User:Leziad/Awakened Occultist

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Awakened Occultist

A variant of the Pathfinder Occultist that is less complex to play, and a little more in-line with other casters.


  • Mental Focus is no longer invested in implements, and can be spent as universal mental focus without surcharge.
  • Implement's Resonant Powers are fixed to their highest possible point. If any effect are not capped by level, you count as having invested your class level in them for the purpose of this effect.
  • Shift Focus is replaced by Shift Implement.
  • New Class Features: Advanced Learning, Combat Focus

New Class Features

Advanced Learning (Ex): At 2nd level, 7th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the awakened occultist can add a single spell of any school she has selected as an implement school of any level she can cast and add it to her occultist spell list and spell known. She must select that spell from the bard, cleric/oracle, druid or sorcerer/wizard spell list.

Shift Implement (Ex): A 4th level occultist can spend 1 point of mental focus as a move action to shift one of her one of her implement from one valid item to another, she does not need to have the original implement to do so but must be in possession of the new item. This effectively allows her to replace a lost or destroyed implement.

Combat Focus (Su): At 6th level, an awakened occultist gains a single point of mental focus at the start of every encounter. This mental focus can only be spent to activate focus powers. This point of mental focus vanishes if not spent at the end of the encounter. At 12th and 18th level she gains an additional point of mental focus with this ability

===Invested Focus Alternative==-

If you wish to preserve invested mental focus in implement, then increase the amount of mental focus an awakened occultist has by 2 at 1st level. This does not change the modification made to Implement's Resonant Powers.