintained.

Till Valhalla (Su): With a powerful call to the otherworld, you bring every fallen ally who died no more than a minute ago within 120 feet back to life as per true resurrection. Unless you maintain the performance for 25 consecutive rounds, they die again once the performance ends. A creature can only be resurrected at most once per day by Till Valhalla.

Timeless Melody (Su): As you start this performance. you immediately replicate the effect of time stop, which lasts for as long as you maintain your performance. Unlike the spell, you may bring a single additional creature alongside you and you can affect each others normally.

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