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Coutlsaur (3.5e Monster)

686 bytes added, 20:19, 22 April 2014
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|date_created=18 August 2010
|status=In progressComplete (more or less)
|name=Coutlsaur |cr=2
|al=LG |size=[[Medium]] |type=[[Outsider]] (Native)
|init=+1 |sens=[[darkvision]] 60 ft., [[low-light vision]], [[scent]] |listen=+2 |spot=+2
|lang=Celestial, Draconic
|ac=19 |touch=11 |flat=18 |acmods=+1 Dex, +6 natural, +2 shield
|resist=resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10, +4 Fort saves against poison
|fort=+3 (+7 against poison) |ref=+4 |will=+2
|spd=30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (good)
|melee1=Masterwork maquahuitl +5 melee (1d8+3/x3) and [[bite]] +2 melee (1d6+1)
|str=17 |dex=12 |con=17 |int=11 |wis=14 |cha=14
|sa=Daylight, smite evil, spell-like abilities
|sq=Damage reduction 5/magic, hold breath, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and electricity 10, spell resistance 12, weapon familiarity (maquahuitl), telepathy|feats=[[Multiattack]] [bonus], [[Weapon Focus]] (maquahuitl), [[Track]] [bonus]
|skills=[[Balance]] +9*, [[Diplomacy]] +7, [[Heal]] +7, [[Jump]] +11*, [[Listen]] +7, [[Spot]] +7, [[Survival]] +7, [[Swim]] +10*
|poss=1d6+2 (5) javelins, masterwork heavy wooden shield, masterwork maquahuitl
|san3=Smite Evil |sad3=Once per day a coutlsaur can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD (maximum of +20; typically +2) against an evil foe.
|san4=Telepathy |sad4=A couatl can communicate telepathically with any creature within 30 feet that has an Intelligence score, provided that the coutlsaur and the target creature share a language. The creature can respond to the coutlsaur if it wishes.
|san5=Skills |sad5=Because of their tails, coutlsaurs have a +4 racial bonus on [[Jump]], [[Swim]], and [[Balance]] checks. The skill modifiers given in the statistics block include a -1 armor check penalty (-2 on [[Swim]] checks) from carrying a masterwork heavy shield.|freq1san6=Spell-like abilities |sad6=3/day|sla1=-''protection from evil''|freq2=, 1/day|sla2=''aid'', -''bless'', ''detect evil'' . [[CLSRD:Caster Level|Caster level]] equals HD (usually 2nd).
''At first, the imposing, saurian figure ahead resembles a indigo-blue lizardfolk warrior, wearing tropical plumes and a feathered cloak. Your supposition is proved wrong as it unfurls massive feathered wings. Suddenly a voice, suspicious yet melodic, appears in your head and greets you''
===Strategies and Tactics===
Coutlsaurs are skilled tacticians, attacking in concert with one another and laying traps for enemies. If given time to prepare, a coutlsaur the leader will cast ''bless'' on itself and as many allies as possible, while each warrior will cast ''protection from evil'' on itself. They typically attack from the air, throwing javelins and other missiles, before closing in for melee combat. If seriously injured, a coutlsaur will attempt to fly out of combat, but only if it feels that fleeing will not jeopardize the safety of its allies. Their aptitude for swimming, and naturally waterproof feathers, means that coutlsaurs will utilize water-based combat if it grants an advantage in combat, though they will never use ranged attacks in these circumstances.
'''Alignment:''' Coutlsaurs tend towards lawful good on either or both alignment axis, much like their couatl ancestors, and thus are usually lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good. Some chaotic good individuals exist, but evil coutlsaurs are as rare as they are dangerous.
'''Advancement:''' Coutlsaurs favor the [[Cleric]], [[Wizard]], [[Druid]], and [[Ranger]] classes, with [[Sorcerer]], [[Monk]], and [[Paladin]] also being common choices. Cleric is their favored class, and they have access to two of the following domains: Animal, Good, Healing, Law, Plant, or Sun.
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