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Wolfblood Slayer (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Wolfblood slayer were most often wildblade or warblade in their past career, they excel in melee and are capable of enter a bloody frenzy almost at will. They are formidable opponent, especially against animals, magical beast and shapechangers.
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|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
'''Stances Known:''' At 6th level and every 6 levels beyond (12th, 18th, etc), you learn a new martial stance from the [[Amaranth Eclipse (3.5e Martial Discipline)|amaranth eclipse]] and [[Wild Moon (3.5e Martial Discipline)|wild moon]] disciplines. You must meet a stance’s prerequisite to learn it.
'''{{Anchor|Bloodblade}} {{Ex}}:''' All weapons and natural attacks wielded by a wolfblood slayer have the [[SRD:Wounding|wounding]] and [[SRD:Keen|keen]] against animals, magical beasts and creatures with the [shapechanger[SRD:Shapechanger Subtype|Shapechanger Subtype]] subtype. as long as they are wielded by the wolfblood slayer.
At 3rd level the effect of bloodblade applies to all opponents instead of being limited by type.
'''{{Anchor|Wolvenrage}} {{Ex}}:''' A woldblood wolfblood slayer is able to enter a dangerous frenzy thanks to her wolfblood. As a free action after dealing or being dealt damage, she add [[Madness in the wolfblood slayer may enter wolvenrage, the rage last for 1 round per woldblood slayer level plus the wolfblood slayer constitution modifierBlood (3. Wolvenrage grant 5e Maneuver)|''madness of the following benefit:* +4 bonus to damage, increase to +6 when wielding a weapon favored by either the wild moon or amaranth eclipse discipline.* +2 bonus to will save.* At the beginning blood'']] as one of every turn, if the wolfblood slayer dealt damage to a creature during her last turn known. If she refresh all already knew this maneuver she gain a bonus maneuver known of her maneuvers2nd level or lower.* Gain scent, double She cannot trade [[Madness in the range of it scent when tracking or detecting cretaures who are bloodied Blood (half hit point or less3.5e Maneuver). * Wolvenrage count as rage |''madness of the blood'']] for all abilities affecting rage or frenzyanother maneuver.
'''{{Anchor|Wyld Hunt}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level woldblood slayer find himself protected by powerful magic when unleashing her full fury. As long as the woldblood Additionally if a wolfblood slayer is in wolvenrage or using a stance from possess the wild moon or amaranth eclipse discipline she gain a [[Ward (3.5e Creature Ability)SRD:Barbarian|wardBarbarian]] 's Rage ability she add her Wolfblood Slayer level to her barbarian level for the purpose of determining how many time she can rage per day and the effectiveness of 20 plus her wolfblood slayer levelsrage.
'''{{Anchor|Skinner of the BeastsWyld Hunt}} {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd 2nd level Wolfblood Slayer has slayed beasts of all kind and wear their skins, she gain woldblood slayer find himself protected by powerful magic when unleashing her full fury. As long as the Trophy Collector<sup>[[Publication:Player's Handbook II|PHB2]]</sup> as bonus feat without needing to meet it prerequisites. Additionally whenever wolfblood slayer is in wolvenrage or using a stance from the wild moon or amaranth eclipse strike deal damage to an animal, magical beast or discipline she gain a creature with the [shapechanger[Ward (3.5e Creature Ability)|ward]] subtype with a CR at least equal to the of 20 plus her wolfblood slayer CR minus 2 she may immediately refresh that strike as a free actionlevels.
'''{{Anchor|The Beast WithinSkinner of the Beasts}} {{Ex}}:''' A 4th 3rd level wolfblood slayer partially turn in a deadly lycanthrope when she enter her frenzy. When using wolvenrage Wolfblood Slayer has slayed beasts of all kind and wear their skins, she gain the following additional benefitsTrophy Collector<sup>[[Publication:* She gain a natural armor Player's Handbook II|PHB2]]</sup> as bonus of 4+ her wolfblood slayer level. If she did not had natural armor she count as having a natural armor of 0.* Her bite and claws attacks count as being one size larger. * She become immune to fear effects.* The DCs of her wild moon and amaranth eclipse maneuver and all her strike increase by 1. The DCs of her wild moon and amaranth eclipse strike increase by 2 instead.* She gain damage reduction/silver equal feat without needing to half her class levels+2meet it prerequisites.
'''{{Anchor|Eyes of the SlayerThe Beast Within}} {{SuEx}}:''' A 5th 4th level wolfblood slayer gain see in darkness a new stance, which grant her the benefits of both [[Claws of the Beast (3.5e Maneuver)|Claws of the Beast]] and deathwatch constantly active [[Jaw of the Beast (3.5e Maneuver)|Jaw of the Beast]] as an extraordinary ability, in addition well as DR 5/Silver. Her DR/Silver increase to DR 10 if she gain enter a rage or use ''[[SRD:True SeeingMadness in the Blood (3.5e Maneuver)|madness in the blood]]''true seeing, ''[[Madness in the Mind (3.5e Maneuver)|madness in the mind]] but only for '', or ''[[Madness in the purpose of seeing Soul (3.5e Maneuver)|madness in the true form of shapechangersoul]]''.
'''{{Anchor|Eyes of the Slayer}} {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level wolfblood slayer gain the [[SRD:Devil|Devil]]'s See in Darkness ability and is under a constant [[SRD:deathwatch|''deathwatch'']] effect.  '''{{Anchor|The Great Flayer}}:''' A 5th level Wolfblood Slayer gain the right of wielding the Great Flayer, she must however defeat it previous wielder. All details on how aquiring acquiring the weapons are describe on the weapon page.
'''{{Anchor|Howl of the Wolflord}} {{Su}}:''' A 6th level wolfblood slayer is capable of calling on the primeval power of her blood. Once per encounter she may as a full-round action replicate the effect of [[SRD:Greater Shout|''greater shout'']] and [[SRD:Fear|''fear'']] in a 60 foot cone as a maneuver-like ability. Unlike [[SRD:Greater Shout|''greater shout'']] this effect foil and dispel silence effects. How of the Wolflord can only be refreshed by the effect of Wolvenrage and count as a maneuver of the highest level the wolfblood slayer can manifest of both the amaranth eclipse and wild moon discipline.
[[Category:Prestige Class]]