Revision history of "Morality Test (3.5e Spell)"

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorFoxwarrior +
ComponentV +
DescriptorDeath + and Language-Dependent +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSylvan Occultist 4 +, Paladette 4 + and Dream Lord 6 +
RangeClose +
Rated ByFranken Kesey +, Sulacu +, Spanambula +, The-Marksman +, Qwertyu63 + and DanielDraco +
RatingRated 1.5 / 4 +
SchoolNecromancy +
SummaryThe target will die unless they do something you specify. Or maybe they'll only die if they do that thing. It's hard to know. +
TitleMorality Test +