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Revision as of 07:57, 15 August 2011

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 15 August 2011
Status: Finished
Editing: Spelling and grammar only.
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Least Amulet of Eldritch Mastery

Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, least
Price: 1500
Body Slot: Neck
Caster Level:
Aura: Faint conjuration
Weight: 1

Any warlock capable of using at least least invocations wearing this amulet gain an additional least invocation known, the invocation is chosen at the beginning of every morning. The amulet need to be worn for 24 hours, the time it need to adapt to it wearer before granting it benefits.

The amulet may be of fey or devilish origin, and make the wearer radiate an aura of chaos or evil as if he were a cleric of it level. Amulet of devil origin make the wearer radiate evil and amulets of fey origin make the wearer radiate chaos.

Additionally the amulet leave a brand on it wearer, and persist for 24 hours after it is removed. Any devil or fey (depending on the amulet craft) seeing the brand recognize the warlock and may read the thoughts of the wearer (as per the spell detect thoughts, but without saves). The brand can be seen under clothing and armor by a devil or a fey, it immediately vanish should the amulet is destroyed.

Prerequisites: craft wondrous item, none, crafted must be a devil or of the fey type.
Cost to Create: 750, 60 EXP, 1 days.

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AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotNeck +
Cost1500 +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAmulet crafted by supernatural forces to increase a warlock potential. +
TitleAmulet of Eldritch Mastery, Least +