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User:The bluez in the in the dungeon/Zarafah

Revision as of 16:30, 24 June 2024 by The bluez in the dungeon (talk | contribs) (Racial Traits)
Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 3rd August 2023
Status: Complete
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Corpses reanimated by fungal spores to a new, almost undead, life.


Nekrooms are serious and somber people, who may seem strange, cold and distant to other folks, but they simply work differently from most races and have no biological or social need for strong emotions. They are, instead, more concerned with survival and study, as their nature makes them very hated, and the mistery of their origin drives them to learn more.

Physical Description

Nekroom are a disturibing race, which come from sentient fungi that parasitize corpses to gain higher functions. They attack themselves to cadavers of intelligent races and reanimate it, gaining control over the body.

Their aspect is the same as their host race, just rotten (but not too much) and covered in fungal growth that substitutes those functions no longer available to the host. The corspe must not be too much decomposed and the spores help revitalize it and make it move and act almost as it did in life.

Their cognitive function and memories are all gone though, replaced by the fungi's will.


Most folks avoid them, due to their connection with undead, and most antagonize them as they look like zombies, and especially if they took their neighbour's body.

They tend to live alone or in small communities of nekrooms, usually surrounded by mindless undead.


They disregard moral alignments, but most can be considered neutral, lawful, evil or any combination of these.


They live among other people, especially humans and elves, performing, usually, the role of courtesans, companions, service workers and healers. They live preferably in urbanized area, usually small towns or cities.


Not very religious, some nekrooms pay respect to death deities, but most are only concerned to discover their origin.


They know Necril to communicate among themselves and with undead, but learn Common to at least try talk to other races.


Their names are usually descriptive of their physical aspect or their intellectual accomplishment. They prefer to use Necril for their names.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution: They have incredible intellect, but their unique powers and physiology subtract much from their health.
  • Humanoid (Anthro, Psionic): They are giraffe-like humanoids, who developed psionic powers. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a zarafah has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Zarafah base land speed is 30 feet.  
  • Elongated Mind (Su): Despite being giraffids, they lack the typical long neck (though they still have a longer neck than most creatures). Instead, they possess a mind that extends outside the confine of their physical body, providing them with enhanced mental prowess. This feature gives them a +2 racial bonus on Will saves and allows them to act partially as if under the effect of the schism power. They may use a swift action to spend one power point to fully manifest their second mind for one minute. This gives them the ability to roll two times a Will save and choose the better result (though this immediately ends the effect). They also may take an extra swift action to make a mental action when the elongated mind is manifested, in addition to their normal action routine, though they may not use it to manifest powers or cast spells. 
  • Giraffe Tongue (Ex): Their tongue acts as the giraffe tongue graft. 
  • Host Corpse: When creating a nekroom, select, with the consent of your DM, one organic race with LA 0. You choose a single racial trait from the race and gain it for yourself. If the trait is especially minor, you DM might allow you to take another of similar impact. You vount as a member of the host race for the purpose of requirements. A nekroom has a +2 to Disguise check to impersonate the host's race. 
  • Naturally Psionic: Zarafah gain 1 bonus power points at 1st level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest powers unless they gain that ability through another source, such as levels in a psionic class
  • Touch of Decay (Su): At will, nekroom may reproduce the effect of the dust to dust spell, with a casting time of a minute.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Necril
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except for secret ones
  • Favored Class: Cleric or Wizard (Necromancer)
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options


Observant Spore

Spore-Plagued Servant

Spore Touch

Superior Touch of Decay

Pathfinder Options

In Pathfinder games, nekrooms have a +2 to Intelligence and Wisdom.

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