Damage from this feat is precision damage, so it does not work against constructs, undead, creatures without discernible anatomy, etc.
Text replace - "Category:3.5e [[" to "[[Category:3.5e]] [["
|summary=You channel part of your life force into a strike to deal extra damage.
|benefit=Bloodletting Blade feat bonuses are based on your Hit Dice.
* '''1 HD:''' As part of a melee attack, you can lose 2 hitpoints to deal an extra 1d6 damage on the attack. You can only use this ability once per round.
* '''5 HD:''' You can lose 4 hitpoints to deal an extra 2d6 damage instead.
* '''10 HD:''' You can lose 6 hitpoints to deal an extra 3d6 damage instead.
* '''15 HD:''' You can lose 8 hitpoints to deal an extra 4d6 damage instead.
* '''20 HD:''' You can lose 10 hitpoints to deal an extra 5d6 damage instead.
{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}<br/>{{3.5e Scaling Feats Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Scaling Feat]] {{Navboxes}}