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Return to Tome of Fiends (3.5e Sourcebook)/Spheres and Feats.

SpecialAny creature of 10 HD or less killed by one of your spell-like abilities rises as a zombie under your control, with no control limits. +, Three times per day, you may use the Sculpt Spell metamagic on any spell-like ability you can use, but only if you do not use the cone option of this metamagic feat. +, All of your damaging spell-like abilities do vile damage. +, You gain the [Cold] Subtype. +, Once per month, you may make one of these effects permanent. +, You gain the [Fire] subtype. +, Any creature taking cold damage from your spell-like abilities is frostbitten (treat as fatigued, which is removed when the damage is healed). If you have It's Cold Outside, you may use those frostbite rules if you want. +, Gain immunity to the Destroyed result of Turning and the Commanded result of Rebuking. +, Fire damage from your spell-like abilities bypasses Fire Resistance, but not Immunity to Fire. +, You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive. +, You can Coup de Grace a sleeping foe as an attack action. +, You gain the Tremorsense ability, allowing you to detect and target anything touching the ground within 60 feet of yourself. +, Gain Intimidate as a class skill, and may make an Intimidate check to Demoralize Opponent as a free action once a round. +, Gain immunity to poison. +, Any time one of your spell-like abilities grants negative levels or ability damage/drain to a target, you heal 5 HPs of damage per level or point. +, You are immune to any magical death effect. You are also healed by negative energy like an undead creature (this does not interfere with any existing ability to be healed by positive energy). + and Gain the telepathy special quality. If you already have this special quality, or later gain it from another source, then you gain Detect Thoughts as an at-will spell like ability. +
Spellcommand undead +, desecrate +, animate dead +, black sand (Sandstorm) +, summon undead v (LM) +, animate dread warrior (UE) +, revive undead (LM) +, awaken undead (LM) +, general of undeath (MoF) +, plague of undead (LM) +, flaming sphere +, water breathing +, magic circle against good +, resilient sphere +, binding +, telekinetic sphere +, forcecage +, prismatic sphere +, temporal stasis +, time stop +, seething eyebane (BoVD) +, blade of pain and fear (LM) +, lahm's finger darts (BoVD) +, blade barrier +, fleshshiver (PGtF) +, disintegrate +, flensing (CA) +, horrid wilting +, mass harm (as mass heal, but based on harm instead) +, implosion +, cone of cold +, creeping cold (CDiv) +, ice storm +, wall of ice +, freezing sphere +, control weather +, heat drain (SpC) +, freezing fog (CArc) +, fimbulwinter (Frostburn) +, frostfell (Frostburn) +, death knell +, ghoul gauntlet (SpC) +, vampiric touch +, enervation +, raise dead +, symbol of death +, finger of death +, death pact (SpC) +, wail of the banshee +, obscuring mist +, web +, wall of fire +, solid fog +, black tentacles +, programmed image +, wall of force +, teleportation circle +, gate (travel version only) +, storm of vengeance +, fireball +, scorching ray +, fire trap +, fire shield +, incendiary cloud +, blackfire (CArc) +, fire seeds +, meteor swarm +, flame strike (this ability can be used as an Immediate action). +, shivering touch (Frostburn) +, freezing ray (as Scorching ray, but Cold subtyped and doing cold damage) +, flesh to ice (Frostburn) +, entomb (Frostburn) +, flesh to ice, chained (Frostburn) +, iceburg (Frostburn) +, soul bind (uses a piece of ice to hold the soul) +, align weapon (evil only) +, unholy sword (as Holy Sword but has the unholy property instead of holy) +, lesser planar ally +, dispel good +, unhallow +, blasphemy +, gate +, miracle +, burning hands +, flame blade +, charnel fire (BoVD) +, parboil (Sandstorm) +, ashen union (Sandstorm) +, fireball, Quickened +, gate (calling version only, fire subtype creatures only) +, storm of vengeance (all elemental damage is fire damage) +, entice gift +, suggestion +, glibness +, charm monster +, sympathy +, mass suggestion +, mass charm monster +, simulacrum +, deep slumber +, waves of fatigue +, waves of exhaustion +, dream +, nightmare +, symbol of sleep +, demand +, weird +, programmed amnesia (CArc) +, astral projection +, earth glide (RoS) +, spike stones +, stone shape +, stone tell +, wall of stone +, move earth +, transmute rock to mud (special bonus: transmute mud to rock) +, earthquake +, genesis (SpC) +, cause fear +, scare +, halt undead +, fear +, phantasmal killer +, symbol of fear +, eyebite +, fear, Quickened +, poison +, bestow curse +, mind poison (SpC) +, cloudkill +, major creation (poison or venom only) +, circle of death +, shapechange (venomous creatures only) +, hypnotism +, modify memory +, dominate person +, lesser planar binding +, geas +, greater planar binding +, dominate monster +, gate (Calling verson only) +, mind rape (BoVD) +, shadow spray (SpC) +, magic jar +, power leech (BoVD) +, steal life ((BoVD) +, energy drain +, reaving dispel (SpC) +, absorption (SpC) +, programmed amnesiaCAr +, mind rapeBoVD + and shivering touch, lesser (Frostburn) +
TypeGeneral +