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1,583 bytes added, 19:41, 12 November 2011
Broodling: updated aura power.
{{Author|author_name=Techpriest88|date_created=4/26/10|status=In progressJust getting started.|editing=Please suggest on talk page.}}==Infestor==[[Image:Infestor.jpg|thumb|An infestor is the last sight many have seen... with human eyes.]]
The infestor is a intelligent zerg horror that works to actively spread the influence of the swarm by infesting those vulnerable to its corruption. It resembles nothing so much as a gigantic slug with glowing fluid sacks and a tentacled maw. It is always accompanied by an assortment of infested humanoids who defend it to the death.
{{4e Creature Top
|name=InfestorQueen|level=16?|role=Elite ControlerArtillery (Leader)
|type=magical beast
|xp=1400?|initiative=+12?|senses=Perception +15?, darkvision, termorsense 10|aura1=|aurakeyword1=|aurarange1=|auraeffect1=|aura2=|aurakeyword2=|aurarange2=|auraeffect2=
|savingthrows=+2|speed=4 (6, 8 burrowon ''creep'')|actionpoints=1
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|name=Fungal GoutClaws|actionkeywords=standard|recharge=atAt-willWill|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 3''' (two attacks, one or two creatures); +? vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' [low] damage.}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type={{R}}|name=Acid Spines|keywords=acid|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Range 10''' (one creature); +? vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' [med] acid damage.}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type=|name=Queen's Command
|recharge=At-Will|effect=+19 vs. AC; 2d8 + 3 acid ''Effect:'' An ally of the queen's level or lower with 10 squares gains 5 temporary hit points and poison damagemakes a basic attack as a free action.
{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|name=Neural ParasiteSpawn Broodling |actionkeywords=standard|recharge=encounter|keywords=Charm, Disease, PsychicEncounter|effect=''Attack:'' '''Range 5''' (one creature); +20 ? vs. Will; 4d8 + 5 psychic Fortitude<br />''Hit:'' ? damage, and the target is dazed and takes ongoing 5 psychic ? damage and is dazed (save endsboth).<br />''First failed save:'' The target is dominated and takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends)instead stunned.<br />''SpecialSecond failed save:'' If Two ''broodlings'' appear on the battlefield in unoccupied spaces adjacent to the target moves more than 10 squares away, this effect ends. If and the target drops dies. (Epic Tier only.)}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Move}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|name=Burrow|keywords=|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Effect:'' The queen has concealment and may make Stealth checks to 0 hit points while dominated by avoid notice. Moving or attacking ends this effect, the target contracts .<br />''Special:'' If on ''zerg infestationcreep'' (see below), the queen instead has total concealment.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Minor}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3|type=|name=Transfusion|keywords=healing|recharge=Recharge {{5}} {{6}}|effect=''Effect:'' One ally of the queen's level or lower within 10 squares spends a healing surge.}}{{4e Creature Bottom MM3|skills=Arcana +?, Dungeoneering +?, Heal +?|strength=|strbonus=+|constitution=|conbonus=+|dexterity=|dexbonus=+|intelligence=|intbonus=+|wisdom=|wisbonus=+|charisma=|chabonus=+|alignment=Unaligned|languages=--}} ===Queen Tactics===As one of the more intelligent zerg strains, queens often direct their allies when encountered in the field. They prefer to stay behind the front lines, using their reach and ranged attacks to strike at enemies from a safe distance. They tend to the wounded in combat, able to restore them to peak fighting condition almost instantly. The cunning of a queen should never be underestimated, as they are the masterminds behind the evolution of the Swarm.  ==Roach=={{4e Creature Top|name=Roach|level=?|role=Soldier|size=Large|origin=aberrant|type=beast|keywords=zerg|xp=?|initiative=+?|senses=Perception +?; darkvision|hp=?|bloodied=?|ac=[high]|fortitude=[high]|reflex=[low]|will=[med]|immune/resist/vulnerable=|speed=4 [6, burrow 6 (Paragon Tier.)]|savingthrows=|actionpoints=}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|name=Regeneration|keywords=healing|effect=At the beginning of its turn, as long as it has at least 1 hit point, the roach regains 5 hit points. [If it is completely underground, the roach instead regains 10 hit points. (Paragon tier only.)]}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|name=Glial Reconstitution|effect=The roach gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with opportunity attacks. (Paragon Tier only.)}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type={{BR}}|name=Acid Saliva|keywords=acid|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Range 3''' (one creature); +? vs. Reflex<br />''Hit:'' [med] acid damage.}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type={{BM}}|name=Claws|keywords=|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +? vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' [med] damage, and the target is marked until the end of its next turn.}}{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Spawn InfestedAmbushing Spray|actionkeywords=standardacid|recharge=recharge {{4}} {{5}} {{6}}|keywords=Encounter|effect=Close burst 3; creates an ''infested defenderRequires:'' (see below) within The roach is completely underground, adjacent to the burstsurface. If <br />''Effect:'' The roach shifts 2 squares, ending this is move completely above ground, and makes the first time following attack.<br />''Attack:'' '''Close blast 2''' (enemies in blast); +? vs. Reflex<br />''Hit:'' ? acid damage, and the power target is used this encounter, it produces an additional infested. Each spawned creature acts immediately after blinded until the infestor, on its initiative count. This power cannot be used or recharged if end of the infestorroach's personal entourage contains infested defendersnext turn. (Spawned cretures do not award additional experienceEpic Tier only.)
{{4e Creature PowerBar MM3|typeaction=Move}}{{A}}4e Creature Power MM3|name=Fungal Growth|action=standard; sustain minorBurrow|recharge=recharge {{5}} {{6}}|keywords=Acid, Poison, ZoneAt-Will|effect=Area burst 2 within 10; creates a zone of infested earth that harms those treading upon it''Effect:'' The roach has concealment and may make Stealth checks to avoid notice. Creatures entering Moving or starting their turns within attacking ends this effect.<br />''Special:'' If on ''creep'', the zone take 10 acid and poison damage and are slowed until they exit the zoneroach instead has total concealment. (Heroic Tier only.)
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Triggered}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type={{M}}|name=Impenetrable Line|keywords=|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Trigger:'' An enemy shifs from a square the roach threatens.<br />''Effect (opportunity action):'' The roach makes a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy.}}{{4e Creature BottomMM3|skills=Endurance ?, Stealth ? (+? when burrowing)|constitution=?|conbonus=+?|strength=?|strbonus=+?|dexterity=?|dexbonus=+?|intelligence=?|intbonus=+?|wisdom=?|wisbonus=+?|charisma=?|chabonus=+?
|languages=Telepathy 20 (zerg only)|skills=Dungeoneering +20, Heal +20, Stealth +17|feats=|strength=19|strbonus=+12|dexterity=18|dexbonus=+12|wisdom=24|wisbonus=+15|constitution=21|conbonus=+13|intelligence=11|intbonus=+8|charisma=6|chabonus=+6--
===Roach Lore===
Roaches are a squat, six-legged zerg strain. Their thick armored hide allows them to take a great deal of punishmend. One of their most unique qualities is the startling speed with which thier wounds regenerate. While zerg in general heal quickly, one can watch as muscle, sinew, and even a roach's armored shell mends itself. The process works even more swiftly when they burrow, gaining but a momentary reprieve to focus on healing. In addition to this, roaches are able to spit their acidic saliva over short distances, showering enemies in corrosive goo that can work its way through even enchanted steel. They are far from helpless in close quarters, sporting a pair of vicious claws on their carapace which they use to devestating effect on any seeking to bypass them.
===Roach Tactics===
Roaches are found at the front line of any engagement. They rely on their remarkably resilience and regeneration to keep them in the fight, often placing themselve in dangerous positions to limit the mobility of thier enemies. They aren't the swiftest strain in the Swarm, at least in younger hive clusters, but oftentimes they evolve a more reactive nervous system, allowing them to think and move more quickly. Eventually, they can even gain tunneling claws, allowing them to move swiftly underground. This makes them an ideal escort for infestors, allowing both to appear seemingly out of nowhere.
==Miscelaneous Powers==
All zerg are quite receptive to mental influence by nature. This psionic sensetivity is what makes the Swarm function, however, it has the consequence of making them weak to attacks against their Will defense. The counterbalance to this weakness is that the Swarm jealously guards its own. The zerg hivemind is a psionic entity of overwhelming power, being largely responsible for the infestation of new species. Before a species of interest can be added to the Swarm, it must be broken - subjugated to the will of the hivemind. The influence of the hivemind is always present in the form of the overlords, queens, and infestors who watch over the lesser strains. These wardens act as living conduits for the consciousness of the hivemind, reinforcing its hold over its subjects and fortifying their minds against outside influence.
''These powers are just conceptual at the moment, but I plan to do something with them eventually.''
<br />'''Conduit of the Hivemind''': A zerg ally of the overlord's level or lower within [range] makes a saving throw against a dazing, stunning, or dominating effect.
<br />'''Swarm Consciousness''': Aura 10 - Each allied zerg within the aura gains a +2 bonus to its Will defense. If at least one allied zerg within the aura is aware of an enemy, they all are. (This defense bonus does not stack and will be already reflected in the overlord's statblock.)
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Infested DefenderBroodling|level=16?|role=Brute Minion Soldier|size=MediumSmall
|xp=350?|initiative=+12?|senses=Perception +11?, darkvision|aura1=|aurakeyword1=|aurarange1=|auraeffect1=|aura2=|aurakeyword2=|aurarange2=|auraeffect2=
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3|type=|name=Degeneration|keywords=|recharge=|effect=The broodling loses 1 hit point at the beginning of its turn.}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|aura=1|name=Frenzied Swarm|keywords=|effect=Any enemy that begins its turn within this aura takes damage equal to the number of broodlings adjacent to it. (This effect does not stack.)}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}{{4e Creature Power MM3
|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +23 ? vs. AC; 16 <br />''Hit:'' [low] damage, and the target is grabbed.
{{4e Creature PowerBottom MM3|skills=None|strength=|strbonus=+|constitution=|typeconbonus={{C}}+|namedexterity=Death Burst|actiondexbonus=free, when reduced to 0 hit points+|rechargeintelligence=at-will|keywordsintbonus=Acid+|effectwisdom=|wisbonus=Close burst 1; +21 vs. Reflex; 16 acid damage. If the target is grabbed by the infested defender, it takes ongoing 5 acid damage as well.}}|charisma={{4e Creature Bottom|chabonus=+
===Infestor Tactics===
The infestor approaches with surprise, if possible, burrowing up from beneath. It telepathically calls its minions to the battle and immediately attempts to ensnare an enemy that appears weak-willed with its ''neural parasite'' attack, consuming the target if it falls unconcious. On the next round it unleashes ''fungal growth'' (caring not for its new minion, who will succumb all the quicker as a result) and burrows just beneath the ground. It surfaces to spawn more infested, if its entourage of defenders is slain. (Each infestor begins the encouter with 4 infested defenders designated as it's entourage. If slain, the its defenders are bequeathed to another infestor present, if any, or simply continue fighting to the death.)
===Infestor LoreBroodling Tactics===A character knows the following information with Broodlings only live a successful Nature checkfew rounds, regardless of whether or not they take damage.:'''DC 15:''' Infestors They are grotesque, burrowing monstrosities that infest their victims, making them slaves to very direct creatures - lacking the swarm. An infestors minions inherited an aspect of the baneling's volitility, exploding in deadly acid when slain.:'''DC 20:''' Slaying its minions is no guarantee of peace, guile and patience for it always has more tucked away in its massive body. Any living thing its tentacles latch on to subtlety - and attack whatever is overwhelmed by the zerg hive mind, falling under the sway of the infestor.:'''DC 25:''' The infestor is able to bestow its putrid corruption upon its surroundings, making the very earth poisonous. A terrible fate awaits any who aren't granted the mercy of a bloody, violent death nearest at the hands of its infested minions... instead being slowly transformed into infested horrorshand until either it or they are dead.
===Encounter Groups=Queen Lore==Infestors are encountered A character knows the following information with other zerg and always accompanied by an entourage of infesteda successful Arcana check.:'''DC 15:''' :'''DC 20:''' :'''DC 25:'''
=====Level <!--EL--> Encounter (XP <!--XP value-->)=====
* <!--First creature-->
* <!--Second creature-->
<!--Repeat as necessary-->
<!--Repeat encounter group as necessary-->==Encounter Groups==Queens are typically encountered within a zerg hive cluster or supporting other zerg and infested.
==Zerg Infestation=Level ? Encounter (XP ?)===* * Those drawn into the infestor's corrupted body are immediately infested. They begin hearing the whispers of the zerg hive mind, making it difficult to work at cross-purposes to its will. They become ill as their bodies begin to mutate, lacking the direction of an infestor though, it can only go so far. Veins of yellow-brown run beneath their skin, forming a laticework of corrupted tissue, their eyes becoming orange as putrid, black fluids leak from every orifice. Finally thier mind is overcome and they fall under the sway of the hive mind, seeking to complete their transformation. Their bonds of friendship and loyalty are not yet completely purged -- though they may be shunned, due to their obvious infestation -- however, they will let nothing stand in the way of their newfound alegiance to the swarm.*
{{4e Disease|type=Disease|name=Zerg Infestation|levelSouces=16|flavor=Victims feel a outside presence influencing their minds even as their bodies rebel. |attack=See [[UserStarCraft Wiki:Techpriest88/Canvas1|infestor]].|endurance=Improve DC 29, maintain DC 26, worsen DC 25 or lower|effect1=The target regains the lost healing surge and initial effect's penalty becomes -1.|initial effect=The target loses a healing surge and takes a -2 penalty to attacks that include a zerg creature as a target.|effect2=The target loses an additional healing surge and the initial effect's penalty becoms -3.|effect3=The target must make a saving throw when attempting to attack a zerg creature (once per creature) or be unable to attack that creature during the encounter.|final state=The target is dazed. It does everything in its power to seek out and present itself to agents of the Zerg.}} ===Souces===[ Queen] StarCraft Wiki: Infestor
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