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If a venerable creature fails the [[Fortitude]] save they die as if from old age. If the creature normally respawns (such as a lich) they must succeed on a character level check opposed by your caster level. If they fail, they do not respawn.
Powerful as the magic is in enabling death to immortal beings, they cannot keep them dead forever. A creature who dies remains dead from old age for 1 year/caster level. After this, they remain dead but can return with their usual respawn methods (such as a lich) or can be revived by normal means (as if they were killed and not dead of old age). A ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' or ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'' can also reverse the death by old age effect, allowing them to be revived as normal.
''Focus:'' A pocket watch set to move too fast, valued at 100 gp.