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Revision as of 08:03, 6 September 2012

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: September 02, 2012
Status: Finished
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Better Poison Implementation

Poisons suck so I made new rules.

Delivering Poison

When a creature is delivered poison it must make a fortitude save against the initial effect, no matter if he fail or succeed this is the initial delivery and the duration of the poison start. The secondary effect start at the initial delivery and usually grant no save but never stack with itself if many dose are injected.

Many Deliveries

If the poisoned creature succeed against the initial effect, she must make another save or suffer from the initial effect at a -1 penalty for each dose injected beyond the first until the duration of the poison elapse. If the fail save the duration restart, otherwise the duration remain the same.

If the poisoned creature failed it save against the initial effect, all doses of the same poison injected until the duration elapse will trigger the heightened effect instead. The heightened effect can be triggered many time, with the same effect (unless stated otherwise in the particular poison description) and always stack with itself.


Delivery: Ingested, contact, injury. Same horseshit as SRD really. As soon as a poison is

Duration: How long the poison will last, effects with no listed duration will end at the end of the poison duration. The duration start with the initial delivery, when the duration end the creature will be affected by the delayed effect.

Base and Creature DC: Base DC is the DC for all saves granted by a poison when brought off the market. You can increase the base DC by 2 by paying an extra price listed in the poison entry (can be done multiple time, but a poison enhanced this way cannot go over the poison's maximal DC). Creature DC is the Dc when used by a creature, it mostly 10 +1/2 HD + that creature's constitution modifier.

Initial Effect: Most poisons have a contact effect, basically an effect that kick in just after the poison is injected/drank/absorbed. That effect usually grant a save.

Heightened Effects: Most poison get worse if multiple doses are absorbed, a creature already poisoned will not gets another based effect but will rather suffer the poison's heightened effect. Note that the initial effect never stack together, always refer to heightened effect for multiple doses.

Secondary Effect: A flavorsome effect, has minimal mechanical (if any) effect and usually grant no saves. Secondary effects always happen if a doze of the poison is delivered unless you are immune to the poison in question (or all poison).

Delayed Effect: Delayed effect come in play a few round after the initial injection or perhaps hours after. For each fortitude save failed against the initial or heightened effect the DC of the delayed effect increase by +1. If the lethality threshold was crossed, the creature take the delayed effect with no save and must make a fortitude save or die.

Lethality Threshold

All poisons can kill. A poison lethality threshold is the number of time a creature can fail a fortitude save against the poison initial and heightened effects. When the threshold is passed, the creature is under grave danger and may die. Size change how much a poison is lethal, for each szie category above medium increase the lethality threshold by 1. For each size category a creature is under medium decrease the lethality threshold by 1.

Particular Immunity/Resistance/Vulnerability

Some creature/class/race are resistant to a particular type of poison. There three type of resistance: minor, major and immunity. Minor resistance grant a +2 fortitude save bonus against the poison in question, major increase that bonus to +4 and increase the lethality threshold by 1. Immunity obviously make that creature immune.

There is only 2 type of vulnerability, minor and major. Minor vulnerability give a -2 penalty to fortitude save bonus against the poison in question, major vulnerability increase that penalty to +-2 and decrease the lethality threshold by 1.



A nasty poison used to kill vermin and sometime people, it kill slowly and thus is not recommended in combat. It a cheap assassin poison if rather ineffective at it job.

  • Duration: 10 minutes
  • Base DC: 13 (Max
  • Creature DC: 10 +1/2 HD + creature's constitution modifier
  • Lethality Threshold: 3
  • Delivery: Ingested

Initial Effect: The arsenic will make the creature immediately sick, that creature must make a fortitude save or be sickened.

Heightened Effect: Make the creature nauseated on a failed fort save. Each subsequent delivery deal 3 damage to the poisoned creature, and allow a fortitude save for no damage.

Secondary Effect: None

Delayed Effect: The creature proceed to vomit profusely as her organism is damaged, she take 2d10 damage and is staggered for 4 rounds.

A single dose of impure arsenic powder cost 20 gold pieces. Arsenic upgrade cost is 40 gp.

Dragon Bile

  • Duration: 3 rounds (15 seconds)/2 Hours (initial and heightened effect only)
  • Base DC: 26 (Max 32)
  • Creature DC: 10 +1/2 HD + creature's constitution modifier
  • Lethality Threshold: 2
  • Delivery: Contact

Initial Effect: The dragon bile's victim must make a fortitude save or take a -4 penalty to strength for 2 hours.

Heightened Effect: The dragon bile's victim must make a fortitude save or increase the penalty to strength inflicted by dragon bile by 2.

Secondary Effect: The creature is shaken.

Delayed Effect: The creature burst into energy, most likely fire. She take 10d6 energy damage (based on the dragon who bile originally belonged too) with a fortitude save allowed to halves the damage.

A single dose of dragon bile cost 1000 gp with an upgrade cost of 400 gp.

Golden Dart Frog Poison

  • Duration: 5 rounds (25 seconds)
  • Base DC: 23 (Max 33)
  • Creature DC: 20 +1/2 HD + creature's constitution modifier
  • Lethality Threshold: 1
  • Delivery: Contact

Initial Effect: The creature must succeed a fort save or be stunned for 1 round.

Heightened Effect: The creature must succeed a fort save or be stunned.

Secondary Effect: None

Delayed Effect: The creature must succeed a fort save or be paralysed for 10 minutes.

Particular Immunity: Dart Frogs

Notes: This is a very high poison. Not to be used in high game or lower.

A single dose of golden dart frog poison cost 200 gp and can be enhanced for 400 gp.

Mort aux rats

An anticoagulant used to kill rats, piss poor but piss cheap. Also useful for taking down dire rats.

  • Duration: 5 Minutes
  • Base DC: 10 (Max 16)
  • Creature DC: 10 +1/2 HD + creature's constitution modifier
  • Lethality Threshold: 4
  • Delivery: Ingested

Initial Effect: As an anticoagulant mort aux rats inflict DS (2/slashing and piercing) to any creature that fail it fortitude save.

Heightened Effect: The poisoned creature must succeed a fort save or increase the DS afflicted by mort aux rat by 1 point (to a maximum of 5).

Secondary Effect: If the poisoned creature is under half hit point and took at least 1 damage from a slashing or piercing weapon in the last minute she start bleeding intensely, taking 1 damage each round for 1 minute.

Delayed Effect: None, unless you crossed the lethality threshold anyway.

Major Vulnerability: rat and dire rat

Mort aux rats cost 5 gp per dose. It upgrade cost is 15 gp.

Witch Bog Toadstool

Not all mushroom are yummy, these are toadstool and poisonous.

  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Base DC: 16 (Max 24)
  • Creature DC: 10 +1/2 HD + creature's constitution modifier
  • Lethality Threshold: 2
  • Delivery: Ingested

Initial Effect: The creature must make a fortitude save or be confused.

Heightened Effect: The creature is assailed by intense stomach pain and become staggered for 1d4 round unless she succeed a fort save. Sadly she must make a will save or be under the effect of suggestion with the order of 'eat more toadstools'.

Secondary Effect: The creature is hallucinating badly, and thus she is unable to recognize real and unreal until it too late, she cannot take attacks of opportunity.

Delayed Effect: The creature become very dazed and must make a fort save or fall unconscious for 1d4 minute.

Particular Immunity: Hags

Special Use: Witch bog toadstool can be used in small dose as a mental wards against hags, if a dose of witch bog toadstool is prepared with a DC 20 craft (alchemy) and 6 hours of work it become a single dose of witchbane oil.

Witch Bog Toadstool cost 100 gp, it upgrade cost is 400 gp as finding better mushroom is difficult.

Yellow Gas

  • Duration: 3 Minute

Base DC: 14 (Max 20) Creature DC: 10 +1/2 HD + creature's constitution modifier Lethality Threshold: 2 Delivery: Inhaled

Initial Effect: The creature has trouble breathing and speaking as it tongue start to inflame and bleed profusely. Whenever the creatures try to use an ability or spell with vocal component there is 50% the chance the spell or ability fail.

Heightened Effect: The chance to fail vocal abilities increase by 1% unless the poisoned creature succeed a fortitude save.

Secondary Effect: The poisoned creature is sickened.

Delayed Effect: The poisoned creature's lungs fill with blood and is starting to drown for 1 minute unless she succeed a fortitude save.

A canister of yellow gas create a 60 square area of gas that last for 1 round per dose. Anytime a creature start or finish it turn in the gas cloud she count as having been delivered the poison, a creature that does not need to breath may simply not breath the poison and be unaffected.

A dose of yellow gas cost 50 gp, it upgrade cost is 50 gp.

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AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Variant Rule +
Rated Bybalmz +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryPlease insert a summary of your variant rule here. +
TitleBetter Poison Implementation +