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Secret Identity (3.5e Feat)

98 bytes removed, 16:44, 22 August 2013
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|skill14=Perfect cover - nothing can penetrate your disguise; a sense motive check vs your disguise check alwayes fails even spells that read your mind will only reveal what is "natural" for the identity you are in to think.
Also you can as a 1 round aktion when not observered disguise youself as your secret identity.
|skill19=Two lives Retiring the mask - from now on, when Any time you level upare at 0 hp or lower, you level up each side are not the focus of anyones attention and not dead while in your identify seperatelycover identity, and you only have access to the abilities can find a last bit of strenght and get away but the close call makes you leave your cover identity behind and you are in.''Example: Peter (monk 16) levels up to level 17. Peter choses to take loose this feat but recovers 20 HP, after a level in sorcerer for himself and weeks rest you can chose a level of blackguard for his cover identify Spider-Monk.''Now he can only use his sorcerer spells when not disguised as Spider-monk and only use his blackguard abilities when disguisednew feat but never agein this one. }}</onlyinclude>