minor wording
|summary=You're occasionally met with flashbacks that hinder your ability to function normally.
|prerequisite=Intelligence 3
|effect=''"She stood there , wavering and muttering about a field of flowers sunflowers she once visited in her childhood as the arrows rained down upon us."''<br/>A character with haunting flashbacks, from time to time, encounters something that perplexes her senses as if overwhelmed by memories or a sensation of déja vu. At the start of every encounter (right after rolling for [[SRD:Initiative|Initiative]]), there is a 25% chance that she notices something that triggers a recollection to a vague, hazy, lost or stolen memory. If this happens, she takes a –2 morale penalty on ability DCs, [[SRD:Attack Roll|attacks]], [[SRD:Saving Throw|saves]], [[SRD:Using Skills#Skill Checks|skill checks]], and [[SRD:Using Skills#Ability Checks|ability checks]] for 1 round and thereafter takes a –1 morale penalty until she snaps out of it by concentrating as a [[SRD:Full-Round Actions|full-round action]].|special=These morale penalties bypass normal immunities. These penalties and chances stack with those inherently suffered by inherent to [[Candothist (3.5e Race)|candothists]].