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Bloodletting Blade (3.5e Feat)

29 bytes removed, 20:01, 22 April 2014
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|summary=You channel part of your life force into a strike to deal extra damage.
|benefit=Bloodletting Blade feat bonuses are based on your Hit Dice.
* '''1 HD:''' As part of a melee attack, you can lose 2 hitpoints to deal an extra 1d6 damage on the attack. You can only use this ability once per round.
* '''5 HD:''' You can lose 4 hitpoints to deal an extra 2d6 damage instead.
* '''10 HD:''' You can lose 6 hitpoints to deal an extra 3d6 damage instead.
* '''15 HD:''' You can lose 8 hitpoints to deal an extra 4d6 damage instead.
* '''20 HD:''' You can lose 10 hitpoints to deal an extra 5d6 damage instead.
Damage from this feat is precision damage, so it does not work against constructs, undead, creatures without discernible anatomy, etc.
{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}<br/>{{3.5e Scaling Feats Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Scaling Feat]] {{Navboxes}}