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Talk:Visage of Fear (3.5e Equipment)

647 bytes added, 05:33, 20 February 2015
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::Because it's faking it. Just like a cobra, bearded dragon, you name it. Yeah, the krenshar is dangerous (relatively speaking). Is peeling back its facial skin the reason it is dangerous? No. -- [[User:Jota|Jota]] ([[User talk:Jota|talk]]) 04:45, 20 February 2015 (UTC)
:::But it is definitely alien and intimidating. And why would anyone do such a thing if it weren't to scare someone away, which is what the text is explicitly saying anyways? Not to mention cobras, etc. have evolved such an organ for just such a purpose as to scare away potential predators or competitors. Otherwise, what would you be faking? Bluff doesn't have any listed use in scaring opponents away, so it doesn't hold water, no matter what angle I turn this. Use the Demoralize option of the Intimidate check, but with a Bluff check? Why?? [[User:HarrowedMind|-HarrowedMind]] ([[User talk:HarrowedMind|talk]]) 05:33, 20 February 2015 (UTC)

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