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=About Incantations=
=About Incantations=

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About Incantations

Incantations function like spells, except a character need not be a spellcaster to cast them. Anyone can cast an incantation simply by performing the correct ritual gestures and phrases. Incantations don’t use spell slots, so they don’t have to be prepared ahead of time, and there’s no limit on the number of times one can cast an incantation per day. Since they do not use up spell slots, incantations cannot be improved using metamagic feats. Finally, incantations generally have more powerful, far-reaching effects than even 5th-level spells.

There is, of course, a catch. Incantations take much longer to cast than normal spells. Success with an incantation is never assured, and the consequences for failure can be dramatic. The most powerful incantations can require rituals involving multiple participants, strange or expensive material components, or other aspects that make them difficult to cast.

Incantations provide a useful way to introduce powerful magical effects in a lower-level game under controlled conditions. PCs will still use spells rather than expensive, risky incantations whenever they can. Incantations can be tailor made for specific situations, so the DM can introduce them into the game without worrying that they'll spread beyond the immediate need (aka teleporting cyrcles in dungeons, permanent teleport with a specific, often expensive object needed to activate aso.).

Discovering Incantations

The instructions for performing incantations are generally found in various obscure tomes. Such books are filled with “magic spells,” and most of them are utterly bogus. But hidden among the dross is the real stuff, and discerning whether an incantation found in a book will actually work is a matter for experts in arcane lore.

If the characters have access to a well-stocked library of magical information, finding a set of instructions for a particular incantation requires a successful Knowlage (arcana) check with a DC 10 lower than the DC for casting the incantation. Just being aware of the existence of a particular incantation requires a Knowledge (arcana) check with a DC 15 lower than the incantation's casting DC.

Incantation Grimoires

These books are filled with details and guidelines about casting incantaions. The right text, with mystic words, cabalistic diagrams, and illustrations of rituals, can help immensely in an incantation. These grimoires may contain generic guidelines of how to make incantations, or even information about specific incantations. Research grimoires are more dangerous, a grimoire with specific incantations was someones personal grimoire.

Grimoire cost: 100gp x number of incantations x level of highest incantation Research grimoire: 1000gp x level of highest seed

Grimoires can be in code, decipher script (DC vaires).

Personal grimoires: Incantations cast from your personal grimoir can be studied for 1 minute/level and add a bonus of -1/level to the spellcraft CD of the studied incantation (you whrite down tricks how to make the incantation more managable).

The same rules apply for copying incantations to your grimoire or using someones grimoire, as for Spellbooks. As per Adding Spells to a Wizard’s Spellbook, Spells Copied from Another’s Spellbook or a Scroll and Complete Arcane pg 140 rules for Mastering a Foreign Spellbook.

Casting an Incantation

At its core, casting an incantation means having the required incantation components, then succeeding at a number of Knowledge (arcana) checks during the incantation’s casting time. Each incantation lists how many Knowledge (arcana) checks are required to cast the incantation successfully, usualy equal to the incantations efective level.

Unless otherwise specified, the caster makes Knowledge (arcana) checks every 10 minutes. Failing a Knowledge (arcana) check doesn’t mean that the entire incantation is a failure, just that the previous 10 minutes have been wasted. However, if you fail two Knowledge (arcana) checks in a row, the incantation immediately fails. The consequences for failure are detailed in the description of the specific incantation. Even if the incantation fails, material components and experience points are still lost and the backlash still takes effect.

Incantation Components

Most incantations require components not unlike spells, including verbal, somatic, focus, and material components. In addition, some require secondary casters (abbreviated SC), cause some sort of backlash (abbreviated B), or cost the caster some experience points (abbreviated XP).

Secondary Casters

Some incantations require multiple participants to cast successfully. These secondary casters (abbreviated SC) are indispensable to the success of the spell. No matter how many people are gathered in the dark room, chanting with candles, only one character—generally the one with the highest Knowledge (arcana) check—is the primary caster who’ll make the relevant checks. Secondary casters can’t help the primary caster with the Aid Another rules, but their presence is required for certain aspects of the ritual nonetheless. If an incantation requires some other skill check, any of the secondary casters can make that check if they have a higher bonus than the primary caster. Even if you’re not a required caster of the spell, you can step in and make the non-Knowledge check if you’re better at the relevant skill than the actual caster.


All incantations have a backlash component of 1d4 subdual damage per efective level. Tho incantaions may have aditional backlash, generally damage, negative levels, or some other condition. The caster takes the backlash regardless of the success or failure of the spell.

Duration and Range

Use the HD or Character level of the caster, or assume a caster level of twice the spell’s level, using the same formula a spell would, use the higher one. For example an incantation with a duration of “minutes” would last 12 minutes if it’s effectively a 6th-level spell, tho if the caster is 13th level the duration is 13 minutes. The same incantation with Medium range can affect a target up to 220 feet away.

Saves and Spell Resistance

If the incantation allows a save, the formula to calculate it is included in the spell’s description, usualy equals 10 + incantation’s effective level + caster’s Charisma modifier. For checks to overcome spell resistance, divide the incantation’s Knowledge (arcana) DC by 2 to get the effective caster level for the spell resistance check.

Incantations as Spell-Like Abilities

Some creatures have spell-like abilities that duplicate the effects of incantations. There’s no chance of failure and no backlash for such spell-like abilities, which don’t require components of any kind and take only an attack action to activate.

Failed Incantations

Each incantation has its own consequences for failure (two failed skill checks in a row). In general, they can be divided into the following categories.

Attack: A creature is called from elsewhere to battle the caster (and often any bystanders and secondary casters). The incantation’s description tells the GM what Challenge Rating the creature should have, how it behaves, and how long it persists.

Augment: The incantation was supposed to weaken or destroy its target, but it makes it more powerful instead. A damaging spell might heal its target or cause it to grow in size, for example.

Betrayal: The incantation seemingly succeeds, but the subject of the incantation (or in rare cases the caster) loses all allegiances and gains their opposites. In general, the subject now hates all it loved before the incantation. The subject may keep its new allegiances a secret. Whenever a character attempts an incantation with a chance of betrayal failure, the GM should make the relevant die rolls in secret.

Damage: The simplest consequence of failure, damage is dealt to the caster or the target, depending on the incantation.

Death: Someone—usually the caster or the target—dies. Depending on the incantation, a successful saving throw may avoid the effect of failure.

Delusion: The caster believes the incantation had the desired effect, but in fact it had no effect or a very different one.

Falsehood: Common with divinations, the incantation delivers false results to the caster, but the caster believes the results are true. Whenever a character attempts an incantation with a chance of falsehood failure, the GM should make the relevant die rolls in secret.

Hostile Spell: The caster of the incantation is targeted by a harmful spell or incantation. The spell description specifies the specific spell or incantation, save DC, and so on.

Mirrorcast: The spell has the opposite effect of that intended.

Reversal: The spell targets the caster, rather than the intended target of the incantation.

Duplicating Existing Spells

20 + (spell level × 4) + modifiers

When duplicating chantrips as incantations, theyr casting time is 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.


General Factors for Incantations
Factor Check DC Modifier
Skill Checks
  Requires checks involving more than one skill -1
  Requires a skill not on wizard class skill list -1
Casting Time
  1 hour between checks -1
  Casting time is restricted (only during full moon, for example) -4
  Casting time is severely restricted (only during lunar eclipse, for example -8
  Touch to close/close to touch +2/-2
  Close to medium/medium to close +2/-2
  Medium to long/long to medium +2/-2
  Doubling area/halving area +3/-3
  Unwilling target must be helpless -2
  Limited targets (by HD, creature type, and so on) -3
  Single target to multiple targets +4
  Rounds to minutes/minutes to rounds +2/-2
  Minutes to hours/hours to minutes +4/-2
  Hours to days/days to hours +6/-2
  Days to permanent/permanent to days +10/-4
Connection (only one applies)
  Physical part of the distant object -1
  Possession or belonging -1
  Nail clippings or hair of target -2
  Blood or body bart -3
  True name -4
Material Components (only one applies)
  Expensive material component (500 gp) -1
  Expensive material component (5.000 gp) -2
  Expensive material component (25.000 gp) -4
Focus (only one applies)
  Expensive focus (5.000 gp) -1
  Expensive focus (25.000) gp -2
XP Component
  Per 100 XP (max 1,000 XP) -1
  Sacrifice has 1-5 HD or levels -1
  Sacrifice has 6-10 HD or levels -2
  Sacrifice has 11-15 HD or levels -3
  Sacrifice has 16+ HD or levels -4
Extra casters
  10 or fewer secondary casters -2
  11-100 secondary casters -6
  101 or more secondary casters -10
  Your personal grimoire -1/efective level
  Site prepared appropriately -1
  Per 2d6 points of damage -1
  Caster is exhausted -2
  Per negative level caster gains -2
  Caster reduced to -1 hp -3
  Caster infected with disease -4
  Primary caster dies and his soul is destroyed -10
  Backlash affects secondary casters too -1

To keep incantations under control in your own campaign, avoid adding modifiers to incantations whitch would decrease the skill check DCs lower than 20. Special exceptions can be made for storytelling reasons. Furthermore, you should emphasize how much faster, easier, and safer spells are than incantations. Every incantation should have at least one component that's difficult for the caster to deal with, such as an XP cost, an expensive material component, or a significant backlash component. Because incantations don't require spell slots or even spellcasting ability you need to make sure that characters can't simply cast incantations repeatedly, stopping only to sleep.

Creating New Incantations

Behind the Curtain: Creating Incantations

It's important to realize that this system for creating incantations is a starting point, not the last word. Anytime you apply multiple modifiers to a single DC, the potential for accidental consequences or intentional abuse is there.

Created incantations are most effective when they're specific; they should always be more narrowly focused than spells that accomplish similar tasks. The planar binding spell, for example, can trap and compel service from any elemental or outsider with 12 HD or less. A comparable incantation, Xecilgarasp among the bones, would call one specific bebilith named Xecilgarasp for a specific job: guarding a tomb. If ordered to do anything else, Xecilgarasp attacks the caster instead. And if Xecilgarasp ever dies while guarding a tomb, the incantation is thereafter useless. The Xecilgarasp among the bones incantation is just as powerful as the planar binding spell in the specific instance it was designed for, but it has limited or no utility beyond that.

Designing unique incantations is a tricky balancing act. Incantations are intentionally constructed to be much more idiosyncratic than spells. Since incantations hinge on Knowledge (arcana) checks, it’s possible for characters to gain access to powerful magic before they are ready for it.

Incantations are built from building blocks called seeds, which describe in general terms the magic effect you’re trying to create. When you’re designing your own incantation, you’ll first choose which seed (or seeds) you want for the incantation.

Each seed comes with its own Knowledge (arcana) DC, which will serve as the base DC for the incantation you’re designing. If you’re designing an incantation with more than one seed, choose the most important one to provide the Knowledge (arcana) DC. Other seeds add one-third their Knowledge (arcana) DC to the total.

Next you’ll apply a number of factors: modifications to the Knowledge (arcana) DC based on the specifics of your ritual. Increasing the base range of an incantation, for example, is a factor that will increase the Knowledge (arcana) DC. Reducing the duration of the incantation, on the other hand, is a factor that reduces the Knowledge (arcana) DC.

The third step is to identify components and options for the incantation. Some of your choices here may modify the Knowledge (arcana) DC further.

Next, you’ll set the effective level of the incantation. In some respects, incantations are like 6th- through 9th-level spells. Assess how powerful the incantation is, and assign it an effective level. The effective level determines a number of relatively minor aspects to the incantation: how many total successes are required, the exact save DC of the incantation, and sometimes its precise range and duration.

Total Successes: Equal to the incantation’s effective level.

Save DC: Equals 10 + incantation’s effective level + caster’s Charisma modifier.

Duration and Range: Use the HD or Character level of the caster, or assume a caster level of twice the spell’s level, using the same formula a spell would, use the higher one. For example an incantation built from a seed with a duration of “minutes” would last 12 minutes if it’s effectively a 6th-level spell, tho if the caster is 13th level the duration is 13 minutes. The same incantation with Medium range can affect a target up to 220 feet away.

Finally, you’ll decide how to put the new incantation in your game. Usually, a Research check will suffice to reveal it to the characters, but some incantations can be powerful tools in the hands of NPCs.

Create with Caution

Fundamentally, it’s important to realize that this system is meant as a starting point, not the last word. Anytime you have multiple modifiers to a single DC, the potential for accidental consequences or intentional abuse is there.

To keep incantations under control in your campaign, avoid creating incantations with Knowledge (arcana) DCs lower than 30. Conversely, don’t allow any feat, class feature, or magic item that provides a large bonus to Knowledge (arcana) checks. Bonuses of +2 or even +4 are fine, but larger bonuses might unbalance your game.

GMs should emphasize how much faster, easier, and safer spells are than incantations. Every incantation you create should have at least one component that’s difficult for the caster to deal with, such as an experience point cost, expensive material component, or significant backlash. Because incantations don’t require spell slots—or even spellcasting ability—you need to make sure that characters can’t simply cast incantations repeatedly, stopping only to sleep. Seed Descriptions

Each seed description hereafter describes the relevant Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC for incantations using the seed and describes typical effects that incantations with that seed produce. Most of the parameters of the seed (range, duration, and so on) can be modified for a specific incantation by applying factors, described in the seed description and in Table: General Factors.

The following seeds can be used alone or in combination to create incantations for any purpose. If you’re seeking an effect not described below, simply choose a seed that approximates what you’re looking for, then apply an ad-hoc adjustment as you see fit.

Incantation Definitions

The following terms are used extensively in this section of the chapter:

Incantation: Powerful ritual magic that requires successful Knowledge (arcane lore) checks to cast. Incantations don’t require spellcasting ability, don’t take up spell slots, can’t be improved using metamagic feats, and need not be prepared ahead of time.

Factor: An aspect of the incantation that’s built in when the incantation is designed. Casters have no control over factors; they’re an indelible part of the incantation. When a GM designs an incantation, factors are useful ways to customize an incantation.

Option: Aspects of the incantation that make it easier or harder, depending on choices the caster makes. Options provide modifiers to the caster’s Knowledge (arcana) check.

Seed: The building blocks of incantation, seeds describe magical effects in general terms.

Seed: Afflict

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Close; Target: One living creature; Duration: Minutes; Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

You afflict the target with a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saving throws. For each additional –1 penalty assessed on either the target’s attack rolls, checks, or saving throws, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

You may also develop an incantation with this seed that afflicts the target with a –1 penalty on caster level checks, a –1 penalty to an ability score, a –1 penalty to spell resistance, or a –1 penalty to some other aspect of the target. For each additional –1 penalty assessed in one of the above categories, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4.

You can afflict a character’s ability scores to the point where they reach 0, save for Constitution where 1 is the minimum. If you’re applying ability penalties, you can’t lengthen the duration. Instead, you can increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2 to turn the penalties into temporary ability damage, or increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) DC by +10 to turn the penalties into permanent ability drain. If you increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2, you can afflict whichever one of the target’s senses you select: sight, touch, hearing, taste, touch, or a special sense the target possesses. If the target fails its saving throw, the sense you select doesn’t function for the spell’s duration, with all attendant penalties that apply for losing the specified sense.

Options: Useful options for incantations with the afflict seed include having a hair, fingernail, or other part of the target (+2 bonus); having the target present and helpless during the incantation (+6 bonus); or building an elaborate model or doll of the target (+4 bonus).

Seed: Animate Dead


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 34; Range: Touch; Targets: One or more corpses touched; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

You can turn the bones or bodies of dead creatures into undead that follow your spoken commands. The undead can follow you, or they can remain in an area and attack any creature (or a specific type of creature) entering the place. The undead remain animated until they are destroyed. (A destroyed undead can’t be animated again.) Intelligent undead can follow more sophisticated commands.

The animate dead seed (which is more potent than the animate dead spell) allows you create 20 HD of undead. For each additional 1 HD of undead created, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. The undead you create remain under your control indefinitely.

You can naturally control 20 HD of undead creatures you’ve personally created, regardless of the method you used. If you exceed this number, newly created creatures fall under your control, and excess undead from previous castings become uncontrolled (you choose which creatures are released). Any undead you command through a class-based ability to command or rebuke undead do not count toward the limit.

For each additional 2 HD of undead to be controlled, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. Only undead in excess of 20 HD created with this seed can be controlled using this DC adjustment. If you want to both create and control more than 20 HD of undead, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) DC by +3 per additional 2 HD of undead.

Type of Undead: All types of undead can be created with the animate dead seed, although creating more powerful undead increases the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC, according to the chart below. The GM must set the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC for undead not included on the chart, using similar undead as a basis for comparison.

Undead Knowledge (arcane lore) DC Modifier
Medium or smaller skeleton –12
Medium or smaller zombie –12
Animating spirit –10
Frightful spirit –8
Large skeleton –8
Large zombie –6
Groaning spirit –6
Small or smaller liquefied zombie –4
Medium liquefied zombie –2
Weakening spirit +0
Mummy +0
Large liquefied zombie +0
Possessing spirit +2
Huge skeleton +2
Huge liquefied zombie +2
Ash wraith +4
Huge zombie +4
Gargantuan or Colossal skeleton +6
Gargantuan or Colossal zombie +8
Gargantuan liquefied zombie +8
Colossal liquefied zombie +10
Vampire Hit Dice +4

Seed: Armor

Conjuration (Creation)

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Touch; Target: Creature touched; Duration: Hours (D); Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

You grant a creature additional armor, providing a +4 bonus to Defense. The bonus is either an equipment bonus or a natural armor bonus, whichever you select. Unlike mundane armor, the armor seed provides an intangible protection that entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Incorporeal creatures can’t bypass the armor seed the way they can ignore normal armor. For each additional point of Defense bonus, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

You can also grant a creature a +1 bonus to Defense with different bonus types, including deflection, insight, sacred, or others. For each additional point of Defense bonus in one of these types, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +10.

Seed: Banish


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 34; Range: Close; Targets: One or more summoned or called creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

You force summoned or called creatures back to where they came from. You can banish up to 14 HD of such creatures. For each additional Hit Die of creatures you banish, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. To banish a creature that’s not summoned or called, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6 if the target creatures are limited to elementals and outsiders, or by +10 if the target creatures are of a different type.

In general, creatures return whence they came. Some creatures, such as vivilors, return to the edge of Shadow. Elementals fade into nothingness, their elemental nature suffusing and dispersing throughout the immediate area. Outsiders likewise disappear to a place beyond Shadow, though some eventually find their way back with dim memories of their previous sojourn in the mundane world. Other creatures simply reappear wherever they were before they were summoned.

Seed: Compel

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Language-Dependent]

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Close; Target: One living creature; Duration: Hours (D); Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

You compel a target to follow a specified course of activity.

At the basic level of effect, an incantation using the compel seed must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect. However, urging a dragon to stop attacking your friends so that everyone could jointly assault a mob safehouse elsewhere is a reasonable use of the incantation’s power.

The compelled course of activity can continue for the entire duration, such as in the case of the dragon mentioned above. If the compelled activity can be completed in a shorter time, the incantation ends when the subject finishes what he was asked to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. For example, you might compel a rock star to give her the first panhandler she meets a ride in her limo. If the condition is not met before the incantation using this seed expires, the activity is not performed.

Seed: Conceal


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Personal or touch; Target: You or a creature or object up to 2,000 lb.; Duration: Minutes; Saving Throw: None or Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance: No or Yes (harmless, object)

You can conceal a creature or object touched from sight, even from darkvision. If the target is a creature carrying gear, the gear vanishes, too, rendering the creature invisible, with all the rules that apply to invisibility. An incantation using the conceal seed ends if the subject attacks any creature. Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the incantation, and causing harm indirectly is not an attack. To create invisibility that lasts regardless of the actions of the subject, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4.

Alternatively, you can conceal the exact location of the subject so that it appears to be about 2 feet away from its true location; this increases the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. The subject benefits from a 50% miss chance as if it had full concealment. However, unlike actual full concealment, this displacement effect does not prevent enemies from targeting him normally.

The conceal seed can also be used to block out divinatory spells such as scrying spells, spell-like effects, and incantations developed using the reveal seed; this increases the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6. In all cases where incantations are used against the subject of a incantation using the conceal seed for this purpose, an opposed Knowledge (arcane lore) check determines which incantation works.

Seed: Conjure

Conjuration (Creation)

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: 0 ft.; Effect: Unattended, nonmagical object of nonliving matter, 20 cu. ft.; Duration: Hours; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

You create a nonmagical, unattended object of up to 20 cubic feet. You must succeed at an appropriate skill check to make a complex item, such as a Craft (mechanical) check to make a motorcycle. The object can be composed of any organic or manufactured subtance (or combination of substances) with a hardness of 10 or less. For each additional cubic foot of matter created, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) DC by +2.

Attempting to use any created object as a material component causes the spell or incantation to fail and the object to disappear.

Seed: Contact


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: See text; Targets: One other creature; Duration: Hours; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

You forge a telepathic bond with a particular creature with whom you are familiar (or can currently see directly or through magical means) and can converse back and forth. The subject recognizes you if it knows you. It can answer in like manner immediately, though it does not have to.

You can forge a communal bond among more than two creatures. For each additional creature contacted, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. The bond can be established only among willing subjects. For telepathic communication through the bond regardless of language, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. No special influence is established as a result of the bond, only the power to communicate at a distance.

Seed: Delude


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Long; Effect: Visual figment that can extend up to 12 10-ft. cubes (S); Duration: Minutes; Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance: No

An incantation developed with the delude seed creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect by concentrating (the image is otherwise stationary).

The image disappears when struck by an opponent unless you cause the illusion to react appropriately. For an illusion that includes audible, olfactory, tactile, taste, and thermal aspects, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2 per extra aspect. Even realistic tactile and thermal illusions can’t deal damage, however.

For each additional image with the effect, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. For an illusion that follows a script determined by you, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. The illusion can include intelligible speech if you wish.

For an illusion that makes any area appear to be something other than it is (such as making a swamp appear as a grassland or a village), increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. Additional components, such as sounds, can be added as noted above. Concealing creatures requires additional incantation development using this or other seeds.

Seed: Destroy


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Long; Targets: 1 creature, or up to a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Fortitude half; Spell Resistance: Yes

You deal 10d6 points of damage to the target. The damage is of no particular type or energy—it is purely destructive. For each additional 1d6 points of damage dealt, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. If the target is reduced to –10 hit points or less (or a construct, object, or undead is reduced to 0 hit points), it is destroyed as if disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. Up to a 10- foot cube of nonliving matter is affected, so an incantation using the destroy seed destroys only part of any very large object or structure targeted.

The destroy seed affects even magical matter, energy fields, and force effects that are normally immune to damage, such as wall of force. Such effects are automatically destroyed. Incantations using the ward seed may also be destroyed, though you must succeed at an opposed Knowledge (arcane lore) check against the other caster to bring down such an effect.

Seed: Dispel


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Medium; Target: One creature or object; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

You can end ongoing spells and incantations that have been cast on a creature or object, temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or end ongoing spells and incantations (or at least their effects) within an area. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. The dispel seed can defeat all spells, even those not normally subject to dispel magic.

The dispel seed can dispel (but not counter) the ongoing effects of supernatural abilities as well as spells, and it affects spell-like effects just as it affects spells.

One object, creature, or spell is the target of the dispel seed. You make a dispel check against the spell or against each ongoing spell currently in effect on the object or crea- ture. A dispel check is 1d20 + 10 against a DC of 11 + the target spell’s caster level. For each additional +1 on your dispel check, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1.

If you target an object or creature that is the effect of an ongoing spell (such as a vivilor summoned by a summon vivilor spell), make a dispel check to end the spell that conjured the object or creature.

If the object you target is a magic item, you make a dispel check against the item’s caster level. If you succeed, all the item’s magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, after which the item recovers on its own. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical for the duration of the effect. An extradimensional space targeted by the dispel is destroyed, and anything within it is instantly ejected. A magic item’s physical properties are unchanged.

You automatically succeed at your dispel check against any spell that you cast yourself.

Seed: Energy

Evocation [Acid, Fire, Electricity, Cold, or Sonic/Concussion]

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Medium, or touched creature or object of up to 2,000 lbs.; Area: A bolt 5 ft. wide to 300 ft. long; or 5-ft.-radius emanation; or a wall whose area is up to one 200-ft. square; or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 20 ft.; Duration: Instantaneous or hours; Saving Throw: Reflex half; Spell Resistance: Yes

You can work with whichever one of five energy types you choose: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic/concussion. You can cast the energy forth as a bolt, imbue an object with the energy, or create a freestanding manifestation of the energy.

If your incantation developed using the energy seed releases a bolt, that bolt instantaneously deals 10d6 points of damage of the appropriate energy type, and all creatures in bolt’s area must make a Reflex save for half damage. For each additional 1d6 points of damage dealt, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. The bolt begins at your fingertips.

If you wish to imbue another creature with the ability to use an energy bolt as a spell-like ability at its option or when a particular condition is met, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +12.

You can also cause a creature or object to emanate the specific energy type to a radius of 10 feet. The emanated energy deals 2d6 points of energy damage per round against unprotected creatures (the target creature is susceptible if not separately warded or otherwise resistant to the energy). For each additional 1d6 points of damage emanated, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

You may also create a wall, half-circle, circle, dome, or sphere of the desired energy that emanates the energy. One side of the wall, selected by you, sends forth waves of energy, dealing 2d4 points of energy damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 points of energy damage to those past 10 feet but within 20 feet. The wall deals this damage when it appears and each round that a creature enters or remains in the area. In addition, the wall deals 6d6 points of energy damage to any creature passing through it. The wall deals double damage to undead creatures, provided the undead creature is not immune to the selected energy type. For each additional 1d6 points of damage, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

You can also use the energy seed to create an incantation that carefully releases and balances the emanation of cold, electricity, and fire, creating specific weather effects for a period of 24 hours. Using the energy seed this way has a base Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC of 34. The area extends to a two-mile-radius centered on you. Once the incantation is cast, the weather takes 10 minutes to manifest.

With the base use, you can’t directly target a creature or object, though indirect effects are possible. But you can create cold snaps, heat waves, thunderstorms, fogs, blizzards —even a tornado that moves randomly in the affected area. Creating targeted damaging effects requires an additional use of the energy seed.

Seed: Foresee


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 32; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Instantaneous (see text)

You can foretell the immediate future, or gain information about specific questions.

You are 90% likely to receive a meaningful reading of the future of the next 30 minutes. If successful, you know whether a particular action will bring good results, bad results, or no result. For each additional 30 minutes into the future, multiply the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by 2.

For better results, you can pose up to ten specific questions (one per round while you concentrate), but the base Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC for such an attempt is 32.

Your questions reverberate through dimension interstices beyond the veil of Shadow, seeking an answer from some willing entity. The answers return in a language you understand, but use only one-word answers such as “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” “never,” “irrelevant,” or some other one-word answer. All questions answered are 90% likely to be answered truthfully. However, a specific incantation using the foresee seed can only be cast once every five weeks.

The foresee seed is also useful for incantations requiring specific information before functioning, such as those that use the reveal and transport seeds.

You can also use the foresee seed to gain one basic piece of information about a living target: location, level, class, alignment, or other special ability (or an object’s magical abilities, if any). For knowledge revealed in each additional category, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. To obtain information about an object, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4.

Seed: Fortify


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Touch; Target: Creature touched; Duration: Hours; Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Incantations using the fortify seed grant a +1 enhancement bonus to whichever one of the following you choose:

  • Any one ability score.
  • Any one kind of saving throw.
  • Spell resistance.
  • Natural armor bonus.

The fortify seed can also grant energy resistance 1 for one energy type or 1 temporary hit point. For each additional +1 bonus, point of energy resistance, or hit point, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

The fortify seed has a base Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC is 34 if it grants a +1 bonus of a type other than enhancement (such as luck or insight). For each additional +1 bonus of a type other than enhancement, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. If you apply a factor to make the duration permanent, the bonus must be an inherent bonus, and the maximum inherent bonus allowed is +5.

The fortify seed can also grant SR 22, and each additional point of spell resistance increases the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4 (each –1 to spell resistance reduces the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by –2). If an incantation with the fortify seed grants an inanimate object an ability score it wouldn’t normally possess (such as Intelligence), the incantation must also incorporate the life seed.

The fortify seed can also grant damage reduction 10/+1. For each additional point of damage reduction, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. For each additional point of required weapon enhancement above +1, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +3.

Seed: Heal

Conjuration (Healing)

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 32; Range: Touch; Target: Creature touched; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Yes (harmless; see text); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Incantations developed with the heal seed channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away disease and injury. Such an incantation completely cures all diseases, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, and temporary ability damage. To restore permanent ability damage, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. The heal seed neutralizes poisons in the subject’s system so that no additional damage or effects are suffered.

It offsets feeblemindedness and cures mental disorders caused by spells or injury to the brain. It dispels all magical effects penalizing the character’s abilities, including effects caused by spells and even incantations developed with the afflict seed. Only a single application of the incantation is needed to simultaneously achieve all these effects. It does not restore levels or Constitution points lost due to death.

To dispel all negative energy levels afflicting the target, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

Seed: Life

Conjuration (Healing)

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 33; Range: Touch; Target: Dead creature touched; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None (see text); Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

An incantation developed with the life seed will restore life and complete vigor to any deceased creature. The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be returned to life, but the portion receiving the incantation must have been part of the creature’s body at the time of death.

The creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of prepared spells. However, the subject loses 1 level (or 1 point of Constitution if the subject was 1st level). You cannot revive someone who has died of old age.

You can also use the life seed to give an animal or plant a soul, personality, and sentience. For each point of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma you give your creation, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1. You can’t create a creature with a higher Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma than you have.

The newly sentient animal or plant is friendly toward you. The newly sentient creature understands one language automatically; to give the creature the ability to speak, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1.

Seed: Reflect


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 32; Range: Personal; Target: You; Duration: Until expended or 12 hours

Attacks targeted against you rebound on the original attacker. Each use of the reflect seed in an incantation is effective against one type of attack only: spells (and incantations and spell-like effects), ranged attacks, or melee attacks. To reflect an area spell, where you are not the target but are caught in the vicinity, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +8. A single successful use of reflect expends its protection.

Incantations developed with the reflect seed against spells and spell-like effects return spell effects of up to 1st level. For each additional level of spells to be reflected, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6. Other incantations are treated as 6th-level spells for this purpose.

Against 0- to 5th-level spells, the desired effect is automatically reflected. An opposed Knowledge (arcane lore) check is required when the reflect seed is used against another incantation. If the enemy caster gets his incantation through by winning the Knowledge (arcane lore) check, the incantation using the reflect seed is not expended, just momentarily suppressed.

If the reflect seed is used against a melee attack or ranged attack, five such attacks are automatically reflected back on the original attacker. For each additional attack reflected, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. The reflected attack rebounds on the attacker using the same attack roll. Once the allotted attacks are reflected, the incantation using the reflect seed is expended.

Seed: Reveal


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: See text; Effect: Magical sensor; Duration: Minutes (D); Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: No

You can hear or see some distant location almost as if you were there. To both hear and see, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. Distance is not a factor, but the locale must be known—a place familiar to you or an obvious one (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees). The incantation creates an invisible sensor, similar to that created by a scrying spell, that can be dispelled. Lead sheeting or magical protection (such as nondetection) blocks the incantation, and you sense that the incantation is so blocked.

If you prefer to create a mobile (speed 30 feet) sensor that you control, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. To allow magically enhanced senses to work through an incantation built with the reveal seed, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4.

To cast any spell whose range is Touch or greater from the sensor instead of you, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6; however, you must maintain line of effect to the sensor at all times. If your line of effect is obstructed, the incantation ends.

Increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6 if you use the reveal seed to pierce illusions and see things as they really are. You can see through normal and magical darkness, notice secret doors hidden by magic, see the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, see invisible creatures or objects normally, see through illusions, and see the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. The range of such sight is 120 feet. The reveal seed cannot identify creatures or objects within extradimensional spaces.

Seed: Slay

Necromancy [Death]

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 34; Range: Medium; Target: One living creature; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance: Yes

An incantation developed using the slay seed snuffs out the life force of a living creature, killing it instantly. The slay seed kills a creature of up to 20 HD. The subject is entitled to a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save is successful, it instead takes 4d6 points of damage. For each additional 20 HD affected (or each additional creature affected), increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +8.

Alternatively, you can use the slay seed in an incantation to suppress the life force of the target by bestowing 2d4 negative levels on the target (the incantation bestows half as many negative levels on a successful Fortitude save). For each additional 1d4 negative levels bestowed, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. If the subject has at least as many negative levels as Hit Dice, it dies. Assuming the subject survives, the negative levels will become permanently drained levels 24 hours later if the subject fails a Fortitude saving throw.

Seed: Summon

Conjuration (Summoning)

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 32; Range: Close; Effect: One summoned creature; Duration: Rounds (D); Saving Throw: Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance: Yes (see text)

You can summon an outsider. It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn, if its spell resistance is overcome and it fails a Will saving throw. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the outsider, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

The incantation conjures an outsider you select of CR 6 or less. For each +1 CR of the summoned outsider, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

If you increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6, you can summon a creature of CR 6 or less from another monster type, such as giant, aberration, or undead.

For each +1 CR of the summoned creature, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. The summoned creature is assumed to have been plucked from some faraway place (perhaps somewhere beyond Shadow). The summoned creature attacks your opponents to the best of its ability, or if you can communicate with it, it will perform other actions.

However, the summoning ends if the creature is asked to perform a task inimical to its nature, such as commanding a good creature to attack an innocent, or commanding any creature to commit suicide.

Seed: Transform


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 32; Range: Close; Target: One creature or inanimate, nonmagical object; Duration: Hours; Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (and see text); Spell Resistance: Yes

Incantations using the transform seed change the subject into another form of creature or object. The new form can range in size from Diminutive to one size larger than the subject’s normal form. If you want transform a creature into a nonmagical, inanimate object, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +10. If you want to change a creature of one type into another type (for example, undead to outsider), increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +5.

Transformations involving nonmagical inanimate substances with hardness are more difficult; for each 2 points of hardness, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1.

The transform seed can also change its target into someone specific. To transform an object or creature into the specific likeness of another individual, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6. If the transformed creature doesn’t have the level or Hit Dice of its new likeness, it can only use the abilities of the creature at its own level or Hit Dice.

If slain or destroyed, the transformed creature or object reverts to its original form. The subject’s equipment, if any, remains untransformed.

The transformed creature or object acquires the physical and natural abilities of the creature or object it has been changed into while retaining its own mind and mental ability scores. Mental abilities include personality, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, level and class, hit points (despite any change in its Constitution score), alignment, base attack bonus, base saves, extraordinary abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities, but not its supernatural abilities. Physical abilities include natural size and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. Natural abilities include armor, natural weapons, and similar gross physical qualities (presence or absence of wings, number of extremities, etc.), and possibly hardness. Creatures transformed into inanimate objects do not gain the benefit of their untransformed physical abilities, and may well be blind, deaf, dumb, and unfeeling.

The transformed subject can have no more Hit Dice than you have or that the subject has (whichever is greater). In any case, for each Hit Die the assumed form has above 15 HD, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

Seed: Transport

Conjuration (Teleporting)

Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 32; Range: Touch; Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures weighing up to 500 lb.; Duration: Instantaneous; Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object, subject); Spell Resistance: No and Yes (object, subject)

Incantations using the transport seed instantly transport you to a designated destination up to 1,000 miles away. For each additional 500 miles you wish to travel, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

For each additional 50 pounds in objects (beyond the base 500 pounds), increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2. To bring along willing creatures, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2 per three additional creatures.

You need not make a saving throw, nor is spell resistance applicable to you. Only objects worn or carried (attended) by another unwilling creature receive saving throws and spell resistance. For an incantation intended to transport unwilling creatures, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6.

You must have at least a reliable description of the place to which you are transporting. If you attempt to use the transport seed with insufficient or misleading information, you disappear and simply reappear in your original location.

Seed: Ward


Knowledge (arcane lore) DC: 30; Range: Touch; Target: Creature or object of 1,000 lbs. or less touched; or 10-ft.-radius spherical emanation, centered on you; Duration: Hours (D); Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes

You can grant a creature protection from damage of a specified type. You can protect a creature from standard damage or from energy damage. You can protect a creature or area from magic. Alternatively, you can hedge out a type of creature from a specified area.

A ward against standard damage protects a creature from two of the following damage types: ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. For a ward against all types, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +4. Each round, the incantation created with the ward seed absorbs the first 5 points of damage the creature would otherwise take, regardless of whether the source of the damage is natural or magical. For each additional point of protection, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +2.

A ward against energy grants a creature protection from whichever one you select of the five energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic/concussion. Each round, the incantation absorbs the first 5 points of damage the creature would otherwise take from the specified energy type, regardless of whether the source of damage is natural or magical. The incantation protects the recipient’s equipment as well. For each additional point of protection, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +1.

A ward against a specific type of creature prevents bodily contact from whichever one of several monster types you select. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The protection ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or intentionally moves within 5 feet of the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.

A ward against magic creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere (with radius 10 feet) that surrounds you and excludes all spell effects of up to 1st level. Alternatively, you can ward just the target and not create the radius effect. For each additional level of spells to be excluded, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by +6. The area or effect of any such spells does not include the area of the ward, and such spells fail to affect any target within the ward. This includes spell-like abilities and spells or spell-like effects from magic items. However, any type of spell can be cast through or out of the ward. You can leave and return to the protected area without penalty (unless the incantation specifically targets a creature and does not provide a radius effect).

Instead of creating an incantation that uses the ward seed to nullify all spells of a given and lower level, you can create a ward that nullifies a specific spell (or specific set of spells). For each specific spell so nullified, increase the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC by only +1 per spell level above 1st. For example, if you want to create an incantation that protects you specifically against charm person and dominate, the Knowledge (arcane lore) check DC would increase by +0 and +4, respectively.

The ward could be brought down by a targeted dispel magic spell. Incantations using the dispel seed may bring down a ward if the enemy spellcaster succeeds at a caster level check.