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Frost Master (4e Feat)

49 bytes removed, 06:32, 24 March 2011
<onlyinclude>{{x04e Feat|prereqname=Frost Master|types=|summary=Your flurry of blows creates a zone to make opponents fall prone.|fluff=|tier=Epic|prereqs=21st level, Arcane Monk, Chilling Flurry of Blows|descbenefit=Create When you use your flurry of blows power, you create a zone to that is two squares around you that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that moves through this zone must make opponents an Acrobatics check or fall prone. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + your Charisma modifier + 1d10.}}===Frost Master [General]===</onlyinclude>
'''Tier:''' Epic
'''Prerequisite:''' 21st level, Arcane Monk, Chilling Flurry of Blows
'''Benefit:''' When you use your flurry of blows power, you create a zone that is two squares around you that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any enemy that moves through this zone must make an Acrobatics check or fall prone. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + your Charisma modifier + 1d10.
{{4e Feat Epic Feats Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Epic Feat]]
[[Category:General Feat]]

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