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Stealthy (3.5e Feat)

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<noinclude><div class="supplement">
|editing=Spelling and grammar only
:''This is the [[Tome Material|Tome]] feat. You may be looking for [[SRD:Stealthy]].''
</noincludeonlyinclude>{{Tome Skill Feat
|summary=If someone sees you, you have to kill them.
|skill14=You can attempt to Hide even when under direct observation, but you take the usual -20 penalty to your check.
|skill19=Even opponents who can see you have trouble locating you. If they succeed at beating your Hide check with Spot (and thus can see you), they have a 50% concealment miss chance when attacking you, which decreases by 5% for each point they beat your Hide DC.
{{3.5e Scaling Feats Breadcrumb}} &rarr; [[Tome Skill Feats|Skill Feats]]<br/>{{Tome Material Breadcrumb/Skill Feats}} &rarr; [[Tome Skill Feats|Skill Feats]][[Category:DnD]]
[[Category:Feat]][[Category:Skill Scaling Feat]]