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Making a Whisperer
|special3=[[#Masterwork Voice|Masterwork Voice]]
|special5=[[#Far Whisper|Far Whisper]]
'''{{Anchor|Masterwork Voice}} {{Ex}}:''' When reaching third level, whisperers have perfected the art of speaking, and gain a +2 proficiency bonus as if their voice was a masterwork item for the purpose of skill and ability checks made with it.
'''{{Anchor|Far Whisper}} {{Ex}}:''' At fifth level, whisperers may communicate over longer distances. They may replicate the spell ''[[SRD:Whispering Wind|whispering wind]]'' three times per day.
'''{{Anchor|Stance}}:''' The base for any fight is the footwork (and blade position) and fencers know it well. When in combat, as a move action, they may enter, or change, a stance to gain various benefits: