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Flammenwerfer (3.5e Class)

3 bytes added, 18:12, 15 February 2013
Flammenwerfers in the World: Typo Burninated
'''{{Anchor|Ashes to Ashes}} {{Ex}}:''' At 14th level, a flammenwerfer's fires burn especially hot. At the flammenwerfer's choosing, any creature killed by a flammenwerfer's flames turns to ash as if affected by ''[[SRD:Disintegrate|disintegrate]]''. Even their soul is burned. There is a 50% chance any ressurection attempts fail. Creatures which respawn (such as [[SRD:Ghost|ghosts]] and [[SRD:Lich|liches]]) also have a 50% chance of being unable to respawn.
'''{{Anchor|Asbestos Aura}} {{Ex}}:''' The flammenwerfer has been immune to flame for some time, but his allies aren't. At 15th level he can help them too. All allies in a 20 foot area radius centered on the flammenwerfer gain energy resistance (fire) equal to the flammenwerfer's class level x 2.
'''{{Anchor|Melt Blast}} {{Sp}}:''' At 16th level, a flammenwerfer can melt large portions of stone and metal. Treat this as ''[[SRD:Transmute Rock to Mud|transmute rock to mud]]'' except the material becomes molten rock or metal. It can affect worked terrain, but only unattended objects. Molten objects count as difficult terrain, slow creatures down to 5 feet, and deal 10d6 fire damage on contact or 20d6 on complete submersion. The material cools naturally, dealing half damage the subsequent round and them freezing solid again on the third round, possibly trapping creatures within. While it may be used at will, the flammenwerfer must wait a 1 minute cooldown between castings of Melt Blast.
'''Organizations:''' Because flammenwerfers tend to start fires wherever they go, hosting several in any sort of building seems unwise. Regardless, many are loners doing it for the love of flame.
'''NPC Reactions:''' For some reason NPC Commoners get very nervous with a flammenwerfer walking around their tatched thatched roofed cottages and highly flammable stocks of ale. No idea why.
====Flammenwerfer Lore====