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Coutlsaur (3.5e Monster)

41 bytes added, 20:19, 22 April 2014
Text replace - "Category:3.5e [[" to "[[Category:3.5e]] [["
|san4=Telepathy |sad4=A couatl can communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 feet that has an Intelligence score, provided that the coutlsaur and the target creature share a language. The creature can respond to the coutlsaur if it wishes.
|san5=Skills |sad5=Because of their tails, coutlsaurs have a +4 racial bonus on [[Jump]], [[Swim]], and [[Balance]] checks. The skill modifiers given in the statistics block include a -1 armor check penalty (-2 on [[Swim]] checks) from carrying a masterwork heavy shield.
|san6=Spell-like abilities |sad6=3/day-''protection from evil'', 1/day-''bless''. [[CLSRD:Caster Level|Caster level]] equals HD (usually 2nd).