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Tranquilizer Dart (3.5e Equipment)

261 bytes added, 07:02, 24 March 2011
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Tranquilizer darts are projectiles that dispense a payload of numbing agent upon impact with their target. Tranquilizer darts deal 0 no actual damage on impact, but cause [[Numbed (3.5e Condition)|numbing]]. When fired, tranquilizer darts are treated as darts (from [[SRD:Crossbow|crossbows]] and blowpipes and the like) or as arrows (from bows), but 'damage ' should only be rolled to check if the dart pierces a creature's [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]]. When a tranquilizer dart does enough effective damage to bypass [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]], the target must make an initial DC 14 13 [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] save or become [[Numbed (3.5e Condition)|numbed]], followed by a secondary [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] save vs [[SRD:Unconscious|unconsciousness]] two rounds later. A creature that makes the initial save will only be [[Numbed (3.5e Condition)|numbed]] if they fail the secondary save. Creatures must continue to make subsequent [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] saves against numbing and/or unconsciousness every minute after the initial save until 10 minutes have past. If a creature is affected by multiple tranquilizer darts, the required saves don't stack, but instead the DC heightens by +2 for every subsequent dart. Numbing and unconsciousness caused by tranquilizer darts last 10 minutes.
The effectiveness of a tranquilizer dart depends on the size and mass of its target. Creatures incur a -2 penalty to saves against a tranquilizer dart for every size category below [{[SRD:Medium Size|Medium]], and a +2 bonus for every size category above [[SRD:Medium|Medium]]. Creatures immune to [[SRD:Poison|poison]] are not immune to tranquilizer darts, but do get a +4 bonus to any [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] saves to defend against them.