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Sniper (3.5e Prestige Class)

13 bytes added, 08:56, 19 September 2012
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Characters who choose the path of the sniper are not concerned with pumping out damage over time from a range (Sharpshooting is the name of that other art), but rather prefer to enjoy an increased accuracy for the few shots they do take, as well as making those shots count. Snipers are a martial class, drawing from the ranks of fighters, rangers, rogues, and other classes of similar persuasions. Due to Snipers being a ranged class, and a class that prefers to stay out of melee (or even return fire), ability in archery is of primary importance. The skills necessary to sneak around is also very helpful.
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|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
[[Category:Prestige Class]]